Metal and Crystal Samples – Timeline

March 21, 1975 – Contact Report 9

Contact Date: Friday, March 21, 1975, 4:18 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 2, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 2, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol 1, 2004

238. Also for the financial side, you need not worry, because in that too you will find sufficient help.
239. Do not fear, all things will take their course as calculated.
240. Still I will be in care of assisting you financially myself, as there exists the possibility of…

Such things are unfortunately forbidden us, Semjase. From our not understandable to me laws, these things are not allowed. One abuses them for deceit, vertigo and quackery etc.

241. I have not known that, but it is understandable that this could be forbidden.
242. But then I have another possibility: we know Earth humans delight in trinkets.
243. You could sell your fellow creatures such things.
244. I am ready to procure you crystals, etc., from other planets, which you can sell at reasonable price to the trinket-lovers.

This will not run, as also that way I would run into the mills of law. One would accuse me of deceit when I sell things to people and tell them they originated on other planets. I would have to prove this, or I could be strongly punished. On the other hand I can be sure the authorities would confiscate such objects, to analyze their structures and components, and I surely would never get them back. I  know too well the machinations of the authorities as well as the often primitive laws.

245. It can’t be really like that?

Oh, but it can – by regret.

246.I don’t understand it, for it is illogical.
247.We have not occupied ourselves with your laws until now; if it is as you say, then we cannot do this.
248.Such laws are simply impossible and enslaving the creatures.

Like that it is, unfortunately, and I don’t know how I could escape such laws.

249. We will solve your problem.
250. If you want, then I will bring you the crystals as well as other things, if nevertheless you want to have some.
251. And don’t fear from the authorities if they should confiscate some of them.
252. Because, even if they would analyze these for centuries,  they would not notice other than the same kind of objects you also have on Earth.
253. The atomic composition, structure, etc., are of equal form throughout the Universe for all such (physical) objects.
254. Gold remains gold, and it has the same characteristics in the whole Universe.
255. Whether it originates in the Pleiades or on Earth, there is no difference to notice.
256. So also, crystals remain crystals, without analyzable differences, whether they rise from Earth now or from another planet.
257. Nature works according to Universal law, which assures the unity of all such things.

This is calming me, and I will deliberate on it. Perhaps I will find a way myself.

259. This I credit you for; nevertheless, I will also care for this matter.
260. So we should let it be for today…

April 20, 1975 – Contact Report 12

Contact Date: Sunday, April 20, 1975, 3:11 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 2, 1977
UET-WS Vol 2, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol 1, 2004

28. Have you brought with you the pockets or else boxes and soft material, for which I asked before my leaving (last time)?

Of course.

29. Well then, because I have brought you different crystals and minerals.
30. Label them with their places of finding (source) and by designations which I will tell you.
31. You needn’t worry, for, if anyone should analyze them, then one will not find differences from minerals and crystals of the same sort of Earth origin.
32. I already told you; the construction, etc., being the same in this whole Universe, the same kind of minerals  are valid to the same laws everywhere.
33. For your personal property I have brought with me a very special curiosity, a small but beautiful combination of rock-crystals of different sizes.
34. Most of  these things originated in my home system., but there are also some from Venus and of the asteroid belt of your system.
35. I had no time to analyze them yet, by regret, thus you will have to do this yourself, if you can learn something from it.

I don’t understand such in detail, to my regret.

36. Then let them be analyzed by an expert, but do hide their origin.

So I will do. (Then followed the delivery, labeling, and packing of the crystals and mineral specimens.)

April 25, 1975 – Contact Report 13

Contact Date: Friday, April 25, 1975, 5:20 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 2, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 2, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 1, 1988

(…) The second question concerns the crystals you have brought me. My friend, F. Liniger, was delighted with the green malachite stones. He now asks you whether you could bring him a still greater piece of this sort of mineral?

25. Of course I would like to bring a piece of the malachite stone for your friend, F. Liniger.
26.But this should not became a standard, as I have agreed in general, bringing stones and crystals, when they are destined for your collection’s purpose or for the selling of them.
27. But for your three closest friends I will make an exception.
28. But  they will have to be patient, because it will be some weeks  before I can provide such things again.

April 29, 1975 – Contact Report 14

Contact Date: Tuesday, April 29, 1975, 2:00 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 2, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 2, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 1, 1988

4. It would be good if you could, together, generate a place where you can raise a center and live together in close environment.
5. So you would have  the chance to exercise yourselves spiritually each day.

This is a good idea, Semjase, which already my friend F. Liniger and I myself too had thought of, a great farmyard, a bit retired, and serviceable for our aims. The realization, however, presents difficulties, because such things are very expensive and we would have to lay at least 500,000 Swiss Franks on the table.

6. When you work earnestly together, then you could realize this plan.
7. I am ready to help with crystals and stones you could sell, by which means you could collect the finances faster.

I told you one time, that I cannot simply offer such objects with the note that they come from other stars, etc.

8. Don’t trouble yourself over that, as I have deliberated  on it and found a way.
9. Sell the crystals and  stones only for crystals of quite natural origin, and of the  sort…(designated)…
10. Don’t name a place of origin, but only note on the receipt that they are quartz, malachite,  rose quartz, etc.

Do you think it might work this way?

11. It is only logical, this being in accord with  your laws, and no deceit is involved..

May 3, 1975 – Contact Report 16

Contact Date: Saturday, May 3, 1975, 8:17 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 3, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 3, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 1, 1988

But I have a question, as you have already made this contact with me now. You explained to me in the last contact that we should handle the crystals and stones according to rules you defined. I now have a possibility to sell same of these to a quite certain man. Should we take this chance?

26. I have expressly indicated, that the objects may only and exclusively be sold or given to persons who are  working and thinking in conformance with your group.
But the mentioned person is an expert in this field.

27. That is absolutely unimportant.

I was told of this person being occupied with border. and and spiritual sciences matters, and that he has good  contacts. He also could perform analyses for us.

28. You may tell the name of this person, for he is  known to me by your talking, as I have eavesdropped on this one.
29. But nevertheless I must remain with my rule.
30. In time this may change, of course, but for now I must stay with my order.
31. You may, of course, let that person examine and analyze the crystals and minerals, but only when no word of origin is allowed.
32. This I must command, as I  already explained, dangers menace everywhere.

As you say, Semjase. I will act accordingly..

May 27, 1975 – Contact Report 21

Contact Date: Tuesday, May 27, 1975, 2:06 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 3, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 3, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (1st and 2nd ed.) Vol 1, 1988

18. I already told you of the proposal of getting crystals for you, which you could sell.

You contradict yourself, for you did tell me, that provisionally I had to “mummify” them.

19. That wasn’t meant the way you interpret it now.
20. As I only suggested certain means, for definite reasons.

All right, but how shall I present these to the people, and what if, at any control points, radiations are detected that show them not of Earth origin?

21. You will find the help of good friends; thus you burden yourself with unnecessary problems in this respect.
22. About the radiations you can be calmed, as in this respect the best analysis would show no such results.

Then other planets send out exactly the same radiations into crystals as our Earth?

23. In this assumption you overshot the goal, as the most different radiations, which of course are partly absorbed by all material things, are as well stored within crystals, and are different for each planet.
24. Our techniques allow us to withdraw such radiations out of material forms again, so long as the forms do not contain changeable life.
25. In that way I removed the radiations in the minerals and crystals surrendered to you, which then upon introduction into Earth space took up the radiations of Earth.
26. If these extraterrestrial radiations had not been withdrawn, they would be noticeable and even dangerous for some forms of life.

Then in this respect, if I conceive right, by changeable life you mean what we term flora and fauna. Then, as you were not able to reverse such radiations in living creatures, you found it necessary to eliminate two trees, which had picked up certain radiations from your ship?

27. You express it well.

There is still a question in regard to the crystals and minerals. How are you able to free them of their radiations? What is the process and how does it function?

33. Once more one of your questions I am not allowed to answer.
34. Your scientists already know how to absorb small values of certain radiations out of certain materials, but in a rather limited way.
35. Our process is by regenerative mode while yours is of a destructive nature.
36. Our machines withdraw the rays from the objects and set them alternated in good form free again, this ways they can get absorbed again from the concerning planet.
37. At the whole process it treats of an regeneration process of natural order.
38. From your designations the apparatus could be called a neutralizer.

Oh yes, that seems evident for me, but for my fellow creatures this explanation will be too scarce. If but you are not allowed to talk about this, then I will not force you.

May 28, 1975 – Contact Report 22

Contact Date: Wednesday, May 28, 1975, 6:17 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 3, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 3, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 1, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 1, 1988

(…) Now yet I still want to pick up a matter about which  we once had talked, before you leave, namely with respect to the crystals and precious stones, which according to your interpretations could become dangerous for humans when they  are in their possession or carried on their person.

78. About this I have already given you explanation.

Of course, but I have talked with someone about these  concerns, and we have come to the opinion, being only right and proper, that we should describe these thoroughly in our contact report, as it is of importance to Earth humans.

79. This sounds logical, and in effect I want to explain the salient facts once more: Each and all crystals,  semi-crystals, precious stones and semi:precious stones, as well as different minerals of Earth origin, are receivers and transmitters of human emotional feelings and thought energies.
80. Each, according to their kind, store more or  less these energies which their owners discharge, concentrating them again and influencing the owners considerably.
81. The Earth sphere vibrates with the energy of most evil powers, which surround the Earth like a heavy coat.
82. These negative forces arise and are further developed by the vast negative thought-energies of the Earth-human creatures, which places the whole world under the spell of dangerous and deadly radiations.
83. But as crystals of every sort, as well as precious stones and different minerals are strong receivers and absorbers of such energies, it is unavoidable that by these negative human energies and thoughts, they become extraordinarily charged with evil character and become a dangerous cause of need and misery.
84. Each according to its sort and character, become mediators for sickness, languishing states and even death when they are in  the possession of humans.
85. Especially crystals and precious stones of every kind are very sensitive receivers and collectors of negative human thought energies and negative emotions.
86.  By that they are already strongly influenced by their original places of growth before they are found by humans.
87.  This is a consequence of the very strong negative powers which surround the Earth.
88. If the human being wants to have crystals and precious stones in his possession, to own them as valuables, use them for decoration, or as a bringer of health, then he is ordered to first release the dangerous radiations, which appear as an oscillation (vibration), because otherwise they are able to bring harm to him.
89. Besides this, it is necessary that these crystals and stones be freshly neutralized at least every five years, as they recharge themselves again after this time from the immense energies of the negative thoughts of Earth mankind.
90. The  neutralization can be performed by a simple apparatus which after this explanation I shall describe.
91. If the human being does not subject his possessions of this kind to required neutralization…then he should not wonder if he is persecuted by sickness and misery, by need and suffering, and by a languishing state, by ill luck and even disaster and death.
92. The human also has a tendency to wear talismans etc., for his protection, but is not conscious of the fact that practically all of these talismans and lockets are of little use, and work only in consequence of the belief held in any effect.
93. On the other hand, the wearers of such things also do not know that they expose themselves, by these lockets etc., to danger… as also these things are often strong receivers of negative thoughts and reflect them to the owners and wearers.
94. Consequently such things should likewise be subjected to neutralization, but in less than five years. For each, according to the mineral or material, the time varies from six months to around two years.
95. Much recommended are crystals and precious stones, and minerals, of extraterrestrial origin, if they come from worlds which are either unpopulated or are populated by creatures of harmonic character.
96. Objects of this kind from such worlds have not for millenniums been influenced by degenerative negative human powers and thoughts as is the case on Earth.
97. Crystals and precious stones must be exposed to strong negative charging for several milleniums before they become receivers like those of Earth.
98. Of course this charge can be diminished in a few minutes when suitable apparatus is used.
99. Basically crystals, minerals and precious stones of every kind are receivers and emitters of good, positive forms of energy when they find their growth in harmonious worlds.
100. This is the embodiment of natural law everywhere.
101. When they are worn by capable thinking creatures immediately next to their body, they quickly adapt themselves to that creature, and receive and emit the peculiar energies of that one.
102. But when a millenniums old negative form of energy charges them, such as on Earth, then they degenerate towards the negative.
103. The reverse is possible as well, but this is unknown on Earth, and specifically the positively generated form.
104. Crystals, minerals and precious stones from harmonized worlds should  on Earth not be subjected to neutralization with respect to negative thought energies.
105. This is first needed only if before caning into possession of the human they had been, according to character, exposed for 2 to 4 millenniums to the negative wicked radiations.
106. If they come into possession of human beings before this time and are carried on them, then they need only a simple inner cleaning each seven years, but not a neutralization.

What is the situation with pearls then?

107. They are of the same character as crystals, precious stones and minerals.

I see, and what is the nature of your mentioned neutralization? Can we simply use water here, or is this neutralization achieved by conjurations and secret formulas?

108. I have already told you one time that this is all nonsense.

I do know this, but I am offering this question because your interpretation is important for my fellow creatures and they should know the truth.

109. Of course, as already said, a neutralization, or only an easy inner clarification too, of such objects, can not be accomplished by secret formulas, conjurations, by water or other means of this nature.
110. For the neutralization, or the easy inner clarification, is needed a special apparatus which absorbs the mentioned energies and neutralizes them.
111. This means that they are “drawn out” of the crystals or precious stones and are converted to neutral energies.
112. These neutral energies are then “suckled up” again by the crystals and stones, and form balanced forces for a certain time.
113. This in the case of a neutralization.
114. In the case of a clarification there must be absorbed from time to time only the penetrated degenerative forces of negative or positive form, and neutralization whereby these are simply released.
115. A new charge of the crystals and precious stones is not needed in this case, because according to natural law they are able to generate their balance
of forces by themselves.
116. When I have mentioned then that such crystals and precious stones mast be subjected to clarification, it is only necessary if the wearing person is degenerated negatively, as for example torturers who take delight in the vexation of other humans.
117. Crystals and precious stones in the possession of ordinary negative humans never need to be subjected to a clarification; under the  premise of course that the stones are harmonious and extraterrestrial origin, for on your Earth these still possess their own natural and worthwhile forces useful to the human being.

This will surely be clear enough. There is no need for further explanation. But you did say you would give a description of the necessary apparatus.

118. Surely, but at first only you should know the details, as perhaps you can by that gain a financial advantage, which would help you to overcome your financial problems.
119. So what is needed is the following……(and she  described a plan of construction).

Thank you, Semjase. That in itself is very easy to construct, and I will build this apparatus as soon as I get the time and chance.

June 7, 1975 – Contact Report 24

Contact Date: Saturday, June 7, 1975, 9:08 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 3, 1977
UET-WS Vol. 3, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 2, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 1, 1988
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 1, 2004

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 1, 1988

57. But as you speak of Mars: during the last days, I have been there and I found something nice.
58. I have brought it here with me for you.
59. Here….It is a larger piece of Rubin in Zoisitian matrix.
60. I have worked on it only gently while loosening it out. (Gives Ruby to Meier)

Oh.. Many thanks, Semjase, this is fantastically pretty..

61. Surely, but keep it for yourself alone.
62. The next I have here is one piece of my homeworld, which a friend has brought along.
63. It is the piece according to the wish of your friend, which you can give him.

Again, many thanks, Semjase. Certainly he will be delighted. Could you just, for my own collection, bring along stil a piece of malachite and an smaragd?

64. Surely, but I won’t bring smaragds in pure form, as well as no other things of precious values.
65. The reasons lie within your materialistic form of world.

I already understand, but nevertheless I am thankful to you.

November 3, 1975 – Contact Report 37

Contact Date: Monday, November 3, 1975, 7:43 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 8, 1978
UET-WS Vol. 8, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 3, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 2, 1990
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 1, 1990

(…) Semjase, here on this paper I have written different crystals which are wanted from the Pleiades and Venus. Can you get them for me?

86. Surely, but it will take some time.

That is evident, and so I have explained to the people. They will wait.

December 3, 1975 – Contact Report 39

Contact Date: Wednesday, December 3, 1975, 1:37 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 8, 1978
UET-WS Vol. 8, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 3, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 2, 1990
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1, 2002

83. The most dangerous storehouses of wrong, humanly produced thought-vibration forces, however, are precious metals, precious stones, and crystals, which often accumulate these energies in deadly doses.

(…) You just said something about the hair of the human beings in Mount Shasta, which reminds me of something very special. Here – there, that is a pair of scissors. Cute, eh?

316. That is, nevertheless, a working device.

Of course, it can also be called that, but do you know what such a thing is good for?

317. It is designed to cut materials.

Exactly, with this, one can even cut or trim away hair.

318. Sure, but what do you want with it?

Nothing less than to cut off a decent tuft of your hair, which we want to put in our display case as a memento of you, so to speak. You know, as something personal from you. We don’t want to operate a cult with it. Here, I still have a piece of string to bind a decent bundle. You surely won’t have anything against it, right?

319. – You really have ideas sometimes, but if you think that it could be a joy for you…

Of course, then I may do so, yes? – So, please tie this bundle together for me. – Just tighten it a little harder; the thread doesn’t tear so quickly. – Good. So, let’s now go ahead – aha, nice! This is a nice memento; everyone will be happy about it.

320. Is it really enough?

Certainly, I don’t want to give you a bald head.

321. Then let’s go now.

January 7, 1976 – Contact Report 42

Contact Date: Wednesday, January 7, 1976, 00:19 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 9, 1978
UET-WS Vol. 9, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 4, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 2, 1990
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 2, 2003

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 2, 1990

(…) Would it be possible for you to bring me sometime, some music notes, a book or anything else, perhaps a picture?

114. For you to touch and see, yes, but I am not allowed to give it into your possession, or to show it to other ones.

But why not?

114. These are security orders which we have to observe in every case.
115. I am not allowed to bring any things to the Earth if they would not remain in my possession.
116. Exceptions are only seen in the crystals and minerals, which should be a help for you.

February 25, 1976 – Contact Report 45

Contact Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1976, 03:04 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 9, 1978
UET-WS Vol. 9, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 4, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 2, 1990
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 2, 2003

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 2, 1990

(…) But please tell me whether it is possible for you to bring some objects here. Know that I think here of kitchen instruments or of tools.

29. That is a very illogical question, and it surely has not risen from you.

I know it is illogical – and it really is not of me. But I wanted once more to knock for that.

30. You know very well that I am not allowed to bring you any such objects.

I am clear on that, you already told it to me earlier. But, as I said, I wanted to try it again. But what about, if you would bring to me sometime a piece of metal? Not only a piece of ore, but a piece which was cultivated by you.

31. Your question is just remarkably illogical.
32. Perhaps you have thought that I could leave a piece of the beamship to you?

Not a bad idea, girl. Let us at once sabre a piece down from it. Do you have a suired saw, or else a suited instrument?

33. ????—- You are …..

What is the matter?

34. I am simply speechless, have you really spoken earnestly?

What do you think? My cheekiness sometimes just does not know limits. On the other hand, I hold the opinion, one only has to talk with the people, then one also can come to an understanding with them.

37. That is quite a bad joke.
38. Why do you so urgently want a piece of this metal?

Quite simply, we would like to know what sort of metal you use for your beamships.

39. This I can explain for you:
40. We gain it from a process of conversion from lead.
41. We extract this soft metal from many things, as for example from lead-containing atmospheres of stars, from waters, from different plants, etc., as well as from the decay of different ore-stones of stars in destruction.
42. By an, according to Earth understanding very difficult process, we convert the lead substances we assembled into the soft metal lead, which we then change by further mechanical-chemical processes into a hard metal form, which is much harded than your metal which you call steel.
43. This still is unsericeable in this form for beamships, because it must be polarized by further processes of conversion into a beamship-suited alloy of a special sort and character, about which I am not allowed to give details.
44. The final product, which must have quite certain characterstics, consists of an alloy.

This I have understood, but from which metals then does this alloy consist? Do we have similar metals on Earth?

45. Certainly, you have quite the same metals, like they also exist everywhere in the celestial bodies in the Universe.
46. But this does not mean that all the metal ores can be found on Earth, which exist in the Universe.

That may be assumed, but you have not completely answered my question this way. I wanted to know of which metals the alloy consists.

47. This I am allowed to explain to you.
48. It consists of a copper-nickel-silver alloy, which for certain for the beamships also contains gold.

Oh yes, thus an alloy which could be produced on Earth.

49. Surely, it would also be known to you on Earth.

That’s possible, but I don’t know exactly, because I am not versed in such matters. But what now, could one use this alloy as well for our spaceships?

50. Surely.

And you say this so easily? Do you not think that our researchers and scientists could evaluate this?

51. This chance still does not exist, because for this, they would first have to be capable of space flight.
52. They can not build their still very primitive rocket capsules of this alloy, and until the far-away future they will not be able to use it for spaceflight.
53. But my information can be a suggestion to Earth scientists for the still distant future.

This do I find famous, that you are allowed to say that. And according to this, you as well will not be prohibited from providing me a piece of such metal or metal alloy. Is that not so?

54. Surely, I could grant your wish.
55. I will see if I can bring such a piece for you.

By this you would donate a huge delight for me…

February 26, 1976 – Contact Report 46

Contact Date: Thursday, February 26, 1976, 02:04 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 9, 1978
UET-WS Vol. 9, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 4, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 2, 1990
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 2, 2003

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 2, 1990

(…) Here – these are the things that I could get for you. I have just bought them this noon.

11. Of this you have already advised me when you called me.
12. Many thanks for this; you have spared me much trouble by this.

Well, here you still have some remaining money.1

13. You may take it for yourself; now yet here are the things:
14. Here is a small piece of ruby in ziosit, here a piece of smaragd (emerald), this is a piece of malachite and this fluorite.
15. These crystals are for you.
16. The others here, you may sell.
17. Unfortunately I could not provide all that you wanted.
18. Perhaps next time.
19. Here I also brought you some metal, of three different working steps.
20. This one here is the product of the third conversion process, and this here is the product of the fourth process, and this is the product of the fifth conversion process.

Many thanks, Semjase. In this you delight me very much. Now yet I do not completely understand the matter. I thought that could perform the conversion of lead into the alloy at once and directly, but now you say that seven processes necessary?

21. Surely, I may have expressed my explanation too little clearly:
22. The first working step absorbs the lead substances from the atmosphere and condenses them into pure lead.
23. The second process distracts from the resultant metal all dangerous radiations.
24. Then the lead is fed into heat-converters, which, without the addition of any other metals, converts the lead by several processes into the alloy.

You mean that the lead becomes liquified first, and in this step suffers the conversion?

25. Surely.
26. There do all right exist direct possibilities for the alteration of stuff, but these possibilities are not given for us.
27. But our scientists have already well achieved successes in experiment.
28. For the present, however, we still convert the metals the old-fashioned way in heat-converters, and as said, this happens in seven different runs.
29. The metal becomes liquified, like with you, in furnaces, to suffer then by distinct oscillations, an alteration, but jut to a certain value, because of the different steps in working that are necessary.
30. Each final product then is pushed by pressure through a cooling spiral, where then are generated the small figures, as you have them here before you.
31. This process is repeated some times, while with each new process the value of different metals increases and becomes the targeted alloy.
32. The sixth working process then effects the complete alloy.

Your explanations are understandable, but how is the pressed-out metal cooled in the spiral?

33. The cooling spiral contains usual water, which we obtain especially for this process in a condensational manner.

But what does “condensational” mean? I don’t know this expression.

34. I deduce this word from “condensate.”

I see, but now the question: Can’t you still provide me a piece of the finished metal?

35. Perhaps, I will try.2

Meier: Thank you. Still it is not evident to me how you then will work the metal, as neither at your beamship, not Ptaah’s huge box, could I recognize joints or seams, etc. And nothing is riveted as well.


36. For this purpose we use an instrument which you would call a welding apparatus.
37. But is based on oscillation techniques, which liquifies the metal in a cold state and lets it flow together, by which it is completely without seam and forms one single piece.
38. So we also do not know grinding operations, as you do when you have to do welding work, and then have to grind away the seams to smooth it all.
39. In this respect, you on Earth use a very dangerous operation.

We are now still a bit primitive, so have patience, please.


1 Wendelle Stevens (vol 2, 2nd ed., pg. 166) – The Pleiadians, and the DALs before them, have occasionally asked Meier to purchase certain things on Earth markets for them, which he has always tried to do to the best of his ability. They usually furnish the money for such purposes.
2 Wendelle Stevens (vol 2, 1st ed., pg. 176) – By the time we as an investigative team obtained our metal specimens from Meier, Semjase also brought him a sample of the first condensed state, which is one of the pieces of metal on which Marcel Vogel began his testing. That testing revealed a basic lead compound with a non-uniform mix of several discrete elements that had not been through a molten state, which agrees with the descriptions given here by Semjase.

June 23, 1976 – Contact Report 57

Contact Date: Wednesday, June 23, 1976, 8:54 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 11, 1978
UET-WS Vol. 11, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 5, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol. 2, 2005
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 2, 2003

Messages from the Pleiades (2nd ed.) Vol 2, 2005

(…) Same as eager I am yet now for another answer from you: As you know, I do possess from the grave of Jmmanuel a transparent, manyfold-stratial foil. This material now got analyzed by micro-probes in the Max-Planck-Institute (Institute for Scanning-Electron-Microscopy) in Munich. The result is true to the word, like I have written this here: “Besides Sulphur and CO, O2 and H2O are still detectable. In my opinion, it is a crystalline substance of Calcium-Sulphate (by that Gypsum). However, it does not seem so to us. When the remaining sample will be organically evaluated, then one can get a better picture. The sample is combustible. It burns odorless to a white powder.” What now I am interested in, is that: Do you know, from where this Calcium Sulphate, or whatever it may be, is originated, which by this combination gets not found here? Do you have a presentiment?

112. You talk of the glass-like natural material, which was insides of the grave cavern of Jmmanuel?

Exactly, I talk of this.

103. This was a present from Gabriel, the guardian-angel Gabriel, for his son Jmmanuel, who’s foster-father was Joseph.
104. This present was given to Jmmanuel at an age of seven years, under the explanation of his father Gabriel, it would deal of a present in purpose of the constant relatedness, while this material served as a condensator for Jmmanuel.
105. His father Gabriel had brought it along from Alkyon.

August 12, 1976 – Contact Report 62

Contact Date: Thursday, August 12, 1976, 3:03 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (1st ed.) Block 13, 1979
UET-WS Vol. 13, 1979-1980’s
Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 5, 1987
Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol. 3, 1993
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 2, 2003

Messages from the Pleiades (1st ed.) Vol 3, 1993

(…) Yet now I have quite a crazy question: What do you do about any objects  which go lost from you and which you can not get back any more, by any reason? Know, in that I mean, what do you do about them if a taking back simply does not exist, and no chance of it any more for you; maybe if the object got into the possession of another human being?

91. Your question is not crazy, but very reasonable.
92. But why do you ask?

Because I have heard that some objects had simply disappeared or burnt, or dissolved themselves in some way, if they were found by earth human beings and if the objects belonged to some extraterrestrial intelligences.

93. The reason therefore is the elimination of these objects.
94. We and many other intelligences are able to eliminate lost, or fallen into insincere hands, things by different ways, or simply to burn these to ashes.
95. This happens by very far-reaching transmitters, which are started by a means built into each instrument, a destroyer mechanism.
96. These destroyer-mechanisms are usually built into the objects and instruments, which we take to strange and still lowly-developed worlds, for reasons of security, so there does not cone the dangerous for them possibilities of progress into the hands of the concerned still lowly-developed forms of life of any planet.
97. These instruments or objects equipped with such destroyer-mechanisms are normally produced from synthetic materials, like for example this small thing here.

What is that small white object?

98. This is a selective warning instrument.

That effects me very informed, for I have no  presentiment what that could be.

99. This is a warning means, which announces by a fine signal tone to me, when for example now should anybody come near to us, whose brain-wave pattern is not noted in this instrument, by which I mean, not registered.

I see, and if you lose this, then by circumstances you are in quite a bad situation, do you?

100. Certainly not, for we always carry a second instrument with us, you see, this here at the  girdle.

Okay, you have beaten me. Can you perhaps  demonstrate for me how you destroy such a thing?

101. In purpose of your accomplishments,  yes.
102. Look, I simply throw it here onto the ground, and now do come a bit aside.
103. – Like that, yes.
104. Now look at this girdle-instrument; when you push these both flat buttons, then the warning means will start itself to burn and change towards a viscous and brown-black synthetic mass.
105. Pay attention to the means laying there and push the two buttons. (I allow myself to push them.)

Mysterious, the thing really smokes. Does it  really burn to ashes?

106. Surely, if you allow it to burn on long enough.

Can I have the remainders? Know, I want to let them get analyzed.

107. Yes, but then you should stop burning this mass, as otherwise nothing will remain for you.
108. Don’t touch it until 1-1/2 hours have passed, as until then, certain radiations dissolved by the combustion will have escaped out of that mass.

Well, but don’t you think that our scientists could analyze important facts fron out of this mass?

109. The chance is very small, because this sort of synthetic material allows no more recognition of the original compounds, will in similar form be used as well on the Earth..

1977 – Discontinuation of the sale of various crystals and minerals

SWZ 004 - Jhrg 01 - Front Cover   SWZ 004 - Jhrg 01 - pg 25 - blur

January 3, 1981 – Contact Report 141

Contact Date: Saturday, January 3, 1981, 1:40 AM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 10, 1993
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 4, 2004

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 4, 2004

33. I have been given the permission to hand over a small amount of metal samples to you again, which you already asked me for a long time ago.

Fantastic. Dear thanks for your efforts.

34. However, it will no longer concern the same materials, but they have an approximate resemblance to the first samples.

That doesn’t matter. It is important that I receive new metal samples, which should then be analyzed.

35. There will also be new surprises for the analysts once again.

That I can imagine.

36. Besides the metal pieces, I’ll still be allowed to hand over some other things to you, such as a liquid from a planet that is still in its primeval form of development.

What kind of liquid is it?

37. You would call it primordial water.

Thus, so to speak, a primordial soup?

38. That is, indeed, your name for it.

That is fantastic. Does this primordial soup, then, also contain plant germs?

39. That would be possible, but I will bring plant germs to you if I can obtain permission for this.

That would really be the culmination of the whole.

40. Certainly, but you should get for me some small glass containers for these things.

I will. Glass bottles would probably be the right thing?

41. Sure.

Good, I’ll get them for you within the next few days. You must fetch them, then, only with me.

42. I will gladly do so.

June 19, 1993 – Contact Report 246

Contact Date: Saturday, June 19, 1993, 11:17 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 14, 1998
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 7, 2005

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 7, 2005

Then the next question: To what extent are crystals or semi-precious or precious stones as well as minerals and ores, etc. useful for humans with regard to health promotion etc. – are smaller pieces sufficient, like for example lockets or something like that?

147. Certainly all materials have vibrations, but with smaller objects they are so minor, that nor in the short term nor in the longer term they generate decisive or noticeable effect in health-promoting or consciousness-promoting form.
148. In addition, in general these materials have the property to get charged with human negative vibrations, which only can be removed again by a very specific purification process, as is known to you, but not to the people of Earth.
149. The aforementioned materials can only then yield useful positive forces to a sufficient extent, when they are large enough, whereby you know the dimensions as far as I know.

Yes, they are known to me – also the very long times which are required for a good efficacy and are in no way in accordance with the charlatanism and the frauds, which are practiced by crystal and mineral as well as ore and gemstone paragnosts and talisman producers. These frauds and charlatans also don’t know that very often only the powder crushed materials lead to certain results, when these are taken in.

150. Unfortunately that corresponds to the truth.


(…) How is it with your visit to Semjase and Asket etc., were you there – and could you bring me the metals?

PPKB 07 - pg 161 - CR 246

[BMUFOR Note: Other similar pictures in color are available here.]

20. Good and dear greetings from my daughter, also from Asket and Nera and all the others whom you know there.
21. Also greetings from Quetzal and all the others.
22. Soon our new technology will be so far advanced that you can visit my daughter.
23. And of course I’ve brought you the metal samples.
24. They are already in your workspace in two small canisters, in the white box next to your typewriter.
25. Please take them from the canisters, so I can take them back.
26. The multi-colored metal is a still unfinished alloy, which with us as well as with Asket’s people in the DAL-universe serves as a thin coating for all types of aircraft and flying machines.
27. The other and silver translucent metal is almost pure silver, which forms one of the basic materials for the alloy, which is in two additional parts composed of copper and nickel.
28. Of the silver pieces I will leave some more in your workspace, so you can sell some if you want.
29. Customers will surely be found, because who on Earth already owns a piece of silver from a foreign universe.

That won’t be the case my friend, because on the one hand they will not believe me, and on the other hand they will accuse me of fraud and take me to court. How could I prove anyway, that the metals really come from the DAL-universe. That is simply impossible here on Earth. Apart from the fact that even a piece of metal from a foreign universe as big as a needle head is virtually priceless on Earth.

30. Your concerns may actually be justified – I didn’t think about that at all.
31. But I will still bring you the little rest and leave it in your work space.

June 21, 2008 – Contact Report 466

Contact Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008, 2:21 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte (2nd ed.) Block 23, 2009
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 11, 2010

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 11, 2010

17 And regarding the invisibility of our aircraft:
18. Our spacecraft, as well as the ones we use in planetary air-spaces, we can actually make invisible against any kind of view, and in such a way that we use special metallic alloys whose base is silver, among other things, as you know from the metallurgical analysis of the material of our aircraft done in the USA.
19. The materials for our aircraft and spacecraft are transformed and superior composites, their composition and production method however I can’t mention, but I can say that we produce everything by cold fusion processes, as has already been found by Marcel Vogel in the US through his metallurgical analysis when you gave him the metal samples received from us for analysis.

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