Thought and Character

The aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. – (pg. 7)

Since time immemorial, there have been many aphorisms in regard to the might of the thoughts, such as, “The might of the thoughts determines the actions of the human being”; The might of the thoughts determines the life of the human being”; “The personality forms itself by means of the might of the thoughts”; “The human being is just the way he/she uses the might of his/her thoughts”; and so on, and so forth. – (pg. 8)

The might of the thoughts not only embraces the human being’s entire Wesen, but it is so comprehensive that…The might of the human being’s thoughts embraces every condition and every circumstance of the human being’s life; consequently the human being is always exactly that which he/she mightfully thinks. As a result of this, without any doubt, character, morality and personality are the complete sum of the might of the thoughts. – (pg. 10)

As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called “spontaneous” and “unpremeditated” as to those which are deliberately executed. – (pg. 7)

A plant sprouts from a seed and can therefore not come into existence without it. It is also exactly the same with the acts, deeds and wishes of the human being, as well as with the human being’s character, morality and entire personality, as well as with the state of his/her psyche.(…) Whether acts and deeds as well as conditions and circumstances, and so forth, result, are used, or formed, spontaneously and without deliberation, or are willingly and thereby intentionally carried out, plays no role in this. – (pg. 10)

Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry. – (pg. 7)

All acts and deeds…are flowers of the thoughts and their monstrous might. Thus also joy and sorrow..No matter what is referred to and regarded – whether something negative or positive – it is always the fruit of the might of the thoughts, regardless of whether it is personally created or is created by third parties. Thus the human being actually gathers the sweet as well as the bitter fruits which he/she cultivates himself/herself by means of the might of the thoughts.. – (pg. 12)

Thought in the mind hath made us. What we are
By thought we wrought and built. If a man’s mind
Hath evil thoughts, pain comes on him as comes
The wheel the ox behind . . . If one endure
In purity of thought, joy follows him
As his own shadow – sure. – (pg. 8)

Whatever the human being is, is the result of that human being’s own thoughts, which were drafted and put together in his/her own consciousness and then brought into effect through the might and power which is inherent in the thoughts. If negative thoughts thoughts are maintained in this way, regardless of whether it is knowingly or unknowingly, then negative effects also follow. However, if the thoughts are healthy and are thereby neutral-positive-equalised, then the effect also corresponds to that. – (pg. 12)

Man is a growth by law, and not a creation by artifice, and cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things. – (pg. 8)

As a matter of fact, the human being is not an artificial creation, but the creation of creational intelligence and thereby a creation which has evolved through the law of universal creation; of universal consciousness. (..) But the law of universal creation is a law of cause and effect, as applies to all the creational areas of law. (..) Everything which is kept concealed pertaining to the human being becomes obvious as a result of this cause-effect principle, since it is absolutely and unwaveringly exposes the mysterious realms of the thinking once the effects of the thoughts become visible, audible or perceptible…The effects of the casual thoughts are therefore as visible as the material things of the world. – (pg. 14)

A noble and Godlike character is not a thing of favor or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long cherished association with Godlike thoughts. An ignoble and bestial character, by the same process, is the result of the continued harboring of groveling thoughts. – (pg. 8)

As a consequence of the cause-effect principle of the thoughts, a virtuous, noble and modest character, and a corresponding personality, are not a matter of random chance, or the result of a lottery, which must simply be accepted, but instead they are a matter of a self-determined, good, positive destiny, and are the natural result of right, neutral-positive-equalised thinking and of the willing, constant efforts to nurture a corresponding effect of a long-tended connection with creationally-right thoughts. This is quite the opposite of the low kind of thoughts, in which the cause-effect principle produces a virtueless, ignoble and immodest character-profile and a corresponding personality, because one persists in continually remaining with purely negative and “groveling thoughts”. – (pg. 14)

Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; – (pg. 8)

At the latest, from the point in which one become conscious of oneself, one creates oneself by means of oneself – or one destroys oneself. The consciousness is the armory of the thoughts, which mightfully come to fruition. But the thoughts are not only indispensable, good tools…but they are also deadly weapons, with which the human being is able to destroy himself/herself. – (pgs. 14-16)

he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. – (pg. 8)

So joy or sorrow are therefore created through the might of the thoughts, in each case according to whether they are created with the good tools of love, strength, peace and harmony, and so forth, or whether a self-destruction is brought about with the deadly weapons. – (pg. 16)

By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. – (pgs. 8-9)

If the right choice is made and the might of the thoughts is used in the right way, then the human being climbs in his/her evolution and gains knowledge, love, peace, harmony and wisdom, but, if the might of the thoughts is abused and wrongly used, then the human being…sinks deeper than is possible for all the animals. – (pg. 16)

Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master. – (pgs. 8-9)

And there are actually only these two extremes, between which lie all human shades of the human being’s morality, character, psychical state and entire personality – extremes and shades which the human being himself/herself creates, often consciously, and often unconsciously. – (pg. 16)

Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this – that man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny. – (pg. 9)

Of all the entire truth in regard to the spirit and its energy, as well as in regard to the Creation itself and its laws and recommendations – which, in the new age, is especially awakened to new life and is brought out into the open as well as into the consciousness of the human being – the part which is certainly one of the most important is that which speaks of how the human being who is conscious of himself/herself, and has a normal rationality, is the master of his/her own thoughts and is therefore also master over the might of his/her thoughts. (..) But the fact that the human being is master of his/her own thoughts and also possesses might over them , means that he/she is the creator of his/her own morality, character and entire personality. Along with that, he/she is also the creator of the state of his/her own psyche and is the smith of his/her entire life circumstances, environment and entire destiny. – (pg. 16)

As a being of Power, Intelligence, and Love, and the Lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills. – (pg. 9)

As a separate, individual unit of power and love, intelligence, knowledge and wisdom, and as master of his/her own thoughts and the might of the thoughts, the human being himself/herself holds the key to every conceivable situation in his/her hand. This key is the might of the thoughts, a regenerative means for change, which is intrinsic to every rational human being and, with the help of which, human beings can make themselves into that which they want to be – just as they wish. – (pg. 18)

Man is always the master, even in his weakest and most abandoned state; but in his weakness and degradation he is the foolish master who misgoverns his household. – (pg. 9)

The human being is always, and in every moment, master of his/her own situation, and, indeed even when he/she suffers affliction and misery, or when he/she feels weak, ill and abandoned. – (pg. 18)

When he begins to reflect upon his condition, and to search diligently for the Law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence, and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues. – (pg. 9)

If a human being thinks about his/her life-circumstances, and carefully searches for the truth of that law on which his/her very own personal Wesen is based, and if this actually also found, then the human being can become the wise master. And this law is nothing more than the actuality of the might of the thoughts, through which all energies are directed with intelligence and which forms the thoughts themselves such that they produce fruitful results. – (pg. 20)

Such is the conscious master, and man can only thus become by discovering within himself the laws of thought; which discovery is totally a matter of application, self-analysis, and experience. – (pgs. 9-10)

Every human being can become the conscious master of his/her thoughts; but to that end it is necessary to discover, in oneself, the laws of the thinking. However, the discovery of these laws is fundamentally a matter of self-analysis for the purpose of self-cognition. And, naturally, it is also a matter of the correct use of the creation of thoughts as well as of the constantly growing practical experiences and living of the thoughts and their effects. – (pg. 20)

Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find every truth connected with his being if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul; and that he is the maker of his character, the molder of his life, and the builder of his destiny, he may unerringly prove, if he will watch, control, and alter his thoughts, tracing their effects upon himself, upon others, and upon his life and circumstances, – (pg. 10)

But as a matter of fact, such proceeding, searching and digging is necessary, because only thereby can the truth and the laws of the thinking be found; gems of the truth which are of lasting value. (…) And without doubt, the truth, that every human being is the smith of his/her own life, mortality, character, psyche and entire personality, and is altogether the master over the building of his/her entire fate, can be proven by every woman and every man to herself or himself if that human being’s own thoughts are observed and monitored as well as changed; if the effects of the thoughts on oneself and on one’s own life and the life-circumstances and ways of life, and so forth, are observed and analysed, as are also, however, the life, the personality and life-circumstances, and the way of life, and so forth, of other persons, to the same degree. – (pg. 20)

linking cause and effect by patient practice and investigation, and utilizing his every experience, even to the most trivial, everyday occurrence, as a means of obtaining that knowledge of himself which is Understanding, Wisdom, Power. – (pg. 10)

Through the following and observation of these things, the evidence can doubtlessly be produced, and indeed especially if cause and effect are brought into connection with each other through patient practice and investigation, and if all gained practical experiences, and the living of those experiences, specifically find a practical use – whereby even the most trivial, mundane experiences, and the effective processing thereof, are of decisive significance. Thereby, knowledge about one’s own personality is obtained, which leads to the understanding of oneself and it leads to the wisdom, whereby a monstrous power and might arise. – (pgs. 20-22)

In this direction, as in no other, is the law absolute that “He that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened”; for only by patience, practice, and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the Door of the Temple of Knowledge. – (pg. 10)

Since ancient times, the saying has prevailed, that those who make efforts regarding a matter actually will also harvest results. However, this saying strikes at the core of the truth nowhere better and more precisely than in relation to when the human being makes the effort to clarify his/her thoughts…Yet everything needs patience and practice, as well as an unremitting effort, because only thereby can the door to the real knowledge be found and opened, in order to make useful that truth which has been found. – (pg. 22)

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Last modified on February 4, 2016 at 2:19 pm