Outer Space Pictures – Cave men


According to Contact Report 35, during Meier’s Great Journey in space (which took place from July 17-22, 1975) he allegedly traveled to NEBER, a planet in the KRAS system in the galaxy BEBERAS (these are Plejaren designations) which is 9.38 billion light years from Earth. There he was also allowed to take many pictures, of which 7 (see pgs. 434, 435 & 438) are printed in PPKB 1, as was also confirmed in 2005 in FIGU Special Bulletin 20 by Hans Georg Lanzendorfer, core group member of FIGU:

“A journey with Semjase into the galaxy BEBERAS to the world NEBER in the KRAS system did, in fact, take place during the 31st Contact on the 17th of July, 1975. The world inhabited by dinosaurs, NEBER, is 9.38 million light years away from the Earth. These facts can be read in the bound edition of The Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Block 1 (2002), on page 432, sentence# 575 and the following. During the journey, some photographs of various primeval animals and humans as well as pyramids were actually made by BEAM, some of which are shown in the edition of the book mentioned…”

These 7 pictures are part of the 42 genuine or only slightly falsified pictures from Guido’s collection (see 2001 section in timeline). Two of the pictures show primitive men which according to the CR 35 are descendants of 2 advanced human races that build research outposts on the planet thousands of years ago. But the home world for one of the races was destroyed by a cosmic catastrophe and for the other their home world was struck by an unknown deadly epidemic that killed all lifeforms on the planet. Consequently, the people on the planet NEBER got stuck there, and as their technology disintegrated and they couldn’t repair it, over the generations the humans degenerated to wild and primitive men, or as we will label them: cave men. These pictures have a history of different publications, criticism, etc. which we have listed on the following page:

Timeline of Cave Men pictures


The cave men pictures are on page 435 of PPKB 1 in CR 34:

Cave men pictures

Like all Meier’s space pictures, these too are of poor quality. What is also striking about these cave men pictures is:

Critisism by skeptics

This photo has already received criticism before. In 1995 Kal Korff published the book ‘Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story’ in which he on pages 252-255 addresses the “cave man” photographs, which he had obtained from ex-FIGU member Hans Jacob who worked closely with Meier, managing his photo albums during 1975-1976. According to Korff, these photos were available in Hans Jacob’s binder (DIA – Die grosse Reise in die Ewigkeit, pg. 10). Korff basically has the following points of criticism:

  1. The photos were shot from a visual monitor, not in an outdoor environment, the curvature of the monitor can easily be seen
  2. The photos are supposed to have been taken consecutively, but show two different individuals (ape-like and Neanderthal)
  3. The photos are out of focus and indicate motion blur, for which there is no logical reason given the camera details and daylight conditions on the planet Neber

In points 1 & 3 Korff seems to assume that Meier claimed that he took the pictures while walking around on the planet. In CR 31 very little is said about the pictures themselves, apart from this on PPKB 1, page 438:

“Ptaah initiates the next hyperjump, and seconds later we are at our destination. With Semjase I fly down to the planet Neber and make many pictures. We spoke very little, and only about completely unimportant matters.”

It’s not really clear from this text whether Meier actually left the ship to make pictures, or made pictures from the ships monitors or from the special device the Plejaren had constructed for him (as described in CR 31). As also described in Message of the Pleiades Vol. 1, page 338-339, most of the pictures turned out to be overexposed and out of focus when they came back from development. So the fact that the cave men pictures are out of focus and seem to be taken from a monitor is not necessarily inconsistent with Meier’s description of events. But what is the probability of Plejaren ETs having the same curvature screens as ours from 1970’s ?

In point 2 Korff assumes these photos are supposed to have been taken consecutively, so the photos should show the same individual, which clearly they don’t. We do not know why Korff makes this assumption, but there is nothing in CR 31 that suggests that these photos have been taken consecutively. CR 31 mentions 2 different human races that were left behind on the planet, which could explain the different appearance of the two cave men. On one picture the figure still looks ape-like, which would imply a hominid species, while the humanoids on the planet Neber were supposedly descendants from advanced races. Perhaps ape-like advanced extraterrestrials could exist in the Universe or it could be that the ape-like features evolved as a result of thousands of years natural selection and adaptation to the primitive local environment.

A year later, in 1996 Luc Bürgin, a Swiss journalist, published an article largely based on Korff’s 1995 book: ‘The Meier Controvery: New Accusations’ in UFO-Kurier nr. 18, April 1996 in which he says the following about these 2 pictures:

“Two other pictures from 1975 seemed strangely familiar to me. They show ancient men, which Billy supposedly snapped during his travel to a planet called “Neber”. Somehow it seemed to me as if the Swiss photographed the two hairy figures from a graphic illustration, on which the evolution of men at different points in time is represented. Later it turned out my instinct didn’t mislead me. The graphic designers from List-publisher used such an illustration for the German version of a book of Steve Jones (“Die Botschaft der Gene”, München 1995), at which two of the depicted human predecessors were exactly identical with the creatures on Meiers pictures! (I saved myself the trouble to research the exact age of the original illustration, but I bet it originated before 1975.)”

FIGU, in the person of Michael Heseman, responds to the above article, however the responses are general and does not deal with any specific evidence-related allegations, including the cave men pictures issue.

Source of Meier’s Cave men pictures

Luc Bürgin mentions an illustration from a book from 1995 that shows the same two figures as on Meier’s picture, but didn’t bother to find out the age of the original illustration. A quick Google search turned up a Wikipedia article titled ‘March of Progress‘, which is a famous illustration that shows the evolution of man. Indeed the two figures (circled in red) are strikingly similar to the figures in Meier’s picture.

The March of Progress - Circled

Wikipedia reads:

“The March of Progress, or simply March of Progress, is a scientific illustrations presentating 25 million years of human evolution. It depicts 15 human evolutionary forebears lined up as if marching in a parade from left to right. The image has frequently been copied, modified and parodied, and has been the subject of controversy.

The illustration was commissioned by Time-Life Books for the Early Man volume (1965) of its popular Life Nature Library.[1] This book, authored by anthropologist F. Clark Howell (1925–2007) and the Time-Life editors, included a foldout section of text and images (pages 41–45) entitled “The Road to Homo Sapiens”, prominently featuring the sequence of figures drawn by natural history painter and muralist Rudolph Zallinger (1919–1995). The first two sentences of the caption to the illustration read (with emphasis added), “What were the stages of man’s long march from apelike ancestors to sapiens? Beginning at right and progressing across four more pages are milestones of primate and human evolution as scientists know them today, pieced together from the fragmentary fossil evidence.” Although the context indicates that it was not the authors’ or illustrator’s intent to imply a linear ancestor-descendant parade, as the popularity of the image grew and achieved iconic status, the name “March of Progress” became attached to it.”

Further it says the primitive man encircled in red are Homo erectus and Early Homo Sapiens respectively. Homo erectus lived between 1.9 million years ago and 143,000 years ago and Archaic Homo sapiens, the forerunner of anatomically modern humans, evolved between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago.

Below a side to side comparison between the pictures and the illustration, also see this animation for a better comparison:

March of Progress comparison

The same picture was indeed also used on the cover of Steve Jones’ book ‘Die Botschaft der Gene‘ (The Message of the Genes) from 1995 (animation). Interestingly, the right foot of the right cave man (human-like) in Meier’s picture is abruptly cut off precisely at the same location where the imaginary line (which is drawn perpendicularly down from the edge of the left foot heel of the extreme-right person on the cover page of the book) intersects the right foot of the preceding early Homo Sapien on the same cover page of the book.

Botschaft der Gene comparision

Below another version (randomly found online) of the same picture (animation):

PrimatesLong arrows

Note the following glaring identical features between Meier’s pictures and the various versions of the 1965 illustration:

  1. Profile perspective
  2. Lighting conditions, shadows and contrast
  3. Walking direction of cave men
  4. Right leg and left hand forward
  5. Physical form, proportions, growth, size and gait
  6. Faces pointing in the same direction

Despite having overwhelming identical features, there are also some minute differences between the Meier’s pictures and the illustrations which become more apparent in the animated gifs. There also seem to be some minor differences between the various versions of the ‘March of Progress‘ illustration. The version on the cover of the book ‘Die Botschaft der Gene‘ comes closest to Meier pictures, but still is not 100% identical. These minute differences – position of feet, posture and size – can be attributed to the fact that Meier’s black and white pictures are of very poor quality (out of focus and blurred) where no distinct outlines of the cave men figures are noticeable since they are faded and mixed with the background color. Why are these pictures in black and white when others like Asket-Nera pictures, Universal Barrier,..etc which are from the same collection available in color ? (All the photos published in PPKBs are in black & white. Perhaps the “originals” would be in color.)

Another reason for these minute differences might be due to the effects of the curvature of the screen or the visual monitor that is noticeable in the pictures of ex-FIGU member Hans Jacob, also documented in Kal Korff’s 1995 book. However for some unknown reasons, these curvatures that were visible in the outer space pictures (developed in 1975) are missing in PPKB 1. Regarding this issue, Wendelle Stevens seems to have suggested that these curved edges were cropped (reasons not mentioned) at Meier’s end to make them disappear from the image. See the 3-part investigation on Apollo-Soyuz et al. pictures for more information on this ‘curved-edges’ topic (hint: search for the word ‘curve’).

Let us for a moment assume that the above reasons still does not account for all the minute differences, technically making it not 100% identical. Nevertheless it can be argued that there could be yet another version among the several versions – that had “frequently been copied, modified and parodied” – based on the original ‘March of Progress‘ 1965 illustration, and published in the media between 1965-1975 that is 100% identical to Meier’s.

Guido Moosbrugger on pages 170-171 of his book ‘And still they fly!‘ (2004) claims that the task of Baavi intelligences/ETs (allies of the Plejaren) on Earth is to transmit pictures (only after Meier first publishes his’), identical to Meier’s outer space pictures in an inspirational manner to artists, science fiction authors,..etc on Earth to prepare them for the coming events. But he explains that due to some reason Baavi intelligences made a mistake and transmitted pictures before Billy’s space pictures were made and/or published.

Let’s apply this explanation for the cave men pictures and assume that the Baavi ETs inspired the artist Rudolph Zallinger to draw this picture. One could ask: Why would they transmit a picture of primitive men ? What is so remarkable about that? Was it to teach us the concept of human evolution? But that idea was already around for about a century in 1965, so there’s nothing new here.

And why did they transmit a picture that happens to be very similar if not identical to a picture that Meier would take 10 years later?
Given the remarkable similarities between the illustration and the pictures this can hardly be explained as a coincidence. So did the Baavi ETs travel to the future to see what pictures Meier would take, then traveled back again and transmitted identical pictures to artists? And the 2 different races that Meier took pictures of, and that were stuck on a planet in another galaxy happen to look the same as two different types of primitive men that once lived on Earth, not to mention that Meier photographed them both in the same posture and profile perspective, that would be perfectly suitable for a picture that illustrates the evolution of humans?

We don’t know whether Guido’s general explanation also applies to the cave men pictures, but this explanation seems very improbable and illogical when the alternative explanation that these pictures simply were taken from an illustration published between 1965-1975 is simplistic and backed up by strong evidence.


Soon after realizing the similarity of Meier’s picture to a famous illustration made in 1965, Mahesh Karumudi (one of the webmasters of BMUFOR) shared his findings with FIGU core group member and SSSC Director Christian Frehner in order to get a response. He responded by saying that these cave-men pictures are really taken by Meier and that Meier would never do such things. Later in the Q/A section on the FIGU forum, when asked by Mahesh about this issue, Meier himself asserted that he really took those primitive cave-men pictures.


We have investigated two of Meier’s pictures which allegedly represent primitive men on the planet Neber. Apart from some remarkable features of the pictures, like a lack of background, the profile perspective and the same posture of both figures, the pictures turned out to be almost identical to the illustration ‘March of Progress‘ of Rudolph Zallinger from 1965. There are still some minute differences between Meier’s bad quality pictures and the illustration. This suggests that there could be yet another version among the several versions that was based on the original ‘March of Progress‘ 1965 illustration, and published in the media between 1965-1975 that is 100% identical to Meier’s.

Refer to Mahesh Karumudi’s article in the timeline for a list of even more contradictions and absurdities.

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Last modified on January 17, 2015 at 10:15 pm