Prophecies and Predictions for years 1995-3999


Billy Meier, as a part of his 251st contact in 1995, has published a 23-page booklet containing a couple of prophecies and several dozens of predictions for years ranging between 1995 to 3999. The various themes (compiled based on the information from And still they fly, pgs. 292-304, 2004) discussed in these prophecies and predictions broadly include:

  1. American strike/attack
  2. Fundamentalism, AIDS, Mad Cow disease, Scrapie epidemics
  3. Nuclear and Biological weaponry
  4. Flight to Mars
  5. Signals of World War III looming
  6. More about WWIII
  7. New weapons, More war and Environmental crises
  8. DNA Manipulations
  9. Increased Space Travel
  10. New genetic discoveries
  11. Prophecies beginning in 1995
  12. Climate control devices
  13. Space travel succeeds
  14. The discovery of Ancient Extraterrestrial artifacts and stations on Mars
  15. The DNA fight against aging
  16. The cleanup of the Ecosphere
  17. The “Nocturnal Dawning”
  18. Space Travel institutions increasingly ignores Earth Governments
  19. Human beings converted into Machines
  20. Mars Revolt, Underwater buildings and the Sun is dying
  21. New Religion will attempt to abolish the Christian Sunday, Islamic Friday and Jewish Sabbath
  22. Human-animal hybrids
  23. A man will appear and present the Universal teachings
  24. Mankind learns to control volcanoes
  25. Longevity increased
  26. Space travel has repercussions
  27. Robots rule
  28. Scientists ignite a SOL planet within our solar system
  29. Brain research excels
  30. Sun’s Nuclear Fusion decreases
  31. Time travel
  32. Creation of artificial, biological intelligence
  33. Space crash
  34. Artificial Sun
  35. More Genetic manipulations
  36. Mankind of Earth is re-acquainted with their Creator-Overlords
  37. Continued space research, Sun becomes weaker


But as we will see below, Meier’s prophecies and predictions, foretold by him for the years 1995-3999 are strikingly similar to the purported predictions of the European prophet Baba Vanga (1911-1996), a blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist, who spent most of her life in the Rupite area in the Kozhuh mountains Bulgaria. (Please let us know if anyone of you readers find the original source to Baba Vanga’s purported predictions.)

What is even more striking is that they are also virtually identical (even down to the time durations between successive events) to the allegedly intended prophecies of another European prophet Nostrodamus (1503-1566), which a German publicist and Nostradamus researcher named Manfred Dimde (1941- ) claims to have solely cracked the code to the Nostradamus’ cryptic prophecies which has puzzled numerous interpreters for centuries. These uniquely decoded and overly interpreted prophecies have been published in his book – Die Weissagungen des Nostradamus –  Neu entschlüsselt – in the year 1991, i.e. 4 years before Meier published his prophecies and predictions. For this latter discovery, credit must go to the unnamed critic(s) whose names or sources haven’t been mentioned on the German Wikipedia page on Billy Meier, which caught my attention in the first place.

Update (April 4): I have written to Manfred Dimde on April 4, 2016, regarding the striking similarity between his prophecies and those of the purported Baba Vanga’s. Awaiting his response.

What follows below is a comparison of the purported predictions of Baba Vanga (blue) and prophecies of Nostradamus/Manfred Dimde (in blue; google translation of the 1991 book) with the prophecies and predictions of Meier (in black).

Baba Vanga (1911-1996)

Assassination / murder attempts on four heads of states that becomes one of the causes for the start of WWIII

This will signal the first threat of a looming third world war, as foretold by a prophecy, unless terrestrial Man strives to avert this danger through reasoning and appropriate thoughts and actions. (..) New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other. These then are the last danger signs, which foretell that within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning to stop all these ills.

2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014.

[BMUFOR note: Meier has been warning about the impending World War III for decades since 1970’s. Meier has prophecized that it would happen in 1980’s, 1990’s and also later specifically in 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012 and more.]

The world war will begin in November of a specific year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching this goal which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations. Should war actually break out, it will last for 3 years and 11 months and will therefore end in October of the fourth year.

2010 – Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons.

The war will begin with conventional weaponry and escalate to nuclear, chemical and biological warfare.

2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation.

By this time, Earth’s northern hemisphere will be largely destroyed by nuclear fires and radioactive radiation that will annihilate the entire animal and plant world…

Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans. – CR 215

And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver.

2014 – Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).

Chemical warfare will cause horrifying and atrocious skin diseases, and biological warfare will produce festering sores and many other ills, not to mention vicious human freaks, etc.

2023 – A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit.

The Earth’s own rotation and orbit around the Sun will change then and result in the reduction in the length of years, days and nights.

2028 – Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.

During this period, terrestrial Man will increasingly dedicate himself to space travel, which he had neglected for many years. Venus will be particularly interesting for terrestrial human beings during this period, and for this reason Man will contemplate sending a manned space capsule to the volcanic planet. Simultaneously, Man will avail himself of a new energy source by exploiting the Earth’s interior energies.

2033 – The polar ice are melting. Greater levels of the oceans.

With the melting of the polar caps there also looms for Earth in the not-too-distant future another severe economic crisis that will spread throughout the globe.

2043 – The world economy is thriving. In Europe, Muslims rule.

And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will retain their power for a long time. (Henoch Prophecies)

2046 – any bodies (organs) can be manufactured (cloning?). Replacing the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment.

…terrestrials will develop the capability of allowing human organs to “regrow” for organ transplants. These organs will always be adapted to the particular body in need of the organ. As a result, the danger of organ rejection is eliminated.

2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing).

One religion will initiate large-scale war activities at that time which results in the development and utilization of another new, dangerous weapon that will be capable of changing the climate, a so-called climate weapon. (..)Precipitated by the previously mentioned climate weapon, the entire Earth will be subjected to very problematic climatic changes when overall temperatures fall, that is, they drop dramatically. The result will be that land masses and oceans will freeze because of Man’s insanity.

2076 – Classless Society (communism)
2084 – The restoration of nature

Simultaneously, once the appropriate steps are taken, the feasibility of a classless society, as well as technologically-biological prerequisites, will emerge that deal with the worldwide cleanup of the polluted rivers, lakes and oceans.

2088 – A new disease – aging for a few seconds!
2097 – The rapid aging defeated

This praiseworthy progress will be negated, however, by an extremely negative invention in form of a biological weapon; it will wreak tremendous havoc and induce instant aging in humans and animals (in seconds). (..) This also is the time when geriatric research, through genetic reverse-manipulation, will release the human population from the premature aging’s curse..

2100 – Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth

Shortly thereafter the period of “nocturnal dawning” comes into existence, as stated in another prediction. This “nocturnal dawning” will be a new technological achievement whereby the dark side of planet Earth is illuminated by an artificial sun affixed to a space station; this device will not create full daylight, but a bright, dawn-like condition.

2111 – People become living robots

During this period or about 6 years prior, humans will be converted into machines, that is, robots for the first time by connecting their nervous system to microscopic electronic-biologic gadgetry and machinery that will serve to guide them.

2130 – Colony under water (with the help of sympathetic councils)

These events will transpire when humans, after conferring with extraterrestrials, construct residential buildings beneath the oceans which will dangerously interfere with the ecologic equilibrium of the oceans, land masses and the air.

2164 – Animals turn half-human

This will cause great problems about 85 years later, when the now powerful scientists begin to play ‘God’, as they had done in earliest times, and they will create new hybrids between humans and animals through genetic alterations. (..) so-called ‘semi-humans’..

2167 – A new religion

A man will appear and present the universal teachings to the entire terrestrial human population. He will be remarkably successful, although existing religions and religious sects will follow up with global countermeasures – as has been the case since ancient times.

2187 – Will stop 2 large eruption of volcanoes

Through technological intervention, Man will slowly learn to prevent natural catastrophes. Volcanoes, in particular, will be placated and their activity controlled, as will be the influences of weather conditions.

2196 – Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans

Problems will also occur within human populations because their relative immortality, that is, the increase in human longevity, will amount to life spans of from 350 to 450 years. This increase in longevity will also precipitate increasingly greater problems of overpopulation and all other subsequent obstacles, which will include migrations that will result in new types of interbred peoples. Among them will be a group who call themselves Eurasians.

2201 – At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops

These events will transpire at a time when a climatic reversal begins on Earth because of the Sun’s noticeably weakening activity triggered by reduced nuclear fusions within it. (..) The Sun’s activity will increasingly cause more concern, as it becomes notably weaker and unable to provide sufficient energy to supply Earth and Mars with light and warmth.

2221 – In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what – something terrible

Terrestrial Man’s urge to explore knows no bounds and, consequently, he will penetrate ever deeper into space; unfortunately, this tendency will also produce repercussions. Inevitably, unexpected disasters will occur, for the prediction states that in the not too distant future, terrestrial Man will face some extremely terrifying phenomenon during his space expeditions that will present great and trying obstacles.

2256 – Spacecraft brings to Earth terrible new disease

And an additional thirty-five years later, terrestrial human beings will face a new horror when one of their exploration spaceships brings a deadly epidemic back to Earth that will leave medical scientists completely helpless.

2262 – Planets gradually changing planetary orbit. Mars is threatened by comets

By this time the planetary orbits will be destroyed to a point where they will no longer circle around the Sun. (..) Only three years later the Destroyer (BMUFOR note: a comet) will enter the former orbit of Mars and ram into the two Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, which had remained intact during the planet’s destruction.

2271 – Restart physical constants are changed (Laws of physics changed?)

This is the moment when Japan and China will discover that the prevailing physics is not the last word in knowledge, but that there exists yet a higher level of physics which extends into fine-matter spheres.

2279 – Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black hole)

…scientists and their amazing, highly developed technology will have the capability to make unimaginable energies accessible to the people of Earth. This will be accomplished through the terrestrials’ diversion and utilization of energies from Black Holes from within the Milky Way system.

2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.

In the wake and expansion of these developments, a travel and transportation factor becomes reality which, prior to 1995 and long into the future, had been called fantasy: Time travel. This discovery/invention, in turn, will enable Man to travel into both the past and the future, and as well into the vastness of the Universe, something that was hitherto impossible. In the aftermath of these events new human life forms will be discovered, without doubt, and humans of Earth will learn unfathomable information from these extraterrestrials, for these ETs will possess remarkably greater intelligence than the terrestrials.

2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again

During this same period, once again, the megalomanic scientists will perform an incredible spectacle by producing a gigantic second sun. Although this group of scientists will be small in number, nonetheless, through a dangerous experiment they will ignite one of the SOL planets, which will burn for seven days and glisten in the SOL system as a second sun before it burns out and fades. Jupiter and Saturn could be equally suitable candidates for this experiment as they are uncompleted miniature suns, making redundant the selection of planets for this future insanity.

2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.

The time will come when further powerful changes take place within the SOL system as the Sun’s nuclear fusions decrease. Indeed, the entire gravity field will not only become unmanageable and changed, but large-scale climatic changes will become the daily norm. (..)The time will then come when all space stations and satellites orbiting the Earth, Mars and Venus will crash.

2302 – New important laws and secrets of the universe revealed

Creational secrets will, of course, not unravel through this process and will remain a mystery to Man for the time being, even though he will actively search for them while on space stations beyond Earth. This does not signify, however, that science will be inactive; on the contrary. Scientists will unveil the secret of gravitation. In doing so, they will begin mastering certain facets of space and mass. (..) Simultaneously, terrestrial space travel will reach the pinnacle of its development as research forges on, and soon further deductions and solutions will unlock additional secrets of matter. (..)Nonetheless, in these distant days ahead, Earth scientists will be ambitious; they will fulfill new objectives, make new discoveries, and capture chemistry’s last remaining secrets.

2341 – Something terrible is approaching Earth from space

Thereafter another danger from space will threaten the terrestrial world, this time from the depths of the central Universe. The danger from this threat will become evident only much later, however.

2354 – An accident in one of the artificial Sun leads to drought
2371 – The great famine

Prior to this event, terrestrial humans will place artificial suns into orbit around the Earth, albeit far beyond the customary distance. Terrestrials will not have much luck with these satellites either, for one of the artificial suns will begin to glow due to severe damage and scorch large regions on Earth. (..)The catastrophe will affect the economy and the entire food processing industry and will result in a famine the likes of which the world has never seen nor experienced over the past thousands of years.

2480 – 2 artificial Suns collide. Land in the twilight

In these distant, future times artificial suns will routinely orbit the Earth at a considerable distance so as to brighten and heat its surface. This situation will not remain benign either as one can deduce from an event that will occur seventy years after capital punishment for illicit procreation becomes law, when two of these artificial suns will destructively collide with one another, inflicting severe damage.

3005 -The war on Mars. Trajectory of planets changes.

Because of Man’s intrinsic attitude, induced by his degeneration, wars and revolts will occur on Mars. (..) Unfortunately, this will also be the time when the first space conflict – a space war – takes place between terrestrials and those humans who will have migrated to Mars by then. (..)Afterward, nearly one hundred years later, a very vicious and aggressive act takes place on Man’s neighbor planet, Mars, when numerous spaceships will attack and completely annihilate the planet until even its substance is eliminated. (..)Over time, this expansion process will accelerate in correlation with the Sun’s decreasing nuclear fusion rate through which all gravity fields within this entire solar system will change, in particular those of all the planets.

3010 – Comet hits Moon. Around the Earth – ring/zone of the stones and dust.

Nonetheless, the near-collision will result in a catastrophic event in which the Destroyer (BMUFOR note: a comet) smashes into the Earth’s moon. This will cause both the Moon and the Destroyer to shatter into a myriad of pieces, which will form a rotating belt orbiting around the Earth.

3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system

Neither alternative will benefit the Earth, for by this time it will be uninhabitable because of the monumental solaric changes. As a consequence, the remaining few million terrestrials will flee, departing from the planet in hopes of finding an alternative planet elsewhere and of settling there. (..)Nonetheless, space exploration will continue and a new world discovered in this process; a new Earth that will be suitable for maintaining human terrestrials.

3803 – A new planet is populated by little

At this time, far from Earth, an artificial world within another alien solar system will be populated by an immense migration surge that stems from the continued, irrational increases in terrestrial overpopulation.

5079 – End of the World

The Earth will heat up from its interior and the planet’s surface will ultimately become uninhabitable. (..) ..eventually all activity will cease completely, whereupon the Sun will drift through space as a dead, dark star, surrounded by equally dead planets. The end will come when the dead Sun, along with the accompanying satellites that drift around it, are attracted and sucked into a Black Hole.

Nostradamus (1503-1566) / Manfred Dimde (1941- )

Pg. 180
1990-1999: Weak attacks undermine the Slavic domination
In this decade
a new movement of non-violence will become popular. Nostradamus called it “Practitioners of nudity.”

Initial efforts are being made by a new movement to promote total non-violence..

Pg. 201
The year of the rays
warns here facing a major nuclear disaster in Lyon. Particularly southern Europe and the northern Mediterranean countries would be affected by the radioactive fallout of a meltdown.

The danger of accidents in nuclear reactors will increase throughout the world. Regarding this subject, France in particular must be extraordinarily careful in every way, for one prophecy warns of a strong probability for an accident near Lyon, which can be prevented as long as the responsible individuals undertake the right steps – a prophecy can be changed.

Pg. 202
The year of the superpower

Super jumbo jets flying more mass tourists in even more remote corners of the world, over which people with a clear mind are ‘unhappy’ in the face of social, environmental and political consequences.

..mass tourism will increase by leaps and bounds, and slowly but surely will invade and destroy the remaining Shangri-Las on Earth..

Pg. 202
The Year of the Stars
Mankind through a
new Soviet space expedition secretly takes the first manned flight to Mars. The defeated are Americans and Western Europeans who in their turn are making great efforts to Mars.

Pg. 203
The year of failure
first secret Mars expedition of the Soviets is a failure. Only the head of the space flight survives, to which later a Mars flight passes successfully.

2005: The year of success
(the US, a second Soviet?) Mars Expedition has achieved its goal; the first man steps onto the red planet. There are but unexpected technical problems.

..first steps will be taken for a flight to Mars, but will not be blessed with good fortune. However, the next flight, which ensues very soon, will have better luck although it will encounter certain difficulties due to unexpected technical problems.

Pg. 203
The Year of Suffering
the five surveillance satellites haven’t been currently installed, later there will be the outbreak of World War III!

Should Man fail to act against the fulfillment of this prophecy, a new and extremely destructive weapon will be built that will produce disastrous consequences in the next world war. One important factor in this scenario is the criminal neglect to monitor the Earth from space.

Even the year Nostradamus has already inserted in this verse, namely, “Ten”, therefore 2010.

Meier has been warning about the impending World War III for decades since 1970’s. Meier has prophecized that it would happen in 1980’s, 1990’s and also later specifically in 2003, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012 and more.   

Pg. 204
2008: The Year of Terror
America and the (northern hemi-) sphere will burn by fire and “melt”. It is a time of the air war. “Four Kings”, thus the four leaders will die within a week -a last sign to it that the prophecy is about to come true!

New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other. These then are the last danger signs, which foretell that within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning to stop all these ills.

2009: The year of reason
Man tries
to outlaw new weapons, but a number of governments already have the new vicious weapons in their arsenals. It seems to be no longer to prevent from actually using these weapons.

Should this not be done, mankind will fail in its attempt to protest and boycott the new deadly weapons, because by this time the armories of many nations will be full to their capacity. Passing laws to prohibit the use of these weapons will be ineffective at this late stage. World War III cannot be averted if Man fails to finally become reasonable!

Pg. 205
The year of the Third world war
The Third World War
begins in November 2010 and runs until October 2014; it consists of two wars, will start conventionally and will be continued atomic and eventually escalate to fight with chemical weapons.

The war will begin with conventional weaponry and escalate to nuclear, chemical and biological warfare. The world war will begin in November of a specific year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching this goal which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations. Should war actually break out, it will last for 3 years and 11 months and will therefore end in October of the fourth year.

2011: The Year of the abominations
the northern hemisphere extensive nuclear fallout; animals die, the greenery dies.

By this time, Earth’s northern hemisphere will be largely destroyed by nuclear fires and radioactive radiation that will annihilate the entire animal and plant world unless Man sees to it that the prophecy proves itself to be just a prophecy without fulfilling itself.

2014: The Year of Sorrow
For the survivors
of war belong terrible skin diseases from the worst effects of chemical weapons use.

Chemical warfare will cause horrifying and atrocious skin diseases..

Pg. 181
: hardship of ruminant animals
third world war is followed by eleven Years lasting famine, since the soil and therefore feed for ruminant livestock and the crops are poisoned.

.. the world will face some additional 11 bitter years of poverty, misery, starvation and many other ills.

Pg. 207
2024: The year of the aid
Melting of the polar caps is stopped by reversing the greenhouse effect; the water level of the oceans decreases again.

Scientists tend to utilize everything they can get their hands on, and for this reason it is inevitable that Man will stop the Greenhouse Effect and utilize its effects in reverse, thereby preventing a further melting of the polar caps. These actions, in turn, will lower the highly elevated water levels of all oceans.

2028: The year of research
Sensational discovery of new energy sources. According to Nostradamus this energy is related with tones or a tone – which later however is abused as a weapon.

In the midst of these developments, three scientists will generate an incredibly inexpensive energy source, although this will not be the only new form of energy, for another will be found as well, that is based on sound vibrations.

A manned spacecraft launches to Venus.

During this period, terrestrial Man will increasingly dedicate himself to space travel, which he had neglected for many years. Venus will be particularly interesting for terrestrial human beings during this period, and for this reason Man will contemplate sending a manned space capsule to the volcanic planet.

Pg. 208
2029: The year of the resources
Below ground, a new form of energy production is practiced; possibly it deals with a controlled nuclear fusion.

Simultaneously, Man will avail himself of a new energy source by exploiting the Earth’s interior energies.

2038: The year of the Church
Nostradamus is also announcing a new weapon, which operates with high frequency or ultrasound (and against France is used).

..[Man] will develop two new, dangerous weapons. The first weapon’s high-pitched, humanly inaudible sounds will be able to destroy any material and will have the capability of absolutely destroying all life forms … – an ultrasound weapon in other words. The second weapon will have as its basis high frequency energies which, too, will be capable of destroying and killing everything.

2045: The year of medicine
Doctors for the first time successfully implant “cloned” organs – the “transplant medicine” begins.

…terrestrials will develop the capability of allowing human organs to “regrow” for organ transplants. These organs will always be adapted to the particular body in need of the organ. As a result, the danger of organ rejection is eliminated.

Pg. 209
: The year of the Church
“The nail of the time dies,” wrote Nostradamus. Apparently, the Theory of Relativity will be supplemented. It possibly concerns the planning of space travel without time delays.

During this period, renewed advances into outer space will occur, whereby a large space project, critical to mankind, will take shape, and Albert Einstein’s theory on relativity will undergo several additional modifications.

2066: The Year of the climate
The United States during an attack on the Islamic turned Rome sets a newly developed climate weapon. This proves to be a mistake, because the Earth begins to freeze.

One religion will initiate large-scale war activities at that time which results in the development and utilization of another new, dangerous weapon that will be capable of changing the climate, a so-called climate weapon. (..) ..the entire Earth will be subjected to very problematic climatic changes when overall temperatures fall, that is, they drop dramatically. The result will be that land masses and oceans will freeze because of Man’s insanity.

2050-2059: Man discovers the secret of gravity
..and man tries to solve in two space stations one of the divine mysteries, which will fail. (..) A particularly large space expedition is prepared, and Nostradamus announces the discovery of the space and earth-secrets.

Creational secrets will, of course, not unravel through this process and will remain a mystery to Man for the time being, even though he will actively search for them while on space stations beyond Earth. This does not signify, however, that science will be inactive; on the contrary. Scientists will unveil the secret of gravitation. In doing so, they will begin mastering certain facets of space and mass.

Pg. 210
2059-2093: Mankind
discovers its true origins
Barely a hundred
short years away to us from the moment in which a radio message from Mars will announce the discovery of an abandoned millennia station on Mars.This will be the moment where an artificial, but very carefully tinkered worldview by our ancestors collapses to make way for a frightening realization: We are not alone in our galaxy, and while we are not strong enough, we should not draw attention to us nor to our solar system, forsake  our hiding place chosen by our ancestors.The history of mankind, where it comes from and why it lives in this solar system, is one of the hundreds of Nostradamus “great” designated secrets of humanity that he has left in his seer work.

This proof will shake up the scientific community and, even more so, the religious world; it will prompt the need for great changes. That moment will come chiefly when artifacts from a previous human civilization are found on Mars, with pyramids and sculptures such as the so-called Mars faces representing but a mere fraction of the entire discovery.

The findings and the message to terrestrials regarding the discoveries on Mars will be the factors one day in the collapse of the legendary picture the terrestrials’ former ancestors had formed of their heritage. Many negators of the truth will realize with frightening clarity that terrestrial Man did not originate on the planet Earth and, furthermore, he is not the only human life form in the Universe.

The era of space travel and the stunning discoveries begins in 2059. Five countries join forces to enter the space travel, and press their hands. Nostradamus says this business expected to be a great success. Among others things will be the discovery of the greenery [BMUFOR note: habitable planet], namely the flourishing beyond Earth, as well as the mystery of matter.

2069 will be really interesting because one encounters Old, namely, there will be detected the first traces of our forefathers. This discovery will be, according to Nostradamus , of the utmost importance and inspire the people to build new spaceships and be fitted to make further discoveries.

Nonetheless, space exploration will continue and a new world discovered in this process; a new Earth that will be suitable for maintaining human terrestrials. The actual period when space travel and with its many related discoveries commence will begin already in the very near future, however. Overall, expeditions into space will be successful, e.g., terrestrials will discover, or rather locate, ancient human traces and effects left behind on Mars. This will present sufficient reason for terrestrials to build, furbish and fly new spaceships with even greater ranges into the vastness of space, to make ever greater, more interesting and, especially, more significant discoveries.

Pg. 212
The spaceships of the first generation are apparently still relatively long underway. Until one returns, builds a new ship, which will be sent on a journey and can connect to the researches of the first spacecraft, takes decades. Finally, it will be in 2093, that people discover on Mars the remnants of two colonies and resume operation. These dwellings on the southern hemisphere of Mars have been built by the first settlers of our solar system. Thereby ancient religious worldview of the people of heaven and earth, and under the pressure of evidence, the beliefs of world religions will change here on earth.

Spaceships reaching velocities above the speed of light, indeed, speeds several million times the speed of light, will one day become the rule. But until this occurs, several hundreds of years, even millennia, will pass. Still, these aforementioned predictions shall occur in the near and somewhat more distant future and mankind will not be kept waiting too much longer; even elderly people alive today will experience the commencement of these predictions. The discovery, refurbishing and renewed operation of ancient extraterrestrial artifacts and stations on Mars in the not-too-distant future, and much later in other places as well, will be accomplished by our more distant descendants.

Pg. 215
According to Nostradamus the people living today on earth developed different skin colors, in different Planetary systems of our galaxy. For reasons, Nostradamus did not mention that there has been a genetic manipulation, which is even mentioned during the course of this text. The fountain of refreshment has been poisoned. Intelligent beings from the area of Sirius pursued the perpetrators of poisoning the well. Apparently there was controversy as to whether the “poisoned creatures” should be killed or exiled. The opponents of killing have succeeded to bring a part of the degenerate creatures to a weak burning sun at the edge of the galaxy.

Few other details are needed to explain the number of diverse human skin tones on Earth. From our previous explanations, it should now be apparent that various human races and their skin colors originated throughout the most diverse planetary systems of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The regions of Sirius, however, played a specific role too, at least with respect to the actual Ur-Ur-origin, before the Old Lyrians came to Earth where they later merged with terrestrial human beings. Numerous distant descendants from those early days inhabit this planet today. One more explanatory remark regarding the original genetic manipulators: In reality they were the benefactors of the genetically-altered people, hence they were their “creator-overlords”. When the time came to eventually kill or merely exile the genetically-altered individuals they (the benefactors) split into two sides. (..) The true benefactors, those opposed to the killing, were able to rescue a great many genetically-manipulated beings whom they had divided into several groups – in spite of the many counter measures of those who wanted to kill. As was previously explained, two groups of peoples settled on the other side of the galaxy, while the remainder of the peoples found new homes in the SOL system on Mars and Malona; subsequently, several thousand degenerate, genetically-altered individuals were deported to Earth. The benefactors knew even then that the people shipped there could not remain in this solar system forever but that sometime later they would have to depart for other destinations.

Pg. 216
Between the earth and the home planet of the people, a very large space distance was deliberately laid that protected these degenerate God-workers in front of a group that wanted to destroy them. A contact is not possible due to the long response times. Our ancestors were brought to the edge of the galaxy, in a dangerous zone (limit of the salts), where the living conditions are so bad that no one suspected life here. They found the already mentioned weak burning sun that was inconspicuous enough to make people in this planet system to “hide”.

The benefactors were fully aware that this remote system’s sun was a waning star even then, and it was specifically selected since the Sirius Intelligences and the “creator-overlords” who were willing to kill the refugees, did not suspect that this region with its dying sun would be a candidate for new settlements of the “degenerates” and “god’s workers”, as they were called by the “creator-overlords”. For this reason, the benefactors placed vast distances between the genetically-manipulated people’s home planets in the Sirius regions and the SOL system, as well as the distant system beyond the galaxy, so as to protect those living on them from those who threatened to kill and eliminate them. The selected hideaways were chosen therefore for their extreme remoteness and their position at the fringe of the galaxy. In addition to having a dying sun, another determining facet also was that living conditions on SOL planets, and planets within the system on the other side of the galaxy, were very inhospitable since the breathable air on each of the newly settled planets did not match the original air composition on the home planets. Even on Earth today this is applicable, for its air composition fails to measure up to human respiratory requirements. The dying sun, inadequate living conditions and poor air in the SOL system and beyond the galaxy, were therefore reason enough for seeking hideouts here from the pursuers.

Descendants, evolving in isolation for a long time who could further develop undetected in the universe, will in turn open up to conquer the universe. But beforehand they repair themselves the genetic defect that their exile triggered.

The genetically-altered human beings have struggled to survive ever since their arrival in the SOL system so remote from Sirius, its planets and intelligences. The newcomers propagated offspring and ceaselessly evolved as terrestrials.  Soon they will have developed the capability to embark into the Universe’s vastness and to their Ur-Ur-points of origin. (..)An important factor in this scenario was that, in the distant future, the terrestrials would discover for themselves the genetically-induced earlier damage imposed upon them, and find their path back to normalcy through appropriate genetic reversals.

Pg. 218
There were two “islands” (planets) in the Solar System, where the exiles were settled. From remarks that Nostradamus has made in a different context, one can assume that it must have been a planet that no longer exists, and the Mars.

Upon leaving the Sirius regions, the other genetically-manipulated peoples found a way to the SOL System..These masses of diverse races found refuge on the planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton, respectively, where they constructed cities, pyramids, stations and other things.

For some reason, only two out of seven children have escaped unscathed, that is, survived without gaps in the genetic information so that other problems have been introduced in our present solar system. It is quite mysterious when one reads that the two races descended from a planet on which children were not desired and were consequently killed.

Five remnant races fled to Mars from the Sirius regions, while two other races embarked in direction of the sun on the opposite side of the galaxy, as explained previously. The five races fleeing to Mars and Malona/Phaeton were joined by two other creator-overlord races. These two other races had not yet been genetically-manipulated, of course, and had no changes made to their DNAs. They were the benefactors who identified favorably with the genetically-manipulated people, and they assisted them in their escape. Their origins are traced to two different overpopulated planets in the Sirius regions where everyone was prohibited from procreating. As a result, every child born was murdered and the offending parents were sterilized and banished.

Pg. 219
Everything indicates that we have moved again since landing with Noah’s ark. On the first inhabited planet in our solar system, a technically sophisticated culture developed.
When this became clear that the planet selected for the exile would one day collide with a large celestial body, a terrible sovereign, the exiles were relocated once again. This rogue celestial body appears to play a fateful role in long intervals. It looks set to upset our solar system again around the year 3070, according to Nostradamus.

The genetically manipulated peoples, along with their benefactors, the “traitor” “creator-overlords” who eventually settled on Mars and Malona, ultimately developed into a notable technological culture. Unfortunately, they were not able to protect themselves sufficiently and one day were forced to flee from the planets. Their scientists discovered that the SOL system was cosmically much more perilous than they had originally anticipated. Many comets, roaming planets, meteors and other perils repeatedly endangered the two newly inhabited planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton. (..) In the process, a large roaming planet was discovered that had an unusually long rotation period and an orbit that projected it far beyond the outermost planets of the solar system. According to the astronomers’ calculations, this large celestial body threatened to collide with the planet Mars, or to ravage it to a point where all planetary life, including all floral, faunal and human life, would be completely destroyed and annihilated in the wake of a near collision. The genetically-manipulated people, or rather their distant descendants, made the decision to abandon their place of exile.

Pg. 220
The people on our planet have left behind a story of faith from their forefathers. This doctrine had been designed by the knowing ancestors so that the descendants shouldn’t develop ambitions an early stage to return to space and to seek their home planet. Only when they would be technically and scientifically capable and has the appropriate intelligence to decide and to act concerning their problem of degeneration, only then they should seek the contact with the center of the galaxy.

Individuals from the benefactor group who previously had demanded that they be exalted and worshipped, fiercely spread their false teachings and never again allowed the well-disposed benefactors to gain any power. In this manner, the “creator-overlords” were then capable of putting on the airs of terrestrial Man’s creators, rising to power and spreading their insane religious doctrines which, however, contained an absolutely novel yet equally false history of humankind’s origin, history and belief. Its purpose was to definitively destroy and lose all data of mankind’s true descent in the event that someone else would attempt to secretly glean the information from somewhere. (..) The benefactors did not want the descendants to prematurely evolve to the point where the descendants had the capability to fly once more into space with the help of a too rapidly expanding, too highly developed technology, and where they would find their previous homeworlds such as Mars and the planets in the Sirius region. The “creators” also hoped that in their scheme of things, and through their various religious doctrines, the terrestrials would eradicate themselves through the ensuing confusion and wars. They based their hope on the concept that terrestrials would only be technologically, biologically and scientifically capable of conquering space when they had evolved through a sufficiently lengthy period, so as to achieve the mandatory adjustments in their thinking processes and actions. In other words, their intention was that terrestrial human beings, through religious doctrines and diverse religious forms, would have the insight to resolve their genetically-manipulated deterioration problem, whereupon they could correct this deterioration. An important factor in this scenario was that, in the distant future, the terrestrials would discover for themselves the genetically-induced earlier damage imposed upon them, and find their path back to normalcy through appropriate genetic reversals. They believed and hoped that the distant descendants of the genetically-manipulated peoples, the terrestrials, should only then seek contact with their original past, their ancestry, other worlds and human beings in the vastness of the Milky Way, alien galaxies, and the Universe.

Pg. 222
The unfortunate eternal inheritance, the original sin of the Bible, is a mistake in the DNA chain, which will be identified and fixed by the future generation of people, so that the “traitors,” thanks to their own insight or knowledge, will have  themselves corrected and as incontrovertibly be able to return to the origins of their lineage.

The genetically-manipulated people have since established themselves on Earth to the degree where they simultaneously became this planet’s rulers and its destroyers, because most of them remained overly entangled in the effects of the manipulated genes of fighting, viciousness, barbarism, bloodthirstyness, greediness, addiction, emotionalism, inhumanities, to name but a few. These characteristics have been an evil legacy for mankind from early times, and they also may actually be called the “original sin”. Information regarding the “original sin” was erroneously handed down by Christian religions as the fable of Adam, Eve and the devilish snake in the Garden of Eden. (..) Yet, in fact, this entire matter is based upon the manipulation of single DNA gene that can be rectified, if only our geneticists were to finally discover it. This genetic manipulation, a characteristic for all living human beings on Earth by way of its inevitable, hereditary transmission, can be reversed and therefore by doing so, Man can finally escape his evil demeanor, which was imposed upon him by way of genetic manipulation.

Everything on earth is geared  to that which the living people here to get into a position to detect the error and capable to be to fix it themselves. The “cleansed” will leave our solar system again before the downfall, namely when subjected to a fundamental change.

Therefore, everything on Earth is directed toward the elimination of what was once genetically manipulated, so that Man can leave the solar system once again before its sun dies and the entire system ceases.

On the new home planet our descendants would little by little adapt to the atmospheric conditions of the new planet, almost as the Noah and Moses have made at that time with our ancestors. The future of this new humanity great.

And when terrestrials emigrate once again from Earth to adjust themselves to their new home planets, distant and remote from the SOL System, they will have to adapt to those prevailing atmospheric conditions, just as their Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestors did in the past. The newly encountered conditions will be identical to those of Ur-times, when the genetically-manipulated peoples were breathing salubrious air. As can be stated today, these distant terrestrial descendants will have an extraordinary and agreeable future.

Pg. 223
From 2093 one will have not only the evidence, but further evidence of the history of mankind, that will change the dogmas of the religions of the world. For the year 2260 writes Nostradamus. “The big Jew (Orthodox Judaism) and Rose (Christianity) will change their doctrine (dogmas of faith)” Soon, no one will bother with them, when 100 years later Pope rules from a space station and there will be one day priests who undertake their own space station.

Many years will pass before terrestrial human beings find the proof that their former Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestors came to the SOL system from alien solar and planetary systems to settle on Mars before emigrating to Earth. When they do, the first proof may also be found that mankind’s earliest ancestors — the genetically-manipulated people, or rather their descendants — were refugees and exiles who originated in the Sirius regions. This proof will shake up the scientific community and, even more so, the religious world; it will prompt the need for great changes. (..) Many more power struggles and revolts will take place on Earth even at times when governments no longer reside on this planet, but will orbit in space stations surrounding it. These governments will not find a safe haven there for long as some predictions mention that the rulers will be overthrown up there.

Pg. 183
: Land and sea are frozen
In the eighth decade 2070-2079, Nostradamus goes on to describe the climate catastrophe. The oceans, atmosphere and earth will be frozen. One uses an invention and artificially heats the earth’s atmosphere successfully. (..)  In the east, a new physics is discovered. According to what Nostradamus predicts later on, there must be physics beyond the nuclear fusion.

Precipitated by the previously mentioned climate weapon, the entire Earth will be subjected to very problematic climatic changes when overall temperatures fall, that is, they drop dramatically. The result will be that land masses and oceans will freeze because of Man’s insanity. Consequently, a new invention will be developed that, powered by the most economical of energies, artificially heats the Earth’s atmosphere. This is the moment when Japan and China will discover that the prevailing physics is not the last word in knowledge, but that there exists yet a higher level of physics which extends into fine-matter spheres.

Pg. 227
2076: The year of the people
Under a single world government, the dream of a classless society is realized.

2079: The Year of the Oceans
The sciences have found a way to clean the oceans again.

Simultaneously, once the appropriate steps are taken, the feasibility of a classless society, as well as “technologically-biological prerequisites, will emerge that deal with the worldwide cleanup of the polluted rivers, lakes and oceans.

Pg. 228
: Disease as a weapon
People age in seconds due to a new biological Weapon.

This praiseworthy progress will be negated, however, by an extremely negative invention in form of a biological weapon; it will wreak tremendous havoc and induce instant aging in humans and animals (in seconds).

Pg. 184
: Mankind discovers its origin
In the tenth
decade 2090-2099 a great expedition into the universe starts. Man will renovate the former extraterrestrial colonies of other humanity that existed before us. Rebelling Space travelers bring along imprudently a wolf-like Animal (a disease?) to the Earth, which must be very vicious.

Nonetheless, space exploration will continue and a new world discovered in this process; a new Earth that will be suitable for maintaining human terrestrials. The actual period when space travel and with its many related discoveries commence will begin already in the very near future, however. Overall, expeditions into space will be successful, e.g., terrestrials will discover, or rather locate, ancient human traces and effects left behind on Mars. This will present sufficient reason for terrestrials to build, furbish and fly new spaceships with even greater ranges into the vastness of space, to make ever greater, more interesting and, especially, more significant discoveries. (..) The discovery, refurbishing and renewed operation of ancient extraterrestrial artifacts and stations on Mars in the not-too-distant future, and much later in other places as well, will be accomplished by our more distant descendants. These events are also associated with grave danger, however, for dangerous diseases and epidemics will be brought back to Earth by way of space travel, along with the exceedingly vicious ‘wolf’ as one prediction calls this horror, which could be a horrifying animal or a deadly epidemic. The definition of the “wolf” is not clear yet and its explanation is still pending. According to the prediction, this deadly factor will be introduced or carried to Earth either by ordinary space travellers or lawbreaking space travellers.

A new order makes the gratification of all human needs cheap. An important new matter is discovered. (..) The first flight suits, with which you can fly without large apparatus are constructed.

Additionally, in the distant days ahead, the discovery of a new and very significant substance is foretold; one that will benefit Man greatly – as long as he is able to utilize it to his own benefit. This entire scenario transpires at a time when a new order exists on Earth that satisfies, in an inexpensive manner, all needs of Man. New, overall-like suits for humans will be invented and produced that will enable Man to fly through the air freely without aid from any other devices.

Pg. 185
: The glory of God is near

In the first decade of the 22nd century, brings the conquest of space to an unimaginable extent. On a planet or an artificial space station, a research project is gets close to the mystery of creation. Literally: “The glory of God, the Divine is close to settle down.”Activities in space have increased so much that it has become its own powerful institution thereof. This seems to be a seed for the demise of the golden age, because the administration, that is, the governments on earth, comes through space flight great drawbacks. It comes, as it must in humans, the dispute begins, the boycott of the partners, here against  the space travel occurs, and the basic conditions for the next war are given.

The artificial sun in the sky will virtually ring in a new age, the Age of Space Conquest on a grand scale. From here on, space travel definitively will become commercial and turn into a significant, powerful institution by which Man, through science, will pursue the enigma of Creation and with it the origin of life and all existence. Of course, these events will make science very respectable again especially as they relate to the institution of space travel, which will control the scientists. Ultimately, this will not turn out well and will transpire as it must: This space travel institution will increasingly ignore the terrestrial governments and science, deal with them unfairly, and will generate conflicts again that provide the most auspicious base for a new war.

..the ‘semi-humans’, those human-animal, genetically-manipulated creatures and the robot-humans will be creating incredible problems. These difficulties will lead to the deplorable decline of every space travel program and nearly bring space travel to a complete standstill. The problem will come about because of the robot-humans’ and semi-humans’ refusal to continue working for normal human beings…

Pg. 228
The year of the light
A space station with an artificial sun illuminate the dark side of Earth. It makes at least a kind of permanent twilight.

Shortly thereafter the period of “nocturnal dawning” comes into existence, as stated in another prediction. This “nocturnal dawning” will be a new technological achievement whereby the dark side of planet Earth is illuminated by an artificial sun affixed to a space station; this device will not create full daylight, but a bright, dawnlike condition.

2111: People become quasi-robots – one connects nerve endings directly to machines.

During this period or about 6 years prior, humans will be converted into machines, that is, robots for the first time by connecting their nervous system to microscopic electronic-biologic gadgetry and machinery that will serve to guide them. (..)..robotic humans who will have arms and legs amputated so that their nervous system can be attached to minute electronic-biologic devices, whereby these semi-humans become living navigational devices for spaceships and every type of weaponry, machinery and terrestrial vehicles, to name but a few.

Pg. 186
2120-2129: The first space war of mankind

The next decade 2120-2129, begins Nostradamus with the description of food production from a rock. One thinks instinctively in this “white food” to the manna of the Bible. (..) On Mars, a form of war begins. Nostradamus distinguishes in a very precise way, people who live front of the sun and behind the sun.

A very inexpensive energy source will increase food supply production to the point where food can be distributed without charge. (..)Unfortunately, this will also be the time when the first space conflict – a space war – takes place between terrestrials and those humans who will have migrated to Mars by then. (..) Two large, genetically-manipulated peoples fled from the Sirius regions and settled in an area on the other side of the Sun. This meant they landed within, and then inhabited, a very distant part of a remote solar system; indeed, on planets beyond the galaxy’s central sun, the sun of the Milky Way. (..)Upon leaving the Sirius regions, the other genetically-manipulated peoples found a way to the SOL System…found refuge on the planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton, respectively..

Pg. 228
: An extraterrestrial advises people on creating underwater colonies. However, this makes the ecological balance of the Seas upside-down.

These events will transpire when humans, after conferring with extraterrestrials, construct residential buildings beneath the oceans which will dangerously interfere with the ecologic equilibrium of the oceans, land masses and the air.

Pg. 187
: The chronology is changing – the years are getting shorter

Around 2140: Countries still fancying themselves in the golden age give themselves a new social order, because money will be illegal. (..) A new demonic weapon is foreseen by Nostradamus. This is something that the bone seeking to kill ends and probably destroyed the calcium in bone.

Once again the time will arise when another new, dangerous, fatal weapon is invented that will disintegrate the bones of life forms. (..) Money may eventually be prohibited by law in the distant future..

Around 2146, the great fire of heaven that has illuminated the world at night, leaves and plunges down from its orbit within three days. Another major problem occurs upon humanity. “The fugue is shorter, then the year, then everything, father in law fainted,” says Nostradamus and announces a new chronology, because the old one has become nonsensical. By how much shorter actually the days, as he speaks of the reign of the moon, suggesting that one year composed of twelve months will be reported at 27 days. That would be a year of 324 days.

Simultaneously, the artificial sun created about fifty years prior will drift from its orbit and over a mere seventy-two hour period will plunge to Earth. The Earth’s own rotation and orbit around the Sun will change then and result in the reduction in the length of years, days and nights. (..) At this time a new terrestrial chronology will be contemplated because the altered lengths of the days and seasons on Earth cannot be utilized in the old system.

Pgs. 187-188
: Money is illegal

From 2150 begins Nostradamus, regularly talks to “those who live in the water.” A new religious founder arises, who declares Thursday a holiday. (..) The sacred law is destroyed, so that everything by other laws is unchristian and begins the infiltration of gold and silver once again in place of until some time ago abolished cash. The experiment is therefore failed. Nostradamus makes about the man of the 22nd century in this decade the most serious allegation: “You will do sooner or later, great changes in the air of the utmost cruelty.” This damage caused, will be resolved only 600 of years later, as he then brings in another place the prophecy to end.

In the ensuing few years the time will come when intelligent ocean dwellers will begin to contact human beings and communicate with them, and a new race of terrestrial inhabitants will thereby be founded. (..)Following the installation of the new terrestrial chronology, the founder of a new religion will come to the forefront and revoke the Christian Sunday, Islamic Friday and Jewish Sabbath, in order to establish a new holiday schedule. As an experiment, money will be briefly abolished, but clandestine trading with valuable goods such as precious metals, diamonds and other commodities will continue. Sometime later the insane terrestrials wretchedly will alter the Earth’s atmosphere in a dreadful format.

Pg. 188
2160-2169: From pigs half people are made
2160-2169: It’s war. Many governors lose their offices. They built a new sun that shines at night. In 2164 the time has come. The people have managed to make pigs half people, says Nostradamus, who apparently assume functions in space and fight for the people. He mentioned the progress that have reached the dismembered, that is, those who have amputated arms and legs in order to connect their nerve with machines. These children without hands refuse seem to control even more barrels.

Pg. 229
: The Science pervertedly goes to cultivate pigs to “half-human” and use in spaceships.

The future will hold nothing positive pertaining to scientists because they will have begun to perform their first genetic manipulations on humans and animals by this time, and will be creating entities, so-called ‘semi-humans’, whom they will produce by crossing humans with pigs and then train them as fighting machines. These entities will be sent into war and also perform a variety of tasks in space. However, this situation will not go well very long. The entities will oppose their creators,  like it is also the case with robotic humans who will have arms and legs amputated so that their nervous system can be attached to minute electronic-biologic devices, whereby these semi-humans become living navigational devices for spaceships and every type of weaponry, machinery and terrestrial vehicles, to name but a few.

Pg. 188
For 2167 Nostradamus sees the great friend of mankind come under his power and teaching the new Universal will arise.

Pg. 229
: A new World Teacher appears and establishes a new religion, which quickly spreads wide – and is will be naturally strongly fought.

A man will appear and present the universal teachings to the entire terrestrial human population. He will be remarkably successful, although existing religions and religious sects will follow up with global countermeasures – as has been the case since ancient times. The teachings of the spirit will be included in this teachings, and some fourty years later the teachings of reincarnation will have been disseminated worldwide and accepted by the existing religions.

Pg. 188
2170-2179: A new space station, which he referred to as the bearded in the air, is installed and begins to rotate like a skewer.

A gigantic space station will be built, upon which a vast number of humans will live while the station travels in its own orbit around the Sun.

Pg. 189
: First encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence of heinous nature

From today’s perspective, not to interpret, but it is quite possible that here a first collaboration with extraterrestrial intelligence is addressed, because Nostradamus speaks further on the unknown, located within the darkness of the unknown, which in the game of scientists is the moving into the space.

However, prior to this event some unpleasant encounters with extraterrestrials will take place that may result in a gratifying union depending upon which direction Man takes; taking the wrong direction will result in disagreeable, possibly even dangerous prospects.

A natural disaster is described by Nostradamus. It is the eruption of two volcanoes, subsequently thanks to the technology of the people again, will be “confined”.

Pg. 229
: Continued volcanic eruptions can be for the first time stopped by technical means.

Through technological intervention, Man will slowly learn to prevent natural catastrophes. Volcanos, in particular, will be placated and their activity controlled, as will be the influences of weather conditions.

2196: Due to the decades of mixing of Asians and Europeans a new mixed race has emerged that considers Eurasia as their ancestral home continent.

Pg. 230
: Big problems with the “dismembered” (people who operate directly through their nerve endings machines) and with half-human (genetic “new breeds” between humans and animals) bring the ambitious space program almost to a standstill.

This increase in longevity will also precipitate increasingly greater problems of overpopulation and all other subsequent obstacles, which will include migrations that will result in new types of interbred peoples. Among them will be a group who call themselves Eurasians. They will demand the Eurasian region for their homeland at a time when the ‘semi-humans’, those human-animal, genetically-manipulated creatures and the robot-humans will be creating incredible problems. These difficulties will lead to the deplorable decline of every space travel program and nearly bring space travel to a complete standstill.

2190-2199: The secret of the energy flow of the universe is discovered!
Due to the
discovery and possession of a new form of energy, there is an armed conflict. (..) They discovered that the children when they are nourished by a “threefold foam’, derives especially much vital energy for their future life. Later Nostradamus describes that people get into trouble because they are over 400 years old.

Triggered by the invention or, rather, discovery of a new and very valuable energy source and its rights to ownership, renewed war activities on Earth will ensue. Problems will also occur within human populations because their relative immortality, that is, the increase in human longevity, will amount to life spans of from 350 to 450 years.

Pg. 230
(II. Centurie, verse 1): The sun will become weaker. The nuclear fusion on the Sun slows down; leading to a climate downfall.

These events will transpire at a time when a climatic reversal begins on Earth because of the Sun’s noticeably weakening activity triggered by reduced nuclear fusions within it. (..) The Sun’s activity will increasingly cause more concern, as it becomes notably weaker and unable to provide sufficient energy to supply Earth and Mars with light and warmth.

Pg. 191
: Mankind tries to reach his origin planets
the beginning of the third decade once again  a big event on space-driving capabilities is imminent, which Nostradamus judged very negatively. Apparently one with a newly-equipped propulsion, started by the irresponsible space companies. Halfway to the intended objective one encounters extraterrestrials, in human terms a repellent life.

The previously mentioned space-exploration craft will lift off shortly after this cognizance, whereupon it will encounter the great horrors. Equipped with a completely new propulsion system, the expedition spacecraft is expected to penetrate space to the extent that it will reach the original home planets of the first genetically manipulated peoples. Such an undertaking will still be completely irresponsible on the part of the terrestrials from that period. (..) They will become aware of their failings only midway along their path toward the home planets of the genetically manipulated peoples’ origins, when the expedition will be confronted by terrifying extraterrestrial life.

..and it looks very much as though the meant moment is to be first fitted to the machines with biological intelligence. But the advantage for or even through the Great is lost again, because a ruler of the dismembered, space people which are connected with machinery, will “include” the know-how, i.e. the forbidden.

Ultimately, this space expedition becomes feasible only when the technological apparatuses, machinery, all electronic instruments and many other items from that period are no longer operated and piloted by human beings. The technological devices will become equipped instead with independent, biological intelligence that makes all piloting and operations almost infallible. The robot-humans still performing those functions at that time will rebel against this change of events. Concurrent with this development will begin the rule by the robot people under the leadership of someone from their own ranks.

2230-2239: The space travel reaches its peak
The fact of the Holy enamel is merged in a cut of matter,” writes Nostradamus and gives discovering another mystery of matter known.

Simultaneously, terrestrial space travel will reach the pinnacle of its development as research forges on, and soon further deductions and solutions will unlock additional secrets of matter.

Pg. 192
: The second artificial sun crashes
In the middle
of this century, the future 2240-2249 a part of science is committing a new crime against the structure of nature. ” The large star will burn during seven days.” Nostradamus sees that the Earth will have two suns for some time. Because of this ignition of the second sun by some scientists, the great majority of scientists will clamour, fearing unforeseeable consequences.

During this same period, once again, the megalomanic scientists will perform an incredible spectacle by producing a gigantic second sun. Although this group of scientists will be small in number, nonetheless, through a dangerous experiment they will ignite one of the SOL planets, which will burn for seven days and glisten in the SOL system as a second sun before it burns out and fades.

For 2246 Nostradamus announces the people that “to Great approaches, the great mover of the reviving centuries”. He also indicates the death of the great old enemy who was killed by the poison. Everything suggests that the ruler of the dismembered could be killed by poison.

..Concurrent with this development will begin the rule by the robot people under the leadership of someone from their own ranks, who will be the enemy of all other human life forms and cause a great stir, although he will die very soon after these events.

There will be a medical advancement in this decade of the 23rd century, “pieces with skills are hidden under the hair that will revive useless portions from dying.” Obviously one will plant small modules under the scalp, which in case of failure of the brain or other steps in to control functions – a safe fascinating idea.

Great progress in brain research will occur in the same period, including the implantation of micro modules into human and animal scalps. The micro modules will assume and execute all the brain’s navigational functions.

We the people of the 20th century can only read from it that makes a greater number colonists to a particularly long trip in a spaceship on the path that looks like an artificial earth.

At this time, far from Earth, an artificial world within another alien solar system will be populated by an immense migration surge that stems from the continued, irrational increases in terrestrial overpopulation.

Pg. 230
2256: From a space expedition a spaceship brings a plague against which there are no medicines.

And an additional thirty-five years later, terrestrial human beings will face a new horror when one of their exploration spaceships brings a deadly epidemic back to Earth that will leave medical scientists completely helpless.

Pg. 193
2250-2259: The “dismembered men,” a new problem of the future
unremarkable first appears in the text, that the dismembered, that is, separated from the arms and legs people whose nerve endings are joined tomachines, spacecraft, and the like, recently also have daughters: “For the daughters without hands too many different possessions. “the thing for ordinary people is dangerous now, because this kind of life can propagate. Without feet, no hands, pointed teeth and strength. Born with the sphere of the strength at the periphery and roughened.”The already mentioned several times dismembered, without arms and legs, have something Nostradamus describes as “sharp teeth”, and are very strong. Their strength they get obviously by a source of energy, which is installed at the end, at the periphery, that is at the junction of nerve terminal / port to the machine. “Born broken beasts” can be interpreted that the nerve endings already lying open in newborns to be installed that way.

The robot people, simultaneously, will become a danger to normal human beings through their own propagation and the siring of many descendants. Due to genetic alterations, these descendants will be born without arms and legs, with their nerve endings already exposed. This will permit easy access to the nerve endings of their extremities, which can then be attached without surgery to various devices and machinery, etc. The robot people will become a true menace to normal humans, for they will possess unforeseen consciousness-related powers. Over time, they will further develop these powers by way of an above-normal application of their consciousness whereby the brain, through unique, painstakingly constructed energy generators, will be endowed with special energies from the outside. All of this will allow the forces of the consciousness to perform at record levels.

2260-2269: Christians and Jews unite their faith
another, still unimaginable event will take place at this time. ” The great Jew and the Rose shall change their doctrine.” The way in which Nostradamus wrote down this prophecy, suggests that in the wake of the findings of the space exploration, Orthodox Judaism shall to make an adjustment of its faith laws and precepts by the Christianity or vice versa!

Many years will pass before terrestrial human beings find the proof that their former Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestors came to the SOL system from alien solar and planetary systems to settle on Mars before emigrating to Earth. When they do, the first proof may also be found that mankind’s earliest ancestors — the genetically-manipulated people, or rather their descendants — were refugees and exiles who originated in the Sirius regions. This proof will shake up the scientific community and, even more so, the religious world; it will prompt the need for great changes.

2262: The weakening sun causes changes in the gravity field of the solar system. A comet threatens Mars and thus the Mars colonies.

During this period, the Destroyer planet will once again create havoc. This ancient roaming celestial body will enter the inner solar system on a collision course with Earth as a result of the Sun’s rapidly dwindling nuclear activity and the subsequent total alteration of the gravity fields within the entire solar system. (..)Only three years later the Destroyer will enter the former orbit of Mars and ram into the two Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, which had remained intact during the planet’s destruction.

2271: The constant Pi is recognized as calculated wrongly; the new knowledge leads to a fundamental rethinking of the natural sciences.

2279: Scientists succeeds for the first time to tap into the immense energies of the “black holes” and make them harnessable for the earth.

In the process they will discover that the base for pi was miscalculated. By eliminating the error in pi, and correcting future computations based on pi, scientists and their amazing, highly developed technology will have the capability to make unimaginable energies accessible to the people of Earth. This will be accomplished through the terrestrials’ diversion and utilization of energies from Black Holes from within the Milky Way system.

Pg. 231
: The energy of the black holes make it possible to do, says Nostradamus, “time travel”. In addition, the global populace enters into contact with highly intelligent aliens and can benefit greatly.

This new energy source, in fact, the energy type itself, will enable terrestrials to develop new forms of space travel. In the wake and expansion of these developments, a travel and transportation factor becomes reality which, prior to 1995 and long into the future, had been called fantasy: Time travel. This discovery/invention, in turn, will enable Man to travel into both the past and the future, and as well into the vastness of the Universe, something that was hitherto impossible. In the aftermath of these events new human life forms will be discovered, without doubt, and humans of Earth will learn unfathomable information from these extraterrestrials, for these ETs will possess remarkably greater intelligence than the terrestrials.

2290: The end of “Robot humans” – as they are no longer needed, finally abandons their inhumane “production”.

Developments in every field will progress rapidly and result in the creation of artificial, biological intelligences that will be utilized for the guidance and handling of all apparatuses, devices, electronics, machinery including flying craft and vehicles. By this time there will be no concern of these biological intelligences becoming independent to later endanger terrestrials as it will be the case with the robot people, who will no longer be of any use and be exterminated without further ado.

2292: The energy state of the sun is changing rapidly and dramatically. Thereby there are always more critical changes in gravity system.

2297: Satellites and space stations crash because of the dramatic changes in gravity.

The time will then come when all space stations and satellites orbiting the Earth, Mars and Venus will crash. This will be the result of the Sun’s ever decreasing activity having changed to such an extent that monumental gravitational changes of all planets will occur, even to the Sun itself. Scientists will be working at record levels to find solutions for the changes, but they will be unsuccessful.

Pg. 231
2302 (III. Centuries, verse 2): The formula of creation is discovered.

Yet, they [scientists] will have success in as much as they will discover an incredibly important factor in the Creational formula.

2341: Something new, unknown and dreadful approaches the Earth from the center of the universe.

Thereafter another danger from space will threaten the terrestrial world, this time from the depths of the central Universe. The danger from this threat will become evident only much later, however.

2354: Due to the defect of an artificial sun, entire regions will burn off.
2368: It ensues a battle for the oxygen in the air, probably to an artificial atmosphere in order to manage to a different habitable planet.
2371: The largest famine ever, haunts the earth.

Prior to this event, terrestrial humans will place artificial suns into orbit around the Earth, albeit far beyond the customary distance. Terrestrials will not have much luck with these satellites either, for one of the artificial suns will begin to glow due to severe damage and scorch large regions on Earth. In turn, the aftermath of these events will dangerously affect Earth’s atmosphere and produce an oxygen deficiency that precipitates worldwide riots. From this catastrophe another will evolve because the scorched land and lack of oxygen cannot remain without consequences either. The catastrophe will affect the economy and the entire food processing industry and will result in a famine the likes of which the world has never seen nor experienced over the past thousands of years.

Pg. 232
: The end of the traditional space travel is announced.
2384: The people can no longer die.
2388: The Mars colonies are attacked.
2390: An intelligent race of sea dwellers begins to establish.

This will signify the beginning of the end for conventional space travel…This also is the time when geriatric research, through genetic reverse-manipulation, will release the human population from the premature aging’s curse; a curse that was brought about, long ago, in the initial fighting peoples’ genes by the gene manipulators, the “creator-overlords”. This reverse manipulation will afford Man an even longer life span than that achieved by terrestrial geneticists through prior procedures, whereby human lives increased to an average life expectancy of four hundred years. These new achievements will produce an extremely long human life expectancy of thousands of years. Then the time will come when aggressions with Martian inhabitants will begin and result in the actual launching of attacks on the colonies. In the ensuing few years the time will come when intelligent ocean dwellers will begin to contact human beings and communicate with them, and a new race of terrestrial inhabitants will thereby be founded.

2404: A spaceship discovers the history of mankind in Universe.
2410: Procreation will be declared a crime.
2415: The Eye of Sirius as an observation station of the extraterrestrials for control of the planet Earth.

These events will be followed by fifteen years of relative calm, finally bringing good fortune to the Earth’s human inhabitants in their quest to find their actual origins. A terrestrial space expedition will penetrate into the regions of Sirius and discover, or rather locate there, proof of the Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestry of the human beings on Earth, who previously were procreated through genetic manipulations in ancient times by the Sirius “creator-overlords”. (..)The contacts will lead to a collaboration instead, resulting in the previous genetic manipulation’s definitive reversal. This action, in turn, will result in the birth of new descendants who will be normal and no longer be degenerate.

The reversal of this previous degeneration-gene manipulation, along with the continually climbing overpopulation, precipitated even more so by the extraordinary human longevity, will result in plans for the eradication of those humans in whom the genetic reverse manipulation had not yet been performed, on Earth as well as on all other worlds colonialized by terrestrials, and space stations inhabited by them. This eradication will transpire in the same manner previously proclaimed and demanded by responsible individuals a very long ago: A worldwide halt in the birthrate over a seven-year cycle. Within this framework, only parents whose degeneration was previously eradicated through genetic reverse-manipulation will be permitted to procreate. Only those individuals, therefore, will be legally entitled to sire any offspring. Illegal pregnancies will be assessed as the most abhorrent crime, punishable by death to the guilty parties. This concept will only come about as an inescapable law five years before the period when complete authority over planet Earth is placed into the hands of the administrative sphere within the Sirius alliance, and enforced therefrom.

2423: The  last secrets of Chemistry will be discovered.

Nonetheless, in these distant days ahead, Earth scientists will be ambitious; they will fulfill new objectives, make new discoveries, and capture chemistry’s last remaining secrets.

2471: Hints on the mystery of the center of the Milky Way and the black hole of the galaxy.

Despite the incredible knowledge that extraterrestrial intelligences will have passed on to the terrestrials, by far not every mystery about everything will have been penetrated or unraveled. Therefore, research will continue into all facet including that of astronomy, and scientists will subsequently penetrate to the center of the Milky Way to investigate its secrets and those of the Black Hole.

2480: The two artificial suns collide in their orbits.
2485: The pale sun bathes the earth in the day only in a dim light. Is that the “gods dawn”?

The Sun’s activity will increasingly cause more concern, as it becomes notably weaker and unable to provide sufficient energy to supply Earth and Mars with light and warmth. In these distant, future times artificial suns will routinely orbit the Earth at a considerable distance so as to brighten and heat its surface. This situation will not remain benign either as one can deduce from an event that will occur seventy years after capital punishment for illicit procreation becomes law, when two of these artificial suns will destructively collide with one another, inflicting severe damage.

Pg. 233
World from 2500-3072
The earth, that is, the people on earth, are being governed from space stations and also exploited. Power struggles, deprivation of power situated in space, leader is an issue this time.

Many more power struggles and revolts will take place on Earth even at times when governments no longer reside on this planet, but will orbit in space stations surrounding it. These governments will not find a safe haven there for long as some predictions mention that the rulers will be overthrown up there.

As early as 2600, man is compelled, all the people of this earth to move in together to a continent (Africa), because the subservient animal made by the people has degenerated and persecutes and kills the human race. One builds the continent into a fortress, and defends himself against the animal.

Through faults and machinations of scientists, an evil time will follow once again, whereupon Man will utilize the services of an animal that harbors much negativity, viciousness and degeneration. This condition will be revealed to Man and be provoked by the scientists’ service agreement. Consequently, the animal (or animals) will begin to attack people to a point where it/they will actually hunt terrestrials, and masses of humans will be slaughtered. The prediction, unfortunately, does not divulge any information on whether the animal(s) will be introduced to Earth from the vastness of the Universe, or whether it will originate on the Earth itself. In any case, human beings throughout the world will be forced to defend themselves against these animals. But the human population’s efforts will be futile, and for this reason everyone on Earth will have little choice than to flee to the one continent which will be forged into a gigantic fortress.

Nostradamus blames the arrogance and the loftiness of sciences around the year 2900.

Three hundred years later, scientists will once again create a horrendous calamity, for their conceit and arrogance will push them to the point where they see themselves as “God”, and in their megalomania they will perceive themselves as equals to Creation and as being irreplaceable in every way.

The year 3005 is a fateful year for our earth. Ten huge Spaceships destroy Mars. This destruction seems not only to affect the surface of Mars, but the planet as substance.

Afterward, nearly one hundred years later, a very vicious and aggressive act takes place on Man’s neighbor planet, Mars, when numerous spaceships will attack and completely annihilate the planet until even its substance is eliminated.

Pg. 234
A comet
, deflected from its original path through the altered gravity conditions of our planetary system, hurtles  in our planetary system and threatens to ram the Earth in 3072. Scientists are unsure of their case and believe it possible to destroy the comet. However, this will be the failure. The comet rams one of the planets of our solar system, possibly the Moon. A rock belt wraps around the earth. Space travel from the earth is no longer possible. Much of the water supply will be snatched away. Earth is heating up its atmosphere, which has become very thin.

During this period, the Destroyer planet [comet] will once again create havoc. This ancient roaming celestial body will enter the inner solar system on a collision course with Earth as a result of the Sun’s rapidly dwindling nuclear activity and the subsequent total alteration of the gravity fields within the entire solar system. (..) the terrestrials are unable to direct the Destroyer into another orbit or annihilating the Destroyer. (..)

Everything will transpire as it must: After the disastrous blunders by terrestrial scientists, terrestrials will suffer from the scientists’ attempts to destroy the Destroyer, and the scientists’ arrogance and conceit will plummet. They will congregate around them ordinary people and flee from the threatened planet Earth. (..) Nonetheless, the near-collision will result in a catastrophic event in which the Destroyer smashes into the Earth’s moon. This will cause both the Moon and the Destroyer to shatter into a myriad of pieces, which will form a rotating belt orbiting around the Earth. The oceans, lakes and rivers will also be torn from their beds at this time, and will evaporate into the atmosphere from the ensuing immense heat. The steam, along with gigantic portions of the atmosphere, will be wrenched into space..

Chapter 10. The End of our Solar System
Pg. 238
harbingers and causes of the end time
disaster in our solar system will be triggered by the sun. It runs out  of the fuel. If one follows the notes that Nostradamus makes, in the course of 1000 years on the problem of the sun, then this development is not surprising. We live according to Nostradamus in a solar system with a dying sun. Starting from the year 2200, this will come to the notice of our scientists knowledge and the people of this time. It is colder on Earth, and the years are shorter by a third.

The time will come when further powerful changes take place within the SOL system as the Sun’s nuclear fusions decrease. Indeed, the entire gravity field will not only become unmanageable and changed, but large-scale climatic changes will become the daily norm. These occurrences will inspire scientists to record performances because they will wish to find methods to counteract the Sun’s negative consequences. These consequences will manifest themselves far sooner than anticipated in fact, and contradict millennia-old, erroneous scientific assumptions. Only then will people correctly realize that the Sun is a dying celestial body and that, subsequently, the end of the SOL system will herewith be predetermined already.

Let us recall the predictions of Nostradamus, that is the initially positioned artificial satellites as sun-replacement in space. Later one will probably ignite Jupiter and make the second sun in our solar system. The people of the end times are so familiar with two suns.

During this same period, once again, the megalomanic scientists will perform an incredible spectacle by producing a gigantic second sun. Although this group of scientists will be small in number, nonetheless, through a dangerous experiment they will ignite one of the SOL planets, which will burn for seven days and glisten in the SOL system as a second sun before it burns out and fades. Jupiter and Saturn could be equally suitable candidates for this experiment as they are uncompleted miniature suns, making redundant the selection of planets for this future insanity.

Pg. 241
The End Times
The End
or to put
more positively, the transformation of our solar system is triggered from Venus. Mercury collided with the mass of the old sun and will be destroyed. The “Beautiful League”, the harmony and the interplay of all the planets are thereby disturbed.

Sun and Mercury are on a collision course. According to Nostradamus, Mercury is the second heaven, the new configuration of the solar system is no longer enacted. The fall of Mercury into the sun will trigger 100-year flashes on the sun, so gas eruptions. The eight other planets in our solar system will not be able to orbit around the sun, which gradually will be disliked.

Meanwhile, Mercury will enter a collision course with the Sun and will plunge thereon to produce a catastrophe that signifies the destruction of the final remaining harmony within the SOL system. For nearly 100 years afterward, the Sun will generate gigantic eruptions and nuclear fusions once again, as well as protuberances that will extend far into space. By this time the planetary orbits will be destroyed to a point where they will no longer circle around the Sun.

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Last modified on April 2, 2016 at 11:03 pm