Name: Günter Neugebauer
Born – May 25, 1963
Birth place – Dortmund, Germany
Occupation – Restorer
Joined FIGU – September 6, 1997
Left FIGU – January 1, 2016
Membership duration – Known FIGU for 27 years; 18 years in Core-Group
Source: OM, pg. 491, 2011, youtube
Dear core group,
After all the back and forth in recent months regarding my dispensation and my resignation, which I very much regret, a clear picture arises for me now in regards to my future path in life. Since it is not my characteristic to be and function only as a follower and simply just fulfill my duties, the obvious result then is a petition of resignation.
The last few months have convinced me, that to keep staying in the FIGU core group is no longer possible for me. It is therefore logical to draw my own conclusions, both for myself as well as for the group. To strictly continue and stick to the popular argument “What counts is the mission”, is no longer working for me.
My personal attitude towards life, measure of values and experiences, etc. may be achieved only with difficulty or no longer be met with the variety of experiences, policies, decisions, etc., which are made up by the leadership. All this taken into account resulted in an extremely negative influence on my partnership.
Only to exercise ones duties like night-watch, Sunday service etc., adhere to it all and simply continue as before, does not satisfy me anymore. It is better to be honest to oneself and not indulge in further illusions.
If one’s own perception and one’s own feelings evolve in such a way that you want to leave the group, then you can try to work it out, perhaps temporarily, to overcome this point. But when it becomes permanent, and cannot be overcome, for whatever reason, then it is necessary to completely reorient in various ways even if it means to incorporate a termination into the equation. No matter for what reasons it was decided to take this step and is evaluated, judged by others etc. It is to live one’s own life and to follow his own path. Not what others see or think of what is best for oneself, because then you return back into the treadmill, not being yourself anymore. Such a decision may be met with misunderstanding, rejection, strangeness, etc., and yet it remains a personal matter that has to be respected.
Actually, it was my intention to bring this all forth last month in accordance with the correct notice of termination, but Billy’s current health situation made it impossible. So I deliver it now.
I hereby cancel my core group membership as of June 29th, 2015 and will leave the community on January 1st, 2016.
My thanks to you all for everything! The clear decision to take this step was essentially triggered by the discussion we have had in this regard some months ago. At that time I was ready to leave. Now it is possible for me to end it.
Source: Austrittsgesuch Günter
Personally, after my departure from the core group and FIGU, I never had the desire to express myself about the events that led to this step. However, since it was decided, with the help of contact reports, statements etc., to badmouth those former core group members who decided to take this step – in FIGU circles it is called “Only tell the truth” – this seemed the only possibility to express my views about things.
My personal values, attitude to life, thoughts, preserving basic moral values, etc., which have stood the test of time, are more important to me than to follow an organization or a mission.
Something upfront: For me it was a process that spanned over many years, one that has almost torn me up inside out of sheer bad conscience, sense of responsibility, and other forces that seemed to make it impossible for me to leave it all behind. It was for me the greatest, most painful, and worst strenuous act in my life, to terminate with the organization. I don’t wish anyone such an experience. Even if you emerge from it stronger, and everyone handles it different, it is not an experience I want to have a second time and I will make sure to never fall into such a situation again.
This process alone showed me, how much one has to question his membership, if it can come to such internal strife, conflict and destruction against oneself. It is of course a personal matter if one allows it. But it also shows that something is happening within this club, when experienced members who are standing successful with both feet in life, come to such an inner conflict that is beyond the norm and everything that makes these people, are shaken in the worst possible way.
The constant attempt and struggle to come to terms with the situations and grievances of the core group took years to process internally. To simply give up, as have a number of core group members, and just stick to it was not an option for me. That only left the alternative to terminate and leave the mission out of an inner commitment to myself as a human being.
One way of the organization is to claim “the truth” in order to advocate the hostility against the ones who left. One just cannot size-up, be quiet, and endure everything about it. One simply does not have this real size and strength. It must always be retaliated in some subtle way with statements that are far from reality and have nothing to do with the root cause.
What was unthinkable a few years ago became real in 2013, reached its peak in December 2015 and culminated with my resignation from the core group, turning myself away from the FIGU. Certainly, there were decades where I came in touch with things that positively influenced my life and I never questioned Billy as a prophet, his contacts with the Plejaren, nor the spiritual teachings. But the way things were addressed, problems left unsolved, dragged on and were made worse. Especially the dealings with different opinions and points of view within the FIGU.
The already existing damage within the FIGU and the core group, by the way it is conducted, is huge and has nothing to do with those members who have followed their conscience and have left the organization. Rather, it is the cause of not addressing obvious problems, to refuse the right solutions and to think they can carry on as before, to permanently introduce compromises as possible solutions. This system works neither in nature, nor for a club. The unswerving adherence to non-functional concepts, is a continuous load for each member and a threat to any community.
Here the club management has major shortcomings and completely misses reality. The general inability to reflect actions and deeds, as it should be common in every person and in every club, are nonexistent in the FIGU. Criticism yes, at each other, but not himself. In this way decisions are made that are unsustainable, projects tackled that make no sense and members drift, due to a misunderstood sense of duty, to the brink of mental stress and fatigue that contradicts with the actual life and what is taught about the human condition.
All members who have resigned, and until the end of 2016 have left the club together, stand for approximately 150-160 years of total core group membership. This is a huge number which shows that not one has left on a whim, but rather it has to be serious grievances within the association if such a number is achieved. Such a flood of discharge has never existed in the past years and this shows that something is fundamentally wrong.
Source: Stellungnahme von Günter
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