BMUFOR interviews Kalliope Zafiriou (2018)

We have been trying to get our long list of critical questions, questions that have been framed from Kalliope’s earlier interviews after her divorce and Meier/”Plejaren”‘s subsequent accusations, get answered by Kalliope since 2015, for almost 3 years, but to no avail. Until now! Language barrier and getting in contact with her personally were two of the main reasons from it ever happening. Now, thanks to ex-FIGU Passive member Daniel Gloor (Switzerland), who contacted us in January of this year (2018), with whose help we were able to finally get the long awaited answers to our questions. What follows below is a list of our questions interspersed with Kalliope’s answers (originally spoken in Swiss-German, recorded on a digital recorder and later transcribed by Daniel Gloor into High-German) along with their rough Google translation in blue.

Kalliope Meier and Daniel Gloor (26.11.2017); Photographer: Methusalem Meier; Source: Daniel Gloor


Kalliope and Billy during the first year of their marriage, 1966 (retouched); Source: Kalliope

Es ist nie auch nur ein Wort zu irgendwelchen ausserirdischen Kontakten oder Sichtungen von UFOs gefallen. 

There has never been a word about any extraterrestrial contacts or UFO sightings.

Nein, für mich ereignete sich nichts in dieser Hinsicht. 

No, as far as I am concerned, nothing happened in this regard.

Er hat für mich keinerlei paranormale Fähigkeiten. Seine grosse Fähigkeit ist es, Menschen zu manipulieren und sie einer Gehirnwäsche zu unterziehen. 

As far as I am concerned, he has no paranormal abilities. His great ability is to manipulate people and brainwash them.

Leider konnte ich dies nie beobachten. 

Unfortunately I could never watch this.



Alles ist Lug und Betrug. Es gibt keine unerklärliche oder verwirrende Aspekte. 

Everything is a lie and a fraud. There are no inexplicable or puzzling aspects.

Sex, Geld und Macht sind seine Motive. 

Sex, money and power are his motives.

Es geschieht alles aus kritikloser Hörigkeit. Es gibt kein unabhängiges, freies Denken. 

It all occurs due to uncritical enslavement. There is no independent, free thinking.



Alle Bilder sind gefälscht. Es gab und gibt weder plejarische Strahlschiffe noch irgendwelche Plejaren.

All pictures are fake. There were and are neither Plejaren beamships nor any Plejaren.

Siehe oben.

See above.

Meine Tochter Gilgamescha erzählte mir, sie habe in der Anfangszeit (ca. 1977) in Hinterschmidrüti in Billys Büro ein UFO-Modell gesehen. Mir fiel auf, dass er immer mit einer Kiste, die er auf den Anhänger zu seinem Moped lud, zu den Kontakten fuhr. Es ist anzunehmen, dass er bei verschiedenen Betrügereien Hilfe von ausserhalb der FIGU hatte.

My daughter Gilgamesha told me that she had seen a UFO model in Billy’s office in Hinterschmidrüti in the early days (around 1977). I noticed that he always drove to the contacts with a box, which he loaded onto the trailer to his moped. It is to be assumed that he had help from outside the FIGU in various scams.

Extraterrestrial woman “Alena” holding a ray gun inside Meier’s building; Source: Billy Meier, July 6, 1977

Ihr Name ist Gautschy. Den Vornamen weiss ich nicht. Es war eine seiner vielen Geliebten.

Her name is Gautschy. I do not know the first name. It was one of his many mistresses.


An alleged Pleiadian/Plejaren beam ship, flying high above Lago Maggiore, Luino Italy on the 22nd of April 1998. Photo: Edith Beldi

Ehrlich gesagt, ich verzweifle. Für mich steckt auch bei diesem Foto etwas Zweifelhaftes dahinter. Ich weiss zwar nicht was, aber ich setze hier ein grosses Fragezeichen.

Honestly, I’m desperate. For me, there is something doubtful behind this photo as well. I do not know what, but I put a big question mark here.

Als sie noch in der FIGU war, begegnete ich ihr ein paar Mal beim Vorbeigehen in Turbenthal. Sie sah schlecht aus und lief wie eine Zigeunerin herum. Ich konnte sie nicht mehr erkennen. Sie ist eine interessante Frau, die sich für vieles interessiert. Später, nach der FIGU-Zeit, heiratete sie, ging zu Vorträgen, machte Weiterbildungskurse und erfüllte sich den Wunsch eines eigenen Kunstladens. Sie meinte immer nur, dass sie über ihren Weggang von der FIGU froh gewesen sei. Sie veranlasste auch, dass alle Spuren ihrer Verbindung zur FIGU zu löschen seien. 

When she was still in the FIGU, I met her a few times while passing in Turbenthal. She looked bad and walked around like a gypsy woman. I could not recognize her anymore. She is an interesting woman who is interested in many things. Later, after the FIGU-time, she got married, went to lectures, did further education courses and fulfilled the desire of her own art shop. She always only said that she had been glad about her departure from the FIGU. She also prompted the FIGU to delete all traces of her connection with them.


 In Contact Report 384 from 2005, Ptaah says the following:

…Was diesbezüglich aber auf die Konten deiner lieben Ex-Frau sowie von H.S., M.S. und des Photographen Schmid geht, sieht ganz anders aus, denn unsere sachdienlichen Nachforschungen ergaben klar und deutlich, dass zumindest diese vier einen regelrechten Handel mit den gefälschten Materialien resp. Dias, Filmen, Negativen und Photos betrieben, wodurch z.B. H.S. durch den Erlös zusammen mit seinem Bruder ein Flugzeug chartern und drei Monate lang im Kongo, in Afrika, urlaubsmässig umherkurven konnte. Das Geschäft mit deinen Dias, Filmen und Photos war für die vier äusserst rentabel, wobei auch feststeht, dass auch die genannte Organisation der MiB sowie andere, die dir feindlich gesinnt waren und es noch heute sind, die Hände im Spiel hatten, und zwar auch mit horrenden Geldbeträgen, weshalb es auch sein konnte, dass deine Ex-Frau plötzlich über ein Bankkonto verfügte, auf dem 35000.- Schweizerfranken gehortet waren. Das ganz abgesehen davon, dass sie wie auch der arbeitslose H.S. über unerschöpfliche Geldquellen verfügten, obwohl sie während all den Jahren keiner Arbeit nachgingen, die ihnen eine Entlohnung eingebracht und ihnen all das erlaubt hätte, was sie sich leisten konnten. Ihr weltweiter Handel mit deinen Dias, Negativen, Filmen und Photos war äusserst einträglich, was allein daraus hervorgeht, dass deine Exfrau den eineinhalbstündigen 8mm Demonstrationsfilm heimlich für 1000.- Schweizerfranken dutzendweise verkaufte, obwohl du für ihn nur 150.- CHF gefordert hast.

…But what goes, in this regard, to the accounts of your dear ex-wife as well as of H. S., M. S. and the photographer Schmid, this looks completely different, because our relevant investigations proved clearly and plainly that at least these four operated a regular trade with the falsified materials, respectively slides, films, negatives, and photos, by what means H. S., for example, along with his brother, could charter an airplane through the proceeds and could spend three months in the Congo, in Africa, on vacation. The business with your slides, films, and photos was extremely profitable for the four, and it is also certain that the aforementioned organization of the MIB, as well as others that were hostilely minded toward you and still are this very day, had their hands in play, and indeed, also with exorbitant amounts of money, which is why it was also able to happen that your ex-wife suddenly had a bank account, in which 35,000 Swiss francs were stockpiled. This was quite apart from the fact that they, like also the unemployed H.S., possessed inexhaustible financial resources, even though they didn’t pursue a work during all the years that would have earned them a pay which would have allowed them all of that which they were able to afford. Their worldwide trade with your slides, negatives, films, and photos was extremely profitable, which solely follows from the fact that your ex-wife secretly sold dozens of the one and a half-hour 8mm demonstration film for 1,000 Swiss Francs each, even though you only requested 150 CHF for it.


Was Ptaah behauptet, ist durchwegs gelogen, zumal Ptaah ganz offensichtlich nicht existiert, weil einzig Billy aus ihm spricht. Die Brüder Schutzbach werden klar verleumdet.

What Ptaah claims are entirely lies, particularly since Ptaah evidently does not exist because only Billy speaks of him. The brothers Schutzbach are clearly being defamed.

Weder ich noch die Schutzbach-Brüder haben je auf eigene Rechnung mit Billys Bildmaterial Handel betrieben.

Neither I nor the Schutzbach brothers have on each of our own account ever operated any trade with Billy’s photographic material.


Meier claims that, since the beginning, there were around 23 assassination attempts on him by religious fundamentalists, Neo-Nazis, Men in Black, evil ETs (Giza Intelligences, Sirians,..), etc.

Kein einziges Attentat fand statt. Alles ist vorgespielt. Wenn jemand ihn hätte erschiessen wollen, hätte er auch treffen müssen. Immer wurde jedoch daneben geschossen. Auch die Sache mit der Metallplatte, die er zum Schutz auf der Brust trug, ist inszeniert. Es sind reine Märchen. Oder der Hut, den er dem Schützen vom Kopf geschossen haben soll … Wirklich, dass dieser Mensch sich nicht schämt! Er wollte sich einfach wichtigmachen.
[Zwischenfrage von Daniel Gloor:]: Beim 2. Mordanschlag am 5.1.1976 in Hinwil soll sich im Nachhinein die Täterin bei Billy entschuldigt haben …
[Antwort von Kalliope:] Ach diese Geschichte mit dem Fenster … Vergiss es! Niemand hörte einen Schuss, auch ich nicht. Damals wollte ich wissen, was das für eine Frau gewesen sei. Billys Antwort: «Das geht dich einen Scheissdreck an!» So war es immer, wenn ich von ihm Antworten hören wollte.

Not a single attack took place. Everything has been faked. If someone wanted to shoot him, he would have been hit as well. But always the shot missed the target. Also the thing with the metal plate, which he carried for the protection on the chest, is staged. They are pure fairy tales. Or the hat that is said to have been shot from the head of the shooter…Really, that this man is not ashamed! He just wanted to make himself important.
[Question by Daniel Gloor]: With the second assassination attempt on 5.1.1976 in Hinwil, the attacker on Billy was said to have apologized afterwards …
[Answer by Kalliope]: Oh this story with the window…Forget it! Nobody heard a shot, not even me. At that time, I wanted to know who that woman was. Billy’s answer: “It’s none of your goddamn business!” That’s what it was like when I wanted to hear answers from him.

Er hatte bei sämtlichen Anschlägen Hilfe. Alles wurde vorbereitet. Damals wäre es zum Beispiel Jacobus [Bertschinger] zuzutrauen gewesen, dass er sich an solchen Aktionen beteiligt hätte. Meier ist sehr clever vorgegangen. Er schaute immer, dass niemand ihn beobachten konnte. Wenn er seine Aktionen ausführte, waren wir alle entweder weg oder es waren keine ungewünschten Personen in der Nähe. 

He had help with all the attacks. Everything was prepared. For example, it is reasonable to assume that Jacobus [Bertschinger] at that time was capable of participating in such actions. Meier was very clever. He always took the precautions that nobody could watch him. When he carried out his actions, we were either gone or there were no unwanted people nearby.

Siehe oben (Punkt 2).

See above (Point 2).

Er hätte sich nicht einschüchtern lassen und hätte mit allem unbeirrt weitergemacht. 

He would not have been intimidated and would have continued undeterred with everything.

Er meinte, dass eine Anzeige keinen Sinn machen würde, da man nichts beweisen könne. Klar, da kein Anschlag stattfand, gab es auch nichts anzuzeigen. 

He said that a report would not make sense, because you can’t prove anything. Sure, since there was no attack, there was nothing to report. (BMUFOR note: Even Methusalem Meier whom we contacted years ago, expressed similar doubts on why Meier never filed any police report.)


Meier allegedly made many prophecies and predictions. Our research has not yielded any evidence that Meier really had any specific foreknowledge. Either the prophecies/predictions were too vague/general or just wrong etc., or they were only published after the events. According to the FIGU literature the core group members were sometimes informed about prophecies before they were fulfilled.


Es gibt nicht ein einziges Beispiel von Voraussagen, die sich im Nachhinein erfüllt hätten. 

There is not a single example among predictions that in retrospect would have been fulfilled.

Siehe oben.

See above.

Davon war nie ein Wort die Rede.

There was never a word of that.

Niemals – kein Wort. 

Never – not a word.



English translation:

“Am 17. Juni 1980 doppelten die beiden FIGU-Insider nach, indem sie der Bezirksanwaltschaft Winterthur eine detaillierte Auflistung finanzieller Beträge aushändigten, die Meier als zinslose Darlehen von seinen Gefolgsleute erhalten hatte. Rund zwei Dutzend Personen werden in dem fraglichen Schreiben namentlich genannt, die jeweiligen Summen bewegen sich zwischen 1o ooo und 13o ooo Schweizer Franken!”

“On June 17, 1980 both FIGU insiders had another go, when they handed over a detailed list of financial amounts to the district attorney, which Billy received from his followers as interest-free loans. Around two thousand persons were mentioned by name in the questionable letter, the respective amounts range from 10,000 to 130,000 Swiss francs!”


Ja, ich kann bestätigen, dass Billy persönlich immer wieder hohe Beträge geschenkt erhielt, die aber nicht in die FIGU-Buchhaltung Eingang fanden und auf diversen Bankkonten, von denen die FIGU nichts weiss, deponiert wurden. Einerseits wurden die Gelder gehortet und andererseits auch für private Zwecke verwendet (Geschenke an diverse Personen, um sich ihre Gunst zu erwerben oder zu erhalten).

Yes, I can confirm that Billy personally received large sums of money, but they were not included in the FIGU bookkeeping and were deposited on various bank accounts, of which the FIGU knows nothing. On the one hand the funds were hoarded and on the other hand also used for private purposes (gifts to various persons, in order to acquire their favor or keep them loyal).

BMUFOR note: For more on similar note, read Methusalem’s statements during our interview with him.


In the FIGU’s Zeugenbuch published in 2001, there are three testimonies written by you:


Ein Erlebnis:

Alle drei Berichte stammen nicht von mir und wurden ohne mein Wissen unter meinem Namen veröffentlicht. In Wahrheit wurden sie jeweils von Billy selber verfasst. Ich kann mich im Zusammenhang mit diesem “Erlebnis” nicht daran erinnern, dass ein Strahlschiff aufgetaucht wäre. Das Foto muss von Billy selber stammen. 

All three reports are not mine and have been published without my knowledge under my name. In truth, they were each written by Billy himself. In connection with this “experience”, I can’t remember that a beamship had appeared. The photo must come from Billy himself. (BMUFOR note: According to Zeugenbuch, it was actually photographed by Hans Schutzbach.)

Kurze Begegnung mit Ptaah:

Was ich damals sah, war das geisterhaft verschwommene Brustbild eines alten bärtigen Mannes, und dies bloss einen Augenblick lang – weniger als eine Sekunde. Wahrscheinlich war es eine Halluzination. 

What I saw then was the ghostly hazy bust of an old bearded man, and for merely a moment-less than a second. It probably was a hallucination.

Eine Erkenntnis und ein Dank:

Auch diese Aussage wurde von Billy ohne mein Einverständnis verfasst. Sie entspricht in keiner Weise meinen Ansichten und steht diesen diametral entgegen. Als ich mich dagegen verwahrte, wurde ich abermals geschlagen. 

This statement was also written by Billy without my consent. It is in no way in line with my views and diametrically opposed. When I protested, I was beaten once more.


You are also listed as witness to dozens of other extraordinary events like beamship sightings, sound recordings, teleportations, Billy’s psychic powers etc. You even passed a PSE (Psychological stress evaluation) test.

Ich kann mich nicht an derartige Befragungen erinnern. 

I can’t remember such interviews.

Das kann ich nicht. Es stimmt einfach nicht. 

I can’t do that. It is simply not true.

Ich kann dies weder bestätigen noch verneinen. Meine Erinnerung an dieses Ereignis lässt eine eindeutige Aussage leider nicht zu. 

I can neither confirm nor deny this. Unfortunately, my memory of this event does not permit a clear statement.

Meiner Meinung nach fanden keine solche unerklärliche Ereignisse statt. Genauso wie auch niemals Kontakte stattgefunden haben. 

In my opinion, no such inexplicable events took place. Just as there have never been any contacts.

Siehe oben.

See above.

Siehe oben. 

See above.

Diese Zeugenaussagen sind entweder übertrieben oder verfälscht. Sie können nicht der Wirklichkeit entsprechen. 

These testimonies are either exaggerated or falsified. They can’t correspond to reality.

Tatsächlich ereignete sich alles so, wie es in Moosbruggers Buch steht. Ich kann mir bis heute nicht erklären, was damals mit mir geschehen war. 

In fact, everything happened the way it says in Moosbrugger’s book. I still can’t explain what happened to me back then.


Kalliope, in all her earlier interviews given to Luc Bürgin, Kal Korff and Hans-Werner Peiniger in 1997 and 1998 and summarized by us here, has made it explicitly clear that there never were or are any extraterrestrial beamships or extraterrestrials with whom Meier claims to be in contact. She asserted that all the claims and evidence presented by Meier was fabricated by him, with the help of his accomplices. Kalliope also stated how FIGU – the immediate group surrounding Meier – behaves just like any other cult. In addition to these same claims she also made in this interview, she further divulged a few compelling details that are so vital to understanding how Meier was able to orchestrate his fraud. They are:

  1. Kalliope claims, sex, money and power are Meier’s motives.
  2. Meier’s great ability is to manipulate people and brainwash them. And the lack of independent, free thinking among his followers has made his job much easier. Please visit this link to read what ex-FIGU members have to say about Meier, his power and influence on his followers.
  3. Meier always drove to his contacts with a box, which he loaded onto the trailer to his moped. Strikingly, the existence of such a trailer was never ever mentioned by Meier nor by his FIGU members, even to this day. Even the primary investigators of the case, Lee Elders and Wendelle Stevens team never reported it in any of their books or documentaries since the late 1970’s. In all the books and documentaries (CONTACT and THE MEIER CHRONICLES), it was stated that Meier always goes out to his contacts with his camera equipment on his moped but the trailer was never mentioned. The existence of this trailer was also confirmed to us by Methusalem on March 23, 2018, who by the way also expressed doubts as to why Meier needs a trailer attached to his moped in the first place. One dominant hypothesis states that Meier loads his UFO/beamship models and the rest of the apparatus (fishing line, pole, etc.) needed to execute his fraud onto the trailer along with his camera equipment, and drive to a far remote place where he (either with or without the help of his accomplices) would then set up his model UFOs and take the desired photographs and videos. One should also remember that the date on which Meier drives with his trailer setup doesn’t have to coincide with the date of his “Alien” contact. For example, on Day 1, without alerting his family and his followers, he would simply drive to a remote place with the UFO models and the rest of the apparatus on his moped-trailer and record photos and videos on his film. Then on a latter day, say Day X, he would alert everyone that he would be going to meet an extraterrestrial(s) and if granted would take photos and videos. On this day, everyone around him (some of them were allowed to travel along with Meier to his contact place but only to be told to stay away from visible proximity to the supposed beamship’s landing site) would only see him carrying just the camera equipment and driving just a moped with no trailer – making everyone else discount the possibility that Meier carries UFO models to his contact places and then shoot photographs or film them. Even if anyone manages to sneak or secretly follow Meier to his supposed final contact place or beamship landing site, they would see nothing except Meier acting out like he was photographing or recording video of invisible beamships (only visible to Meier) in the sky. But what they may not know was that the photos and videos of UFO models were already taken several days before. Even in the absence of his moped-trailer, one mustn’t forget another possibility where one of Meier’s accomplices would assume the task of carefully transporting the UFO models and apparatus in to and out of the supposed contact place without being seen by any unsuspecting folks, all for Meier to record them on film.
  4. One of Meier’s many mistresses or lovers, Ms. Gautschy was actually dressed as an Alien woman named Alena.
  5. Methusalem’s claims on how Meier embezzled his followers donations were further corroborated by Kalliope.
  6. All testimonies – endorsing Meier’s claims of extraterrestrial contact – supposedly written down by the FIGU group members after their “inexplicable” experiences are now highly suspect because according to Kalliope the three testimonies which she allegedly wrote were not actually written by her but by Meier himself without her consent. And one time when she protested that it be withdrawn, she was reportedly beaten.
  7. The strange departure of Edith Beldi from FIGU who even insisted on deleting all traces of her connection with FIGU strongly suggests something shady has happened between her and Meier. We at BMUFOR strongly suspect that based on all the evidence we investigated or reviewed in the past, the photos of Edith Beldi which Meier promotes as evidence of Plejaren woman Florena’s beamship is also a fabricated story. When we tried to get some answers about her photos through Methusalem, she wouldn’t respond at all.
  8. Meier’s reasoning and insistence on not filing any police report in the light of the alleged 23 assassination attempts on him speaks a lot. It is outright dubious. Our suspicion is that Meier deliberately shunned it since the standard operating procedure in any gun related violence is to do a ballistic forensics which based on the available evidence (enough in the Meier case) reveals the identity of the gun and its shooter – both possibly pointing fingers either at Meier or one of his accomplices.



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Last modified on April 5, 2018 at 5:46 pm