Analysis of Letters, Articles and Books

Letters and Articles



 Date Tuesday, February 3, 1948, 3:16 PM
Verifiable Publications: Semjase Kontakt Berichte, 2nd ed. Vol 17, 2004
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 8, 2005
Type of Claim(s): Not 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 8, 2005



Meier during his 306th Contact (Thursday, July 19, 2001, 4:23 PM), for the first time talks about an essay which he supposedly was told to write by his teacher Gustav Leeman on Meier’s 11th birthday at his School House B, Bülach, Zurich, Switzerland. Since the essay is long, below we have only selected those events that were stated by Meier to happen in the future. For the complete essay, visit the above link.

  1. Progress of the future will still bring many other deadly weapons, and indeed, also those that will be based on deadly vibrations and rays, which can destroy the coming electronics technology as well as all animal-organic and human-organic life.
  2. Environmental pollution, Environmental degradation and incessantly growing overpopulation
  3. Space-flight technology will be included in the progress, and already soon, this technology will also belong to everyday life.
  4. However, there will also be a mixing of peoples, which will bring hatred and death but also disease and epidemic carryovers, which will demand very many victims. Thus, diseases and epidemics will be displaced from the southern into the northern countries and from the northern into the southern, and especially human-sexual perversions and greed for profit will play very important roles.
  5. Diseases and epidemics that are believed to be eradicated will appear anew, as well as various animal diseases, whose pathogens mutate and spread to humans, and there won’t just be a few of these diseases and epidemics.
  6. Genetic engineering, gene manipulation, surgery and medicine will bring tremendous benefits to humans

Above set of prophecies, if indeed was really published in 1948 as Meier claims, are anyway very, very general in nature and contains no specific dates or events to either confirm or deny their authenticity. Under the ‘Conclusion‘ section of ‘Letters and Articles,’ we present evidence and arguments suggesting that the letters or articles containing the prophecies and predictions may not have been published by Meier – especially the very specific ones – between 1940’s and 60’s. These, including some false and unscientific claims, were likely written only decades later, and backdated by Meier.


Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth

Date July 5, 1951
Verifiable Publications: FIGU Special Bulletin 16, January 2005
Semjase Kontakt Berichte, 2nd ed. Vol 20, pg. 3805, 2006
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 9, 2007
FIGU Special Bulletin 42, April 2008
Type of Claim(s): Not 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 9, 2007



In 373rd Contact (Friday, January 21, 2005, 00:17 AM), Meier claims that, when he was 14 years old, he wrote an extensive letter in accordance with prophetic and predictive statements and explanations which had been presented to him by a Plejaren ET named Sfath. He then purportedly made 3,000 copies of it with the help of his teacher Gustav Leemann and sent to “ALL” the governments of Earth as well as to decisive organisations, newspapers, journals, schools,..etc without ever receiving any response. It was also being claimed that the letter, though lost with time, was later retrieved with the help of ETs, which was published again for the first time in 2005 hoping to create a positive change in the present time.

Following are some of the various topics discussed:

  1. Climate change and Ozone problem
  2. Tectonic plate damage from human activity which leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
  3. Cross-species pandemics, and epidemics from outer space in the far distant future
  4. Resurgence of “conquered” diseases
  5. Governmental denial of lethal health dangers
  6. Landslides, floods, weather anomalies,..etc
  7. Prostitution advertised on TV, computers
  8. Destruction of marriage, family unit
  9. Child sex abuse, rampant drug addiction
  10. Deliberately negative popular music
  11. Rise of murderous/suicidal cults
  12. Reemergence of Nazism
  13. Consequences of overpopulation which will reach 6 billion in 50 years
  14. Collapse of economic boom and unemployment at the end of 1980’s

Almost all of this information is very general in nature, again with no specific dates or events. Besides some of the information (see the whole letter) is not supported by science. Under the ‘Conclusion‘ section of ‘Letters and Articles,’ we present evidence and arguments suggesting that the letters or articles containing the prophecies and predictions may not have been published by Meier – especially the very specific ones – between 1940’s and 60’s. These, including some false and unscientific claims, were likely written only decades later, and backdated by Meier.


Warnings to all governments of Europe! Prophecies and Predictions

Date August 25, 1958
Verifiable Publications: FIGU Special Bulletin 23, September 2005
Warnung an alle Regierungen Europas!, 31 pg booklet, 2005
Semjase Kontakt Berichte, 2nd ed. Vol 20, pg. 3963, 2006
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 10, 2009
Type of Claim(s): 100% & Not 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 10, 2009


Meier gave the following explanation in 2005, on his 1958 letter which he supposedly wrote from Schloss Uitikon, Zurich, Switzerland:

The contents of this brochure were already written by 1958, constructed out of revelations from the extraterrestrials Sfath and Asket, whereby the letter of August 25th, 1958 was sent as a “Warning to all the governments of Europe!”. No answer to it was ever received, as all these governments cloaked themselves in deep silence, besides which, they did not heed the warning or take any of the necessary precautions at all in order to avoid the prophesied catastrophes, evil and destruction, and so on, which, as the time in between has shown, have struck as announced catastrophes without exception. Result: the irresponsible governments neither listen to the voices of the prophets, nor do they bother to protect the people from catastrophes, and indeed not even when it has been prophecized for them, clipped and clearly, what the future will bring. As it has been since time immemorial, announcers will not be heeded and their warnings of future events will simply be cast to the wind, and indeed at the cost and to the disadvantage of the people, who, as a result of the lacking and authoritative measures, would suffer damage and destruction to their worldly possessions, and whose bodies and lives are even endangered because the irresponsible governments who were warned, and are aware, are autocratically only protecting their own lives as well as worldly possessions, and the entire security and protection of the people quite manifestly is deemed trivial and unnecessary.

The “prophecies and predictions” arose from the results of some calculations and looking out ahead, as well as out of statements from the Plejaren Sfath, as well as from Asket who comes from the DAL Universe. These 162 verses were written down on the 24th of August 1958, and sent to Karl und Anny Veit, from “DUIST”, respectively “German Ufological Study Community”, in Wiesbaden Germany, to publish in their “UFO-News”. A resonance still remains from that because “DUIST”, respectively K. and A. Veit, cloak themselves in silence and not even once found it necessary to inform their readers about the prophecies and predictions.

As the extraterrestrial Asket explained, both Veits received the “Prophecies and Predictions” and read it in its entirety, but thereafter destroyed it because in its entirety it did not fit into their sectarian concepts. This happened because unpleasant facts in regard to religions and sects were named in the explanations of the “Prophecies and Predictions”, subsequently it was never considered by Karl and Anny Veit for publication, because both were too deeply inclined towards sectarianism and the whole thing went against their sectarian belief. So the act of the destruction of the 162 verses, and a concealing of the same from the Veit adherents and the readers of “UFO-News”, were the most obvious examples of the Veit’s irresponsibility.

Yet to say is, that certain words, respectively, terms, from around 1958 were not yet with the Earth people, respectively, not yet in common parlance, but these were named by the Plejaren Sfath and by the extraterrestrial, Asket, therefore already at that time they were used by me in my writing.

Hinterschmidtruti, September 4th, 2005

Following are some of the various topics discussed:

  1. Two U.S. wars in Iraq led by USA, one will be fought in 3rd millennium
  2. Dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991
  3. Reunification of Germany at the end of 1980’s
  4. Soviet’s hard landing of unmanned object on moon on September 13, 1959
  5. First man in orbit on April 12, 1961
  6. Soviet probe soft lands on moon on February 3, 1966
  7. First trip to the moon in 1968
  8. Total of 6 moon landings takes place between 1968 and 1972 by USA where the 1st moon landing on August 20, 1969 is fake
  9. Cloning of animals and humans
  10. Worldwide AIDS epidemic will develop in 25 years from 1958, i.e. in 1983
  11. Surge of religious fanaticism
  12. Use of plastic credit cards
  13. 1993 formation of European Union
  14. Discovery of planets beyond Pluto only after the turn of the millennium
  15. German Pope after the new millennium
  16. Biochip enslavement by EU, USA
  17. Ozone holes due to Chloroflurocarbons and its consequences
  18. Diseases from contaminated blood transfusions
  19. Destruction of families
  20. Parents sell or murder children
  21. Crime increase from illegal immigration
  22. Natural disasters due to overpopulation
  23. Euthanasia industry
  24. Spread of drug use, Crystal meth
  25. Islamic, US, Israeli, Palestinian terrorism
  26. Home invasion robberies
  27. Trade in human organs
  28. Cosmetic surgery and its dangers
  29. Choosing gender of baby
  30. Widespread abortion as birth control
  31. Worldwide linking of computers
  32. Test tube humans for spare body organs

Aside from general information on a wide variety of topics, there are some extremely specific events and dates mentioned by Meier. See the ‘Conclusion‘ section of ‘Letters and Articles’ for a comprehensive analysis of this 1958 letter and its implications.


The man of the Earth does not think..

Date Tuesday, February 3, 1959
Verifiable Publications: FIGU Special Bulletin 48, April 2009
FIGU Bulletin 68, September 2009
Type of Claim(s): Not 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None



Meier in FIGU Special Bulletin 48 (April 2009) or FIGU Bulletin 68 (September 2009) claims that when he was 22 years old, he wrote an article on Tuesday, Feb 3, 1959 and sent it from his place in Ringlikon, Zurich, Switzerland to the editor of the newspaper Limmattaler Tagblatta regional daily newspaper of Zurich’s canton Limmattal for publication. He also claimed that the editor had sort-of published the article with the title – Dem Ende der Menschheit entgegen? (Towards the end of humanity ?) – on Wednesday, February 18, 1959 before the letter was completely changed, distorted and falsified; and that instead of mentioning the name of the author as Meier, the editor used the pseudonym ‘Eriba‘. We couldn’t verify any of these claims.

It is quite a lengthy article and so we have selected the below text which we think represents most of the article. For an accurate reading refer to the page numbers given below after each claim in the FIGU bulletins.

  1. In the coming 50 years, many new sects preaches committing suicide for attaining heavenly salvation – pg.3
  2. Interference of countries of christian faith – USA and its allies, with their military actions on other religions-foreign countries leads to world-wide terrorism, particularly to the rise of fundamentalist, extremist Islamists; and this will continue well into the 3rd millennium – pg.3
  3. Climate change started in the middle of 19th century and the fault is due to humans, whose cause is to be found in rampant overpopulation – pg.4
  4. Environmental degradation, new diseases and epidemics, violence, immigration, wars, uprisings, and revolutions will take place – pg.4
  5. US with its allies will militarily enter into far east and orient, as well into the Hindu Kush and will be responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, rape,..etc – pg.6
  6. In 3rd millennium, China alone will have armed forces of well over a million while Switzerland will reduce their army and break direct neutrality by sending military to foreign states – pg.10
  7. Apart from US, countries like Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and other countries will be compelled to upgrade their nuclear and other advanced weapons – pg.10
  8. A world-wide Islamist terrorist organization in the coming time along with US, Israel and Palestine will cause enormous destruction and break international law – pg.10
  9. During the next 50 years, many countries names will be changed due to vicious and murderous wars. Thus armed conflicts will occur in Balkans, Hindu kush, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, India and Pakistan, Korea, South America and Africa where USA often is involved either directly or indirectly – pgs. 11-12
  10. Parts of the countries will aim at independence from mother countries, which will lead to new conflicts – pg.12
  11. In the coming times due to development of science and technology in weapons industries, killing of people becomes impersonal and easier because it happens at a distance – pg.12
  12. In the coming time and till the 3rd millennium crimes directed against life and limb and possession and property of the people, will increase and becomes more brutal – pgs. 14-15
  13. With growing degeneracies in children, adolescents and young people, every man must nowadays (1959) and especially in coming time after 1980 should be particularly aware of educating them – pgs. 14-15

Most of the information is general in nature with no specific claims on dates or events. Under the ‘Conclusion‘ section of ‘Letters and Articles,’ we present evidence and arguments suggesting that the letters or articles containing the prophecies and predictions may not have been published by Meier – especially the very specific ones – between 1940’s and 60’s. These, including some false and unscientific claims, were likely written only decades later, and backdated by Meier. For example see this below claim, listed under point 6 from above.

6. In 3rd millenium, China alone will have armed forces of well over a million… – pg.10

But according to the article – China Military and Armed Forces (People’s Liberation Army, PLA) – on China Today website, the number of PLA is already in millions since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. From the below information taken from the article, it is quite obvious that even before Meier’s 1959 article, PLA had several million people in it’s armed forces.


Where are you going humanity?

Date September 16, 1964
Verifiable Publications: FIGU Offener Brief, Nr.1, 2007
FIGU Special Bulletin 36, June 2007
Type of Claim(s): Not 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None

Unofficial but authorised English translation


This 1964 article, regarding overpopulation, climate destruction, the energy problem and all the other problems of terrestrial humanity resulting from that, was purportedly written on September 16th, 1964 in Kabul, Afghanistan and sent to diverse governments and newspapers in Europe.

Following are some of the various topics discussed:

  1. Overpopulation is the cause of all problems
  2. Environmental pollution and degradation
  3. World-wide melting of glaciers including Arctic and Antarctic
  4. Global warming leads to droughts, floods, snowstorms and hailstorms
  5. Frequency of earthquakes, seaquakes and thereby tsunamis will increase
  6. Mutations in animals and plants will take place as a result of human overpopulation
  7. Vanishing natural resources
  8. Increasing world-wide terrorism
  9. Problems with interpersonal relationships
  10. People will become more susceptible to physical and mental diseases leading them to commit suicide
  11. Asylum seekers, Neo-nazi and extremist entities, ethnic migration, worldwide terrorism and new wars will spread out
  12. Atomic and other explosions disturb the Earth’s structure and release earthquakes and seaquakes as well as volcanic eruptions
  13. In 20 years period, the process of the destruction of the climate and nature will no longer be stoppable if overpopulation is not reduced through a radical halt to births

This letter, similar to other earlier letters, contains information that is again very generic in content with no specific events or dates mentioned. Under the ‘Conclusion‘ section of ‘Letters and Articles,’ we present evidence and arguments suggesting that the letters or articles containing the prophecies and predictions may not have been published by Meier – especially the very specific ones – between 1940’s and 60’s. These, including some false and unscientific claims, were likely written only decades later, and backdated by Meier.


A Prediction

Date July 20, 2008, 7:14 PM
Verifiable Publications: FIGU Special Bulletin 45, October 2008
Type of Claim(s): 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None

Unofficial but authorised translation 


Following are some of the various topics discussed. And refer to the above link for complete information:

  1. Earthquakes, sea quakes, avalanches, floods, storms, droughts, rising of sea levels, volcanic eruptions and other natural catastrophes on the Earth have increased to such an enormous measure that they are no longer to be stopped and the primary reason for all the evil lies in the enormous overpopulation
  2. Climate and industrial refugees climbs to over 35 million in the next few years and 200 million in only 45 to 50 years
  3. Number of these refugees persecuted on political, racist, religious or social grounds, and so forth will also increase to a number of around 30 million in the next few years
  4. Increase in economic refugees
  5. Atmospheric pollution and contamination of land and water whereby plants and animals are effected
  6. Destruction of nature and exploitation of earth’s natural resources
  7. Mentions topics from 1951 letter – prostitution, collapse of economic boom in 1980’s and computers
  8. Interpersonal relationships

Almost all of the information is general in nature and contains no specific date or events, except may be the following claim listed under point 2 above.

2. Climate and industrial refugees climbs to over 35 million in the next few years and 200 million in only 45 to 50 years

Meier says that there would be environmental refugees of 200 million in 45-50 years, i.e. between the years 2053-2058. And Michael Horn has been citing a 2009 report published by CARE (a major international humanitarian agency) – that indicated that by 2050 there could be as many as 200 million climate change refugees – as evidence of Meier’s contact with ETs or his paranormal abilities.

But these figures have already been arrived by experts years ago, if not more than a decade ago before Meier supposedly predicted it with his “paranormal” abilities. In 1995, according to Oxford Professor Norman Myers, the number of people uprooted due to climate change will reach close to 200 million by 2050.

And of course the following excerpt from the ever resourceful Wikipedia on Environmental Migrant cites a handful of sources before the year 2008:

“These claims have gained significant currency, with the most common claims being that 150-200 million people will be climate change refugees by 2050. Variations of this claim have been made in influential reports on climate change by the IPCC (Brown 2008: 11)[15] and the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (Stern et al. 2006: 3),[16] as well as by NGOs such as Friends of the Earth,[17] Greenpeace Germany (Jakobeit and Methmann 2007)[18] and Christian Aid;[14] and inter-governmental organisations such as the Council of Europe,[19]UNESCO,[20] IOM (Brown 2008) and UNHCR.[21]

What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively

Date August 20, 2008, 5:39 PM
Verifiable Publications: Was für das Dritte Jahrtausend prophetisch und voraussagend umfassend kundzugeben ist, 2008
Type of Claim(s): 100% & Not 100%
Corroborated Article(s) None

Official and authorized translation


Following are some of the various topics discussed. And refer to the above link for complete information:

  1. Creational laws and recommendations
  2. Overpopulation and Climate change
  3. Criminality, capital offences, terrorism
  4. Interpersonal relationships
  5. Degradation of human life
  6. Diseases and Epidemics
  7. Undersea volcanoes
  8. Religions, sects, ideologies and false philosophies
  9. Human beings of the earth will finally wake up in about 800 years
  10. A single and uniform global language will be formed
  11. Extended life spans
  12. Solving the secrets of Universe
  13. Space travel
  14. Woman leadership
  15. Restoration of climate to normal
  16. Medical breakthroughs

All of the information, excluding the things predicted to arrive in centuries, is again very general in nature and contains no specific date or events.


Following are the core claims extracted from several articles published by Meier and FIGU regarding the letters and articles that purportedly were published originally by Meier between 1940’s and 60’s.

Core claims:

  1. Many prophecies and predictions concerning various sciences, environment, climate, economics, military and political events on Earth were written and forwarded since 1950’s to leaders of the world, governments, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, various organizations and many private persons worldwide and also were told to pass on to their successors but the entire effort did not achieve anything, which makes them responsible for all destruction, death and suffering.
  2. Majority of the people of the earth are responsible for all catastrophes and evil for not paying attention to Meier’s warnings because these were already warned and published by him since 1950’s.
  3. All Prophecies and Predictions published since 1951 were totally fulfilled in a frightening way and despite this accurate fulfillment, his warnings were ignored.
  4. Accuracy of various Meier’s prophecies and predictions will undoubtedly and unequivocally indicate that Meier has an unusual source of information which no other people has access to, which is from ETs.
  5. It is useless to give prophecies and predictions because majority of the people of the earth does not concern itself with them and does not care and cannot be taught even when they recognize the truth of the prophecies and predictions.
  6. Will stop giving predictions any further because despite publishing many prophecies and predictions, Meier and ETs achieved no success.

Those were some pretty extraordinary claims! Now, does Meier substantiate these claims by providing the extraordinary evidence needed to back them up, thereby validating his claims of being in contact with ETs?

Well, the answer is an undeniable NO! Let us see why.

Most of the claims are general, vague, catch-all, open-ended and statistically likely – which makes it impossible to differentiate the claims made between a hoaxer who was simply “inspired” by the contemporary futurists, scientific studies, science fiction and news in the media, and a genuine UFO contactee or a person with paranormal abilities. In addition to that, there are many claims made in these letters and articles that are considered as pure pseudo- or junk science. But what is more interesting and what we currently would like to focus on is that there are some very, very specific claims made in these letters and articles on a variety of events especially the 1958 letter which lists many specific dates, events, names, places,..etc – which indeed have occurred as described by Meier. So, do we finally have the hardcore, indisputable evidence?

As it turns out, the answer again is an undeniable NO! We have listed seven reasons that casts severe doubt on the authenticity of these letters and articles, more so specifically on the 1958 letter.

Reason #1: Absence of both originals and copies

The following has been stated by Meier on the number of letters/articles and the recipients to whom he had sent his written prophecies and predictions to:

1951 – 3000 copies were sent to all the governments of Earth as well as to decisive organizations, newspapers, journals and schools,..etc
1958 – To all governments of Europe and also to Karl and Anny Veit, founders of DUISTa German Ufological Study Community, in Wiesbaden Germany
1959 – To the newspaper Limmattaler Tagblatt, a regional daily newspaper of Zurich’s canton Limmattal
1964 – To diverse governments and newspapers in Europe

If Meier really had written (either with typewriter or pen) and sent the thousands of copies of those original letters containing prophecies and predictions to diverse parties worldwide, then those copies including the originals could be forensically examined by the forensic document examiner and the likely date of their original publication could be found out. And if the results of this examination reasonably matches with that of Meier’s information then that could be considered as a strong evidence for his claims of being in contact with ETs.

But did such a scientific examination ever took place?

The answer is NO and the simple reason is that no originals or copies have ever been published or submitted by Meier for analysis. Does Meier at least have these letters in his possession (who for some reason doesn’t want them to be examined)? Again the answer is a ‘definite NO’ for the 1951 letter and ‘most certainly NO’ for the rest of the letters.

According to the information (see below) published for the first time in 2005 by Meier/FIGU pertaining to the 1951 letter, the original and perhaps including the several thousand copies, written in the above years and distributed worldwide to the various parties mentioned above, seemed to have been conveniently perished “in the course of time.”

7. In the course of time this letter went the way of the perishable. However, as the conversation about it came up on January 21, 2005, Ptaah explained that he had received a copy of the letter from Asket, one of his nieces, and although everything was indeed already very faded, it could certainly still be made legible.
8. This letter that “Billy” had penned in his boyhood years, and had spread world-wide after being made legible again by a specialist, should now once again come into validity, and indeed by being published on the Internet.

And, as far as we have looked into the contact notes, nothing was reported on the status of the 1958, 1959 and 1964 letters. We won’t be surprised at all if Meier again “blames” the time for the loss of these letters as well, especially the 1958 one which contains many extremely specific prophecies and predictions. It is both baffling and highly suspicious that these letters especially the 1958 one, that can potentially serve as the extraordinary evidence for Meier’s claims of being in contact with ETs and thereby spurring an intended positive change in the thinking and the behaviour of the governments and citizens worldwide, are somehow either not accessible or lost.

UPDATE (Feb. 4, 2016): BMUFOR reader Son Nyugen has stated the following on Mahesh’s personal blog:

You  brought up a good point in your analysis. Meier said he sent out 3000 copies of the 1951 predictions? In those days, a printing press most likely would have been needed since the copiers that we are using today were not available. The first commercial units from Zerox did not come out until 1959 and even if something was available in 1951, it wasn’t cheap. I can remember in the 1990’s when I had to make copies for school at Kinko’s. It was expensive.

So if Meier did, hand copy, 3000 letters and each letter took 5 minutes each, it would have taken him 50 days straight if he worked five hours a day, 25 days if indeed Gustav Leeman did help. If Meier had used a printing press or other methods of copying this letter it would have costed thousands of dollars, not including the postage, letter and paper. So at 14, if he had the time, did he have the money?

And how did he get the addresses of all 3000 organizations, governmental offices, newspaper and contacts? We can Google that information today but to get 3000 names and addresses still would have taken a significant effort. I am jumping to conclusion to say that he had to do the research to get the names and addresses. There may have been some directory that he had access to. All the same, I would like for Meier or someone to tell me where he got the 3000 names. Was there even that many places to send this letter to?

One again, I am not saying that Meier did not do that, but it would seem difficult for a 13 or 14 year old to pull it off without money or resources (did he have the money and time?). Someone around him would have remembered that he labored for two months to copy the letter or paid, at today’s price, thousands of dollars (USD equivalent) to make those copies and send them out.

Reason #2: Absence of witnesses

Meier’s teacher Gustav Leeman who supposedly helped Meier make 3000 copies of his 1951 letter most likely would have died by this time to obtain his testimony. Other potential witnesses could be those people around Gustav Leeman who might have shared information on this 1951 letter with them. Also all the thousands of people sitting in authority or power who received these letters written by Meier since 1950’s could well be potential witnesses. Even if these thousands of people who either have paid or not paid any attention or gave any importance to these letters after reading, when later confronted with the fantastic story of Meier since 1975 (the year when he went public about his contacts with ETs), would have come forward and shared their story about these letters. Or at least they would have come forward when Meier made it public since 2005 about the existence of letters from 1950’s. But so far no witnesses have ever surfaced.

James Moore, the webmaster of UK based pro-Meier website has filed freedom of information requests for electronic copies of the 1951 and 1958 letters supposedly sent by Meier on July 5, 1951 and August 25, 1958 respectively, with the relevant departments in UK government. Their response was all the same – they can’t identify any material in their archives that matches with the filed request. And it is very unlikely that all the recipients of the letters since 1950’s, even after recognizing that it was Meier who wrote them would not dare to come forward and support his claims. It is simply impossible even for some hypothetical secret government or group to be able to suppress all these thousands of people from all over the world from ever coming forward.

Regarding Karl Ludwig Veit (1907-2001) and his wife Anny Veit (1900-1989) – founders of DUIST (Deutsche UFO/IFO Studiengesellschaft), a German Ufological Study Community, in Wiesbaden Germany – who purportedly received Meier’s 1958 letter containing 162 verses of prophecies and predictions and later destroyed it, it is very strange that they never mentioned the existence of Meier’s 1958 letter through out their entire lives before they died in 1989 and 2001 respectively. Karl and Anny Veit were discussed in Meier’s contact reports several times, to be precise at least 10 times (see below for list of CRs). And in all those reports Mr.Veit was characterized by Meier or ETs as an important person who can spread Meier’s/ETs message and as a sincerely thinking and acting person who values honest openness. They also viewed the couple’s work as being diligent and praised them for withstanding many attacks, intrigues and obtaining much success inspite of difficulty. On the other hand they also mentioned that the Veit couple are religiously conditioned, and were easily being deceived and mislead by cheaters.

  1. CR 7 (Feb 2, 1975)
  2. CR 15 (May 1, 1975)
  3. CR 22 (May 28, 1975)
  4. CR 29 (July 7, 1975)
  5. CR 31 (July 17, 1975)
  6. CR 38 (Nov 13, 1975)
  7. CR 40 (Dec 18, 1975)
  8. CR 44 (Feb 16, 1976)
  9. CR 64 (Oct 2, 1976)
  10. CR 232 (Nov 17, 1989)

They were also mentioned in Existentes Leben Im Universum, pgs. 237-245, 1993 under the title ‘Sektierer-Dummheit’ (Sectarian Stupidity), where two letters from Karl and Anny Veit to Meier in 1975 were produced. The 1st letter written in July 7, 1975 contains a lot about religion, how meier shouldn’t spread his book Talmud Jmmanuel (TJ) and how they are behind the pictures as evidence for ET life but not behind his spiritual teachings. And in the 2nd letter, receiving Billy’s notes for a lecture about his contacts and mission, Karl and Anny Veits asks Meier to limit his lecture to only his UFO experiences and not talk about his teachings which disappointed them, as they believed in God, Jesus and the rest. They were also mentioned in Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums … Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (From the Depths of OuterSpace..Contacts with Pleiadians/Plejarens), pg.128, 1997 where Meier writes the following:

Also DUIST (German Ufological Study Association), under the previous leadership of Karl and Anni Veit, turned out to be a hostile group towards me, as I did not agree to talk according to their prescribed lines at the UFO-congress, that the Plejadians/Plejarians were coming to Earth as messengers of God. Because I wanted to state the truth, that the extraterrestrials from the Plejades/Plejares reject all religions and godhoods in the sense of a creator, DUIST and its leadership became enemies, which they have remained up to this day. – (google translation)

It is very difficult to imagine that Meier who published a lot on the Karl and Anny Veit couple in many FIGU publications never mentioned anything, even remotely about the event where the couple concealed and destroyed the spectacular 1958 letter (Warning to all governments of Europe!) containing 162 verses of prophecies and predictions, which was intended by Meier to inform the readers of the DUIST in their periodicals. Did Meier deliberately, only made up the story after the couple have died, since the dead can’t speak? This same kind of farfetched and peculiar claims – to which the potential witnesses always happen to be dead – have been made by Meier many times before on various issues, particularly the one where he claimed that he supposedly met many world leaders (who have already been in contact with the Plejaren ETs) face to face with his ET mentor Sfath.

Reason #3: Time of revelation of the letters

If Meier indeed has written, published and distributed those thousands of letters containing extremely specific prophecies and predictions for the benefit of humanity, then why didn’t he publish or even mention the existence of these extraordinary letters supposedly in his publications in the years following his so-called official contacts with ETs in 1975, before these were only published for the first time since 2005 i.e., several decades after the prophecies and predictions mentioned in them have been fulfilled?

In ‘Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums … Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren‘ (1997), on page 44, Meier just mentions a pamphlet in which he wrote about overpopulation, made 3,500 copies and distributed to all governments and other important organizations during 1950’s. Even in this context, there was no mention of the letters containing prophecies and predictions.

Meier in his writings, on events that occurred before 1975 – from his life threatening Pnuemonia at 6 months old, schooling, first UFO sighting and ET contact in 1942, his travels, jobs (see ‘And Still They Fly’, pg. 53, 2004) and family – goes into very minute details and almost covers all interesting as well as everyday ordinary mundane stuff that happened in his life. Given the significance and the world-wide impact these decade-old letters were intended to have on all levels of society (religion, politics, science, economics, law..etc), one would expect that these letters would have been mentioned in any of the Meier’s publications at least starting from 1975 when he officially announced to the world that he was in contact with ETs, provided evidence (photos, videos,..etc), formed FIGU organization and began self-publishing his contact reports and other texts.

Up to the year 2004, there were 3000 single-spaced typewritten sheets of contact reports, more than 2500 pages typewritten pages of spiritual teachings, beside more than 20 books and a considerable number of pamphlets, bulletins and numerous articles in the periodical Stimme der Wassermannzeit (133 periodicals were published by Dec 2004), not to mention many dozens and dozens of other material in the meanwhile (see ‘Through Space and Time,’ pg. 13, 2004). But for some reason that raises serious suspicion, the existence of these letters was never ever mentioned in any of them, until they for the first time were mentioned and published between 2005 and 2009, several decades later after the events have been fulfilled.

Reason #4: Burden of Responsibility

Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth (July 5th, 1951/2005)
Author: Billy Meier

51. I have all that to say, because it is the prophetic and, at the same time, the predicting truth.
52. All of you who perceive these words of mine, comprehend the courage to consider what is said and to draw the right conclusions from it, and to behave correctly, because there is still time – however it already has begun to run away between the fingers.
53. Consider these prophecies and predictions and behave in the sense towards a change for the better.
54. Also make everything public for all the humans of Earth through instructions in all media, in order to achieve an alteration and transformation in a positive sense and in order to protect Earth and its entire mankind from all iniquity, from all evil, from all degeneration, from the many deaths and destruction and from the step into annihilation.
55. All of you who receive my letter have the possibility, the power and the responsibility to protect Earth and its humanity from all that I have revealed to you.
56. Do not hesitate, rather act, and indeed quickly, because time is pressing.
57. If you do not act immediately, then you are just as responsible, if the prophecies are fulfilled, as all those who in the future will concern themselves for their fulfillment.

Warning to all the governments of Europe! (1958/2005)
Author: Billy Meier

..much of the predicted chaos and catastrophe is, unfortunately, already unavoidable and the time hurries along and will become short. Thus action is announced, and this is your responsibility because you sit in government and now know what the future will bring in Europe and the entire world. Act before it is too late – and pass these warnings and prediction along to your successors as they have a duty, just as you do, to act in the context of the required need so that the land and everything existing thereon as well as life and limb as well as the worldly possessions of the people are protected and preserved.

Where are you going humanity? (1964/2007)
Author: Billy Meier

..Already very much has been done so the predictions fulfill themselves..That will be necessary in many places because much of the predicted chaos and catastrophes will unfortunately already be unavoidable – and time flies and is short. Therefore action is called for, and this is the responsibility of the entire terrestrial humanity…Human of this Earth, you still have one last chance – one short period of time. Indeed, consider: this short period of time, which rolls over the world, will still only be short, before my words are proven to be true, words of prediction which will already soon be fulfilled if you travel further in your traditional style.

Above excerpts from the 1951, 1958 and 1964 letters indicates that Meier conspicuously places the burden of responsibility or duty of stopping/averting world-wide man-made and natural catastrophes that were prophecized or predicted on everyone of those who have received these thousands of letters – world leaders, governments, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, various organizations and many private persons worldwide – and also places the responsibility on the entire terrestrial humanity (see 1964 letter). Meier claimed that he didn’t receive even one response from the total number of thousands of recipients, to whom he has written letters since 1950’s. He also specifically claims that the founders of  DUIST (Deutsche UFO/IFO Studiengesellschaft), a German Ufological Study Community, in Wiesbaden Germany – Karl und Anny Veit destroyed the 1958 prophecies and predictions letter sent to them for publication in their magazine since “it did not fit into their sectarian concepts” and calls this as the “most obvious examples of the Veit’s irresponsibility” for concealing this 162 verses of prophecies and predictions from their readers and also from general readers of UFO topics.

But what about the responsibility of Meier between the period of 1964-2004, the time when the existence of these letters and their “extraordinary” content has been apparently kept under wraps. The 1958 letter contains many specific events, some of which are presented below.

  1. Two U.S. wars in Iraq led by USA, one will be fought in 3rd millennium
  2. Dissolution of Soviet Union in 1991
  3. Reunification of Germany at the end of 1980’s
  4. Worldwide AIDS epidemic will develop in 25 years from 1958, i.e. in 1983
  5. European Union formation in 1993

All of the above events occurred between 1980-2003. And if Meier is really concerned about the major aspect of his mission which is to warn and save the terrestrials from the self-destructive path it has taken, why didn’t he republish these letters again through his own publishing house – Wassermannzeit Verlag (Aquarian-time Publishing House) – which existed since 1975? By again republishing these letters in 1975 and later through his own publishing house before the events gets fulfilled, Meier could have gotten all the world-attention he needed when these events gets corroborated later. And when these prophecies and predictions gets fulfilled, it will be incontrovertible for both the people in power and men-on-the-street to ignore his claims, and thereby some positive change could have resulted as intended by Meier and ETs.

Despite having them not published, Meier, ETs and FIGU members in several contact reports (see the bulletins above)  rather puts the blame on the entire terrestrial humanity especially the world leaders, governments, media, newspapers,..etc for not acting on these prophecies and predictions specially delivered to them for mass dissemination.

Reason #5: Chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) vs Bromine?

In Contact Report 7, Tuesday, February 25, 1975, Meier was informed by Semjase that ‘Brom‘ (means bromine in german) was the major factor in destroying ozone layer. But, 15 years later in Contact Report 236, Thursday, April 26, 1990 new explanation was given that the word ‘Brom‘ which ET-Semjase “mistakenly” used during CR 7, 1975 was actually a Plejaren word and that it meant CFCs in Plejaren language and that Semjase should rather have used FCKW’s (meaning CFC’s in English) instead. So until 1990, Meier has been claiming that bromine as the main culprit behind the destruction of ozone layer. (Check our debunking of this Meier’s claim here.) 

But, in his 1958 letter in verses 100 and 124 (see below), Meier was already made aware of the real cause behind the ozone layer destruction, which is the CFCs or the chlorofluorocarbons, but not the bromine:

100. Also, when nature defends itself against the human madness of planetary destruction, the Earth becomes ever more naked and less fruitful, and through the fault of humans the air will burn, because the ozone shield will slowly be destroyed.

124. And through the fault of humans, chlorofluorocarbons sluice through the atmosphere, the Earth will burn, and melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer will take hold and demand many deaths, and all that because, through human irrationality, the majority of the ozone shield, which protects against the rays of the sun, will be destroyed, whereby the atmosphere will be like a curtain full of holes and the strong and burning light of the sun will burn the skin, and the eyes of many people will be permanently blinded.

If Meier was really made aware of the CFCs in 1958 as being the major factor in destroying ozone layer, he would have objected to Semjase’s information supposedly conveyed to him in 1975 that bromine was the major factor, which was maintained up to the year 1990. But he didn’t object until a FIGU co-founder and core group member, the late Guido Moosbrugger has brought this scientific contradiction to the attention of Meier who then published a rather bizarre excuse which is that the word (‘bromos’) which Semjase stated in 1975 is actually a Plejaren word (meant for CFCs in their language) and not a German word (meant for bromine gas).

Reason #6: Lack of credibility and Misinformation

The age at which Meier purportedly sent these letters was – 14 years during 1951 letter, 21 years during 1958 letter, 22 years during 1959 article and 27 years during 1964 letter. At that time Meier was not only a person of no importance in his community in Switzerland but in fact, according to his own information, in 1950’s Meier was (“wrongly”) convicted twice for assault and sent to youth prison or correction facility, where he had spent a handful of years.

Most of the information in his letters is about environmental degradation, religious fanaticism, man-made disasters, natural disasters, overpopulation, interpersonal relationships and other similar general topics with no specific date or events. And other topics like cloning, internet, growing human organs,..etc sound very futuristic and are already envisaged by science pioneers and science-fiction authors at that time. And the small part that contains specific data was about events that are far to very far into the future which obviously cannot be verified. The specific events which are mentioned close to the 1958 year (time of letter) are regarding the space explorations. And the nearest event mentioned was about the launch of Soviet rocket carrying an unmanned object to moon in September 13, 1959 which was predicted to have a  hard landing. Even this event is more than a year later than the date on which Meier has allegedly written the letter which is on Aug 25, 1958. Besides these space explorations (launching, data recording, analyzing, landing,..etc.) are always planned often many years or decades in advance of the launch date.

Unless the recipients of the letters have took serious interest in the first place and have kept frequently checking the letter to see if the mentioned events were occurring as written or not, we believe there is no reason for the European governments to take the letter seriously, alert the authorities and powers that be and finally make the world-changing policies, Meier/ETs intended.

A similar doubt was expressed by a member named Pavani on FIGU forum, to which Meier responded on March 2014 as follows:

Herr Meier, 
My question is about the 1951 & 1958 letters. Your mission has gained worldwide popularity and established credibility through evidence since 1975. 
But back in 1951(14 years old) & in 1958(21 years old), there was no evidence provided by either you or Plejaren in order to establish credibility & draw attention to the mission. 
I would like to know what was the logic behind sending these letters to the governments, newspapers, institutions,..etc worldwide at a time (1951 & 1958) when you have not established your credibility or draw attention through evidence & which is why the authorities & people can easily disregard these letters as written by some science-fiction doomsday prophet. 
In 1958 letter were many specific events mentioned which occurred in 1990’s & the beginning of 21st century, like the breakup of USSR, unification of Germany, 2 Iraq wars, European Union,..etc. If the intention of Plejaren was to alert the world governments & people about these events and to change for the better, why didn’t they warn about these events from 1975 onwards? 

Billy also had to go through his „prentice years“.
(Note by CF: When a person is knowledgeable of negative future events which could be averted if humankind changes its behaviour and thinking etc., why should he not try to warn governments etc. early enough to provide the chance that the worst effects could be avoided? Even if that person is a teenager or young adult.) 

Note: CF in the above brackets mean Christian Frehner, a FIGU Core Group member and SSSC director who helps Meier with the Q/A section on the forum and also addresses all English correspondence.

Meier again responded to the follow up question by the same person on April 2014:

Thanks Billy. However you didn’t answer this part of my previous question: In 1958 letter were many specific events mentioned which occurred in 1990’s & the beginning of 21st century, like the breakup of USSR, unification of Germany, 2 Iraq wars, European Union,..etc. If the intention of Plejaren was to alert the world governments & people about these events and to change for the better, why didn’t they warn about these events from 1975 onwards through contact reports ? 

There were plenty of, and repeated, warnings in the seventies, eighties, and even until today. Read the books!
It appears that you are one of those people who are on a constant journey to find proof that something is not as it really is. 

And another follow up by the same person to which Meier responded on June 2014:

Hello Billy, the following was your response: 

“Thanks Billy. However you didn’t answer this part of my previous question: In 1958 letter were many specific events mentioned which occurred in 1990’s & the beginning of 21st century, like the breakup of USSR, unification of Germany, 2 Iraq wars, European Union,..etc. If the intention of Plejaren was to alert the world governments & people about these events and to change for the better, why didn’t they warn about these events from 1975 onwards through contact reports ? 
There were plenty of, and repeated, warnings in the seventies, eighties, and even until today. Read the books! 
It appears that you are one of those people who are on a constant journey to find proof that something is not as it really is.” 

I have read all the CRs which have discussed these topics – breakup of USSR, unification of Germany, 2 Iraq wars, European Union,..etc. What I have found is that none of this information has been published before the events have occurred. That is they are only published after the events occurred. In such a case how can one call them true predictions if they were published after the facts were known to all. And why do you think such post-published information would attract the attention & make people realize the truth of your claims, when there is no evidence that they (info have been predicted before the events occurred. You have written alot on belief vs knowledge. And how should we understand the information published in many articles where you cite these fulfilled predictions (1951 & 1958 letters) as a proof of whats wrong with humanity; when it seems we were apparently not given any information from these letters beforehand during 1970’s & 1980’s, that is before the events occur ? 
There are only 2 ways to find the truth of your claims on 1951 & 1958 leters – one is to believe you and the other is investigate ourselves by looking at the evidence of publication and accuracy of unfolded events in CRs. We know you are against the belief-path and so we are left with latter logical path. Since you have said that there is indeed information that you have published from 1951 & 1958 letters in 1970’s & 1980’s. Would you please cite some evidence ? 

There is no use and no need to repeat details of prophecies or predictions over and over again.
Btw: On the 14th of March another prediction by Quetzal has been fulfilled when a dangerous asteroid whooshed past Earth.

Note: See this link for the deconstruction of the March 14th-fulfilled prediction claim made by Meier or Christian Frehner.

Meier, in the above Q/A, stubbornly insist that he has repeatedly published the specific prophecies and predictions from the 1950’s again in his contact reports and other books from 1975. But our extensive investigation using Meier’s own original publications from 1970’s has yielded zero such instances – essentially exposing his claims as nothing but dishonest and unsubstantiated lies.


All of the above six reasons strongly support the null hypothesis that Meier never published any prophecies or predictions, at least the specific ones, in his 1958 letter before the events transpired. This then means that he simply wrote them down only several years or decades later, only after those specific events have come to pass, but with a much older date printed on it.


Existentes Leben Im Universum, 1993/2014


In 1987 Billy Meier published a book titled OM (Omfalon Murado). In the first pages of the book, there is a listing of all his other earlier publications up to 1987, when the book OM was published. The chapter is called ‘Erklärungen‘ which means ‘Explanations’ in English, thus it not only lists the titles, but it also give some explanation and historical background around each publication. It is written by one of the very first core group members. However this list was not available in the new edition of OM, published in 2011. We find the following information on the book Existentes Leben Im Universum from the 1987 edition:

“Billy wrote this work under the title ‘Das Universum’ (‘The Universe’) as continuations for ‘Stimme der Wassermannzeit’ (Voice of the Aquarian Age) periodicals between April 81 – March 84. For many years, time and again, he encountered conflicting information from scientists about the size and the creation of our Universe. The information provided was in each case changed and retracted or altered, almost from year to year, after each new discovery of further galaxies. Billy’s own data, however, which he to some extent calculated himself, but which he in part also received from the Pleiadians, were then, and are still also now (as of 1988) looked down upon and ridiculed by the scientists, even after, in the past years, (prior to 1988) all the predictions he until then had submitted had been confirmed.

Since many discoveries were once again made in the astronomical area, which in turn resulted in new insight for the scientist’s, Billy developed the existing facts further in 1984, after the completion of the continuation, despite serious health problems caused by the accident in November 1982, and wrote a voluminous manuscript, but which, as of 1988, is still not yet published since the preparatory work for the publication of the book OM has been given priority.” – (rough translation and small changes made, Source:

This clearly states that only the information published in Stimme der Wassermannzeit (SWZ) periodicals under the title ‘Das Universum’ (The Universe) between April 1981 and March 1984 got into the Existentes Leben Im Universum (ELIU) book. From our investigation, we found that this information from early 1980’s (in SWZs) was included in the pgs. 269-355 of ELIU, which in 1988 was still being worked upon by Meier.  ELIU was only first published in 1993 and that is why the ‘1993’ year is shown in the copyright page of the book, which actually reads 1978/1993.

But why is ‘1978’ mentioned as copyright year? Was this book or any part of this book published in 1978 which was somehow forgotten by the person who wrote the ‘Erklärungen‘ in OM 1987 ?

The answer is NO.

We have looked into all the SWZ periodicals published in the year 1978 and also up to March 1981 and found no information in them that got into the 1993 ELIU. To have some text or documents copyrighted, you need not necessarily have to get it published. According to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works — which covers most countries in the world (Berne or Bern is a city in Switzerland) — your work is protected from the moment you create it in a format that is “perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device”. 

In many places in ELIU, Meier explicitly or implicitly mentions the year in which he is writing, which is 1978. For example, on page 184 Meier writes the following:

“Sind es heute, im Jahre 1978, rund vier Milliarden Menschen, die die Erde bevölkern, so werden es im Jahre 1990 an die fünf Milliarden sein, und im Jahre 2000 sicher schon an die sechseinhalb oder sieben Milliarden.”

“There are today, in 1978, approximately four billion people who inhabit the earth, so it will be five billion in 1990, and in 2000, certainly at six and a half or seven billion.”

So Meier might have written parts of the book back in 1978 but for some reasons, he didn’t publish it then but only later in 1993. And to be more accurate with the publication date up to the month in 1993, an announcement regarding a new book – ELIU was made in pg. 29 of SWZ Nr. 89 published in Dec 1993. These SWZs (after mid 1980’s) were published once for every 3 months. So the Nr. 89 was published in December 1993 for the months of December 1993, January 1994 and February 1994. There is a chance that ELIU could have been published between the publication times of Nr. 88 (in which ELIU was not mentioned under new books announcement) and Nr. 89. SWZ Nr. 88 was published in September 1993 for the months of September, October and November 1993. But a corroboration article (‘Angaben von 1978 aus dem Buch Existentes Leben im Universum erfüllen sich‘) was written by Meier with regard to some information (See Toutatis below) from ELIU in SWZ Nr. 87 in June 1993 which was for the months of June, July and August 1993.

So let us take this information into consideration and assume for our investigation that ELIU could have been published or its text might have been known to FIGU members at the earliest in June 1993.

According to a FIGU Core Group member – Elisabeth Moosbrugger – the reason for the not being able to published the book since 1978 was due to lack of financial means (personal correspondence):

“Das Buch Existentes Leben im Universum hat Billy 1978 geschrieben, es wurde aber erst 1993 veröffentlich, weil vorher die finanziellen Mittel gefehlt haben.”

Another FIGU Core Group member – Hans George Lanzendorfer – also suggested the same in German FIGU forum along with other possible reasons like longer periods between writing a book, correcting and up to its publication and also a lack of technical equipment. These reasons sound strange because between 1978 and 1993 Meier published many dozens of books, booklets, periodicals,..etc. For example the first edition Semjase Kontakt Berichte was published in 19 books, 100 pages each between 1977-1981; and a total of 9 second edition books with 200 pages each were published between 1987-1992, not to mention many dozens of other material.

Age and size of the Universe

pgs. 152-154, unauthorized translation

As for example it is clear from the aforementioned newspaper article, science still stated up to January 1957 that the end of the universe was 1 billion light-years away from Earth. As a result of an observation with the Mount Palomar telescope this illusion suddenly vanished, namely because light sources were detected which were 6 billion light years away. That wasn’t the end though: since the year 1957 the scientists who studied the universe had to revise over and over again, and they had to admit that their ‘final obtained results’ were completely wrong and could not be proven. Since then namely, as always, because of the progress of technology and thus the much better exploration and research possibilities, the results obtained long ago became obsolete and were replaced by new and better results. In the meantime science now asserts that the end of the universe is 15 x 15 trillion light years away from earth, while the age of the universe is 18 billion years, although it was still claimed in 1957 the age of the universe is about 15 Billion years.

Only this: how does it fit together that the end of the universe would be 15 x 15 trillion light years away, if on the one hand the universe has an age of 18 billion years, while on the other hand nothing can travel faster than light, as science claims? How, one wonders, could the universe only be 18 billion years old, if already the gigantic distance of 15 x 15 trillion light-years (x 9.4 trillion kilometres) universe expansion exists, which would already take light with a speed of 299,792.5 kilometres per second 225 trillion years to bridge? It would take an equal number of years for the universe to create this vastness of space with a light speed of 299,792.5 kilometres per second. Therefore according to the assertions of scientists, were it only because of the statements about distances in the universe, the universe should be at least 225 trillion years old, which in no way corresponds to the facts, because the age of the universe only amounts to about 46 trillion years, whereby however it’s distance and size are tremendously much larger, because the initial expansion rate of the universe and thus the creation amounted to the initial 147 times larger than the speed of light and now still is many times the speed of light.

Scientists very often have to revise over and over again, and so will it be again in the coming years and decades, especially in the sciences of physics, astronomy and astrophysics etc. Very soon it will be that research telescopes will be launched into space, which will already be the case at the end of the eighties or at the latest in first year of the nineties, after Halley’s comet will have passed by in the year 1986, which will be explored from the earth with a probe, as the spaceship pilot Semjase credibly assured. However, even before these events it will occur that astronomy makes discoveries of the most distant stars and galaxies, which are located around 100 billion light years from Earth. With the so-called Space Telescope, to be placed into orbit at the turn of the eighties-nineties, it will then be possible to solve more mysteries of the universe, because with this device it’s possible to see much deeper into the universe than is the case with modern devices that are stationed and used on earth. Therefore soon the 100 billion light years distance in universe exploration will be crossed and stars and galaxies will be discovered that are well over 100 billion light years away from earth. Besides that, as Semjase assured, many things that were hidden for scientist until then will be revealed by the space telescope, but also many puzzles will be solved and facts will be revealed, about which scientist didn’t even dare dreaming of.

Apart from many probes which explore our neighboring planets and will also reach very far outside our solar system, the space telescope will be a small miracle of earthly technology, which provided the earth people unprecedented new perspectives. Only because of this the 18 billion-age theory of scientists will collapse regarding the age of the universe. The only question remains is how long it will take before the bigoted scientists admit their miscalculations and misconceptions. Despite everything this may take many decades or even centuries.

When one considers the vast distances of light years of the universal space, one wonders how one can get the crazy idea that the universe is only 18 billion years old. Galaxies alone, which are only 30 billion light years away already prove that this crazy assumption about the age cannot be right. If there are stars and galaxies 30 and even 50 and 100 billion light years away, then it is obvious the age of the universe must be much higher as is mistakenly being assumed. If a galaxy 100 billion light years away is being identified, then this means this galaxy already existed there and transmitted its light 100 billion years ago, that can be seen and determined from the earth in the present time. Only the light from the galaxy took 100 billion years to get to the earth, which implies the universe already existed 100 billion years ago.

Again and again scientific revisions of supposedly ‘final results and research findings’ arise, but still our narrow-minded and dogmatic terrestrial scientists and their supporters have not become wiser.


Is this text on pgs. 152-154 of ELIU published earlier in the SWZ periodicals between April 1981 and March 1984? Even though the text was supposedly typed down in 1978 (see pg. 150, ELIU, 2014 ed.), it was for some reason not published in any of the SWZs, but was only published for the first time in ELIU in 1993.

Meier, on pgs. 150-151 (in 1993 ed.) cites a German news article titled – Den Schöpfungsgeheimnissen auf der Spur Mount Palomar – published in ‘Trostberger Tagblatt’ newspaper in 1957. This article reports the discovery of the most distant object (a spiral nebula) at 6 billion light years away from Earth, thus pushing the ‘Ende der Welt’ (‘end of the universe’) to 6 billion light years away from the earlier calculated figure of 1 billion light years.

After presenting this 1957 report, Meier with the aid of Plejaren in supplying him with some data (see excerpt from ‘OM’ above), went on to make the following patently unscientific and bizarre claims, purportedly typed down in 1978 (but not published):
Note: Several disparaging and ridiculing remarks made by Meier on scientists have been ignored here.

  1. According to scientists, in 1978, the age of the universe is 18 billion years and the end of universe is 225 trillion light years away, which again disproves the earlier “final” results arrived by scientists in 1957 on the age and end of the universe being 15 billion years and 6 billion light years away respectively.
  2. Scientists own estimation, in 1978, on the age of the universe being 18 billion years old is self-contradictory and wrong because their own ‘end of the universe’ value indicates that the universe has already created a 225 trillion light years of space. And since it would take an equal number of years for the universe to create the vastness of space with a light speed of 299,792.5 kmps, so it would take 225 trillion years for the light to traverse the 225 trillion light years of distance. Hence the age of the universe should be 225 trillion years.
  3. However, the 225 trillion years age of the universe arrived by the scientists own findings is incorrect, and the correct age of the universe is only 46 trillion years old, with the size being much larger since during the initial expansion stage, the universe has expanded at 147 times the speed of light and now still expanding at many times the speed of light though at a lower value than the earlier.
  4. Even before the launch of the space telescopes during late 1980’s and the first year of 1990’s, discoveries of the most distant stars and galaxies, which are located around 100 billion light years from Earth will be made.
  5. And after the launch of space telescopes, objects much farther than 100 billion light years away will be discovered.
  6. If there are stars and galaxies 30 and even 50 and 100 billion light years away, then it is obvious the age of the universe must be much higher as is mistakenly being assumed. Galaxies that have been already discovered to be 30 billion light years away prove that the end of universe (in 1978) as being 18 billion light years away is incorrect.

Points 1, 2, 3 and 6:

Here Meier seems to be claiming that our scientists in 1978 have discovered the ‘end of universe’ to be 225 trillion light years away. When the phrase ‘end of the universe’ is usually used in the scientific and popular literature, it actually meant the end of the observable universe (or the cosmic horizon) which according to latest estimates is at about 46.5 billion light years away (or 93 billion light years in diameter) and not the end of the total universe that should include the unobservable part, which alone is many times the size of the observable universe. Different estimates exist, one value speculates the size of the total universe should be at least 3×1023 times larger than the size of the observable universe but another estimate speculates it to be to just 250 times larger than the size of the observable universe. And another estimate gives the size to be 14 trillion light years in diameter.

If Meier’s source for the 225 trillion light years estimate for the ‘end of universe’ is genuine (we couldn’t locate the source), then it must have been a speculated figure referring to the edge of the total universe and not the observable universe, which Meier apparently mistook it for, revealing his lack of knowledge. Also the age of the universe has no direct relationship whatsoever with the size of the observable universe. The best estimate for the age of the universe is 13.799±0.021 billion years or simply ~13.8 billion years, which is nowhere near the 46 trillion years figure as stated by Meier. But the edge of the observable universe is at 46.5 billion light years away, meaning that the objects that are located up to 46.5 billion light years away, could in principle be observed from Earth. According to Meier’s logic, this is a contradiction because he claims that if an object is located at a distance of 46.5 billion light years away then it would have taken light 46.5 billion years to traverse that distance at the constant speed of 299,792.5 kmps, thereby pushing the age of the universe to be 46.5 billion years. How can it be? By the same Meier’s logic, how can a galaxy named z8_GND_5296, be 30 billion light years away when the universe is said to be just ~13.8 billion years old? And how come the distance to the same galaxy is given here as 13.1 billion light years? Are scientists too ignorant and bigoted to realize their own mistakes?

As it turns out, this is such a common misconception among the uneducated and the ill-informed. The simple answer has to do with the expansion of the universe or space. The light detected by the scientists from the above galaxy (z8_GND_5296) started its journey when the age of the universe was just 700 million years, i.e. around 13 billion years ago. And due to the expansion of the universe or space which is several times the speed of light, this position is NOW at about 30 billion light-years away, also called as the comoving distance, which tells us where the galaxies are NOW even though our view of the distant universe is when it was much younger and smaller. While, the figure ‘13.1 billion light years’ refers to as the light travel time distance, which represents the time taken for the light from distant galaxies to reach us. Light travel time distance is as much a measure of time as a measure of distance. It is useful mainly because it tells us how old the view of the galaxy is that we are seeing. Visit this link for more information on these different types of distance measurements. And also watch this youtube video for better illustration.

Points 4 and 5:

Since the edge of the observable universe is ~46.5 billion light years away, no object beyond that distance in principle can be observed even with the most advanced telescope conceivable. So it is impossible to detect objects that are beyond ~46.5 billion light years, let alone 100 billion light years and even beyond, using our relatively poor telescopes in 1980’s and thereafter.


Despite the above listed factual atrocities, FIGU in the 1987 ed. of the OM claims that these figures – unlike the scientists’ that are often changed, retracted or altered almost from year to year with new discoveries – published by Meier with the help of Plejaren on the ‘size and the creation of our Universe,’ are accurate and have been ‘confirmed’ regardless of scientists ridiculing them. But something very peculiar happened 36 years later, on pgs. 151-152 of the 2014 ed. of the ELIU. Ironically, the same “accurate” numbers in the above excerpts have been altered, perhaps due to the criticism on the embarrassing and absurd predictions made on the findings on the age of the universe, before and after the launch of the space telescope(s) during late 1980’s and early 1990’s. It should be noted that none of these alterations have been highlighted as errors or printing mistakes in all these 36 years in any of Meier’s publications, even to this day, thus strongly supporting the notion that these have been likely deliberately and quietly modified. As a result of this seeming cover-up several internal contradictions and fallacies have become both unavoidable and apparent. The 2014 ed. now reads to mean the following:

Point 4:
Even before the launch of the space telescopes during late 1980’s and early 1990’s, discoveries of the most distant stars and galaxies, which are located around 10 billion light years from Earth will be made.

Meier (altered) statement above implies that no object was ever detected that was around 10 billion light years away from Earth before the launch of space telescope(s) between the late 1980’s and the first year of 1990’s. But even before 1978, there have been many objects (quasars) that have been found to be around and farther than 10 billion light years away. The first object ever found to be around 10 billion light years (light travel time distance) away is the quasar 3C 9 in the year 1965. It’s current (in 1965) distance or comoving distance was around 17 billion light years away.

Point 5:
And after the launch of space telescopes, objects much farther than 10 billion light years away will be discovered.

Meier’s (altered) statement doesn’t make any sense at all, since as mentioned above, we already have discovered objects that are farther than 10 billion light year away, way back in 1965.

Point 6:
If there are stars and galaxies 3 and even 5 and 10 billion light years away, then it is obvious the age of the universe must be much higher as is mistakenly being assumed. Galaxies that have been already discovered to be 3 billion light years away prove that the end of universe (in 1978) as being 18 billion light years away is incorrect.

This cosmic absurdity is self-explanatory.

Hubble Space Telescope

First let us look into claims made by Meier/FIGU regarding the alleged corroboration of Hubble space telescope prediction.

FIGU Bulletin 4, August 1995:
Author: Billy Meier

As long ago as the 1970s, when nothing like the ‘Hubble’ space telescope existed, I stated in my book Existing Life in the Universe (BMUFOR NoteExistentes Leben Im Universum), that when released into orbit at the end of the 1980s, this telescope would make unfathomable discoveries in the depths of space. Well, I was ridiculed at that time, for nobody had an inkling then that one day soon the Hubble space telescope would be conceived, constructed and sent aloft.

Everything happened as it had been predicted, and from the moment the Hubble began orbiting the Earth, numerous new and astronomically valuable discoveries throughout the vastness of space have been made with it.

FIGU Bulletin 6, February 1996:
Author: Billy Meier

In Existing Life in the Universe, a book I wrote in 1978, I already predicted the construction and launch of the Hubble Space Telescope into an Earth orbit. At that time I explained that magnificent discoveries were going to be made with this remarkable piece of apparatus which would necessitate the revision of many outdated claims and assumptions adhered to by terrestrial astronomers. And this is precisely what is taking place now that the telescope is functioning at a satisfactory level…When, after decades in the planning and construction, the large telescope was finally launched by a space shuttle into an orbit around Earth in 1990, frustrated scientists discovered the precious instrument had a cutting flaw in its main mirror, which resulted in out-of-focus-photographs. The damage was rectified in 1993 under the direction of Claude Nicollier, a Swiss astronaut.

Proof beyond reasonable doubt
Author: Michael Horn

In a Wasserman publication, Meier foretold the launch of a telescope at end of the 1980s that would make unfathomable discoveries in space..
Corroborated: April 1990, Hubble telescope was launched.

Did Meier really predict in 1978 that a telescope named ‘Hubble’ would be launched at the turn of 1980’s-90’s ?

The answer is unequivocally NO! Only the following information is available in ELIU (1993/2014) on the topic of space telescope and telescopes in general on page 152; and as expected there is no mention of the name of the space telescope being ‘Hubble’ or for that matter any name at all:

Very soon it will be that research telescopes will be launched into space, which will already be the case at the end of the eighties or at the latest in first year of the nineties..With the so-called Space Telescope, to be placed into orbit at the turn of the eighties-nineties, it will then be possible to solve more mysteries of the universe, because with this device it’s possible to see much deeper into the universe than is the case with modern devices that are stationed and used on earth. Therefore soon the 100 billion light years distance in universe exploration will be crossed and stars and galaxies will be discovered that are well over 100 billion light years away from earth. Besides that, as Semjase assured, many things that were hidden for scientist until then will be revealed by the space telescope, but also many puzzles will be solved and facts will be revealed, about which scientist didn’t even dare to dream of. Apart from many probes which explore our neighbouring planets and will also reach very far outside our solar system, the space telescope will be a small miracle of earthly technology, which provided the earth people unprecedented new perspectives.

Is predicting the launch of a space telescope that looks much farther in space an extraordinary event as Meier seems to suggest?

While it is true that Hubble (which was named as such in 1983) was the only telescope at that time to have the capacity to see much farther into space, it is not an extraordinary prediction or nor even an ordinary one at all. This Meier’s prediction is only as “extraordinary” as the prediction of a more powerful supercomputer in the future, which is inevitable and fulfilling virtually every year. Though Meier seems to be close to predicting the launch time of the space telescope as the turn of 1980’s-90’s which in fact happened on April 24, 1990 due to the delay caused by 1986 Challenger accident, there is no evidence to support the claim that he for the first time wrote it in 1978.

But in all of his statements cited above and elsewhere, he and Michael Horn gives the impression that he has mentioned the name ‘Hubble’ and its approximate launch dates in his document and that he had published it in 1978, which we have conclusively proven to be not the case at all.

UPDATE (Feb. 4, 2016): BMUFOR reader Son Nyugen has stated the following on Mahesh’s personal blog:

It was easy for Billy Meier to predict that a space telescope would be launched in the 80-90’s in 1978. In 1977, the U.S. Congress approved the funding of the Hubble telescope and a proposed launch in 1983. Meier said in 1995 “I was ridiculed at that time, for nobody had an inkling then that one day soon the Hubble space telescope would be conceived, constructed and sent aloft.” But why would anybody ridicule him, when at the time that he wrote “Existing Life in the Universe” the telescope was already approved, been in the planning stages for years and was expected to make major discoveries about the universe.

Toutatis, Comet Swift Tuttle and others

Drei Voraussagen der Plejadier (Three Pleiadian Predictions), pgs 180-183, Unauthorized translation (small corrections made)

According to predictions by the Plejarans, three large space projectiles have been situated for some time in the path of the SOL system and specifically in the path of Earth. It concerns three large objects which, to this point, are unknown to Earth scientists or are beyond their observations, but which should be discovered or rediscovered around the turn of the 80s-90s. All three objects should be located outside Pluto’s orbit, hence far beyond the planet Pluto. One of the large bodies measures around 3.2 kilometers in diameter, another 3.5 kilometers, and the third is a “double object.” All three objects have an ancient orbit, having returned to the Earth’s locale over and over again, and have endangered our planet. From the period of approximately October to December, 1992, two of the three larger objects will, in only about a 15-hour margin, intersect the orbital path of Earth at a distance of approximately 3.5 million kilometers; a range which is only just 12 times the Earth-Moon distance. Should the Earth be deviated (as it comes to that point in time) just about 15 hours in its orbit around the sun at the appropriate days in 1992, then a collision with the large objects would be unavoidable, inevitably resulting in enormous destruction and deadly climatic changes on the Earth.

Another large space projectile – a comet with the name “Swift Tuttle” – having an approximate diameter of 3.2 kilometers, should come into a collision course with Earth during the years 2125-2128 and threaten the Earth during this time period. The exact year and month for this event unfortunately have not been mentioned by the Plejarans, yet these figures might be calculated quite well by Earth scientists when they, as predicted, will discover the comet at the start of the 90s.

(Neither anxiety nor panic ought to be caused by these predictions,because, first of all, much in the cosmic events and expiration which pertains to natural laws can still change through some kind of influence as yet unknown, whereby a collision with the comet does not come about, and, secondly, the Earth human being also may already be able to defend against such threatening comets, for example, by means of enormous atom bomb explosions which would be carried out on the onrushing comet and, through their recoil, could steer it out of its orbit. But there is also the possibility of the attachment onto the comet of gigantic nuclear propulsion engines or beam propulsion engines,whereby their recoil can push it out of its orbit. But it must also be noted that – as soon as one speaks of the danger of a collision with the Earth by meteors, comets or the smallest of planets – if such an outer space projectile passes by the Earth by hundreds of thousands, or a few million, kilometers, then such small distances are dangerously close and can lead to collisions under certain circumstances. At least in the next coming years, the terrestrial technology will flourish so far that such a thing is possible.)

The Pleiadians explain that, increasingly, from the beginning of the nineties, larger and smaller meteors are to enter the Earth’s orbit and crash down on our planet. Beginning with the smallest meteorites, larger ones of several metres in diameter are also including. Thus proper meteors, which are not exactly harmless, and can also wreak a certain damage.

The third object concerns a small double-planetoid (two objects together), which threatened the Earth several times before and which, in earlier times, had constituted a triple cometary system together with another comet; a phenomenon considered extremely rare in the entire universe. This phenomenon means that three comets collectively travel in an orbit, beside or behind one another, thereby forming a triplex system.

The first comet of this system was several times larger in diameter measuring 11,300 meters, as declared by the Plejarans, and hurried 1.2 million kilometers ahead of the smaller ones. It follows that around 66 million years ago, the giant entered into the direct orbit of Earth and plunged down into it, specifically in the still young and shallow Atlantic. The impact tore a crater around 200 kilometers in diameter and about 1,500 meters deep in the ocean floor. Through the violent energy of the impact, the comet was vaporized, as well as 120,000 cubic kilometers of water and rock from the ocean and the Earth mantel. Rock fragments, dust, molten rock, and immense quantities of steam were ejected into the atmosphere, while simultaneously, primeval tidal waves as well as fire and storm waves broke out and the entire Earth shifted over. The whole planet shuddered, and new and dormant volcanos erupted and produced a veritable inferno. Within only nine months, the Earthly atmosphere was saturated in a world-encompassing form through the gigantic masses of steam and highly ejected dust and soot particles in such a way that a powerful greenhouse effect developed. The temperature rapidly climbed about 27 degrees Celsius, and again cooled off to about 32 degrees Celsius lower than the temperature prior to the impact of the comet. The planetary temperature rise and subsequent temperature plunge was not the only aftermath of this catastrophe. The masses of steam and the dust and soot particles, which circulated in the atmosphere, grossly reduced the solar radiation and effected a global, incessant night and darkness lasting 342 years. There arose acid rains that destroyed much on the Earth right up to the buds, stemming from all the filth in the atmosphere.

These spoken of events were the reason the dinosaurs died out on the Earth as well as all animal life that weighed more than 36 Kilos (75 lbs.). Countless microscopic life was also destroyed in the waters and sandbanks, as well as manifold plant life on land and in water. The acidity of the acid rains also destroyed the plankton in the seas and other waters, as well as certain types of rocks and deposits of lime. The food chain of those creatures, that was dependent on the plankton nutritionally, was also destroyed by the death of the plankton and other diverse vegetable life-forms. The same also happened in the animal-world: Many types perished because of the eternal darkness and drop in climate, while others subsequently starved because their food-source, lower animals through which they had nourished themselves, had died.

This, therefore, is the history of the giant comet that had in its trail back then had that companion which will emerge regularly again in short intervals from the early 90s on and from which the Earth can be threatened anew, as it was already many times before in the last 66 million years. It frequently endangered the Earth and shrouded it in its tail haze several times, causing temperature changes which often sustained a long time. Its speed amounts to about about 150,000 km/h and might enter into the Earth’s region around the month of September, 2004, whereby a definite threat will be present that must be taken seriously, because, as the Plejarans state, the likelihood of a collision course exists. This, however, should not be cause for a global decline in morale as much can change before the year 2004, i.e. the comet can be pushed out of its orbit if, for example, responsible Earthlings focus their efforts in such matters. A detonation of the comet through nuclear bombs, etc., would be possible, yet maybe the comet will be guided elsewhere, for instance, through the gravitational influence of the larger Sol system planets, and so forth.

As already explained, this approaching planetoid is still unknown by astronomers and other scientists. It has a very long orbital period and, therefore, a very long frequency cycle and has not yet been registered and recorded in any historical record up to this point. However, at the end of the 80s or in the beginning of the 90s, it should become discovered, after which it will receive the name of “Toutatis” by Earth people, in all probability, as the Plejarans state.

The danger with which these comets, meteors and planetoids can threaten the Earth does not involve a prediction that must irrevocably come to pass, but a probability calculation of 62%. Such a probability can naturally receive a higher or lower value through various factors based on what transpires through the course of time, thereby resulting in a rise or fall in the danger of a cometary collision with Earth. Through all kinds of cosmic influences alone, the threat of a collision can be mitigated or completely removed, or the threat can increase or come to fruition. However, this will be confirmed in the following years, from which will emerge how everything develops concerning these comets up to the year 2004, respectively 2125-2128 or even up to 1,000 years later.



  1. Three Comets come from beyond Pluto, their discoveries and origin
  2. Comet Swift Tuttle – origin, size and collision
  3. Toutatis – origin, size, speed and collision
  4. Unnamed Comet
  5. Dinosaur-killer Comet

Michael Horn in his article – Proof beyond a reasonable doubt – presents the following as evidence of Meier’s contact with ETs:

In a Wasserman publication, Meier.. wrote that a comet would be discovered in the late 1980s to early 1990s; it would be named Toutatis, and may threaten Earth in September 2004..

Corroborated: 1989, French astronomers discovered a comet [asteroid], named it Toutatis, and predicted it would come closest to Earth on September 29, 2004.

Now, are the ‘Three Pleiadian Predictions’ on pgs. 180-183 of ELIU published earlier in the SWZ periodicals between April 1981 and March 1984?

The answer is NO. They are only first published in ELIU in 1993.

Have they perhaps been personally shared with other FIGU members by Meier before the publication of book in 1993?

The answer seems to be most likely NO, because as you will see below, most of the claims came true in 1989 and 1992. Yet we have seen no corroboration articles published in 1989 or 1992 by Meier or FIGU members in any of the books, booklets, pamphlets or even in periodicals, in which usually the so-called “corroboration” articles gets published. This suggests that the information about these three comets was only published for the first time in ELIU in 1993.

Let us now get into the individual claims.

Three Comets come from beyond Pluto

The Plejaren or Pleiadian ETs supposedly conveyed 3 predictions to Meier about 3 comets which come from beyond Pluto, and that they will be discovered at the turn of the 1980’s or 90’s. From the text above we can deduce that the 3 objects which they must talking about must be these –  Switft-Tuttle, Toutatis and another unnamed object (with a size of 3.5 kms in diameter). This 3.5 kms comet was not named for some reason.

Comet Swift Tuttle – origin, size and collision

The Plejaren stated the following on Swift-Tuttle:

Swift-Tuttle is a periodic comet with an orbital period of 133 years, whose origin is Kuiper belt (see below image). It fits the classical definition of a Halley-type comet with a period between 20 and 200 yearsIt was independently discovered by Lewis Swift on July 16, 1862 and by Horace Parnell Tuttle on July 19, 1862, hence the name Comet Swift-Tuttle.

Comet Swift-Tuttle Orbital path beyond Pluto

Comet Swift-Tuttle Orbital path beyond Pluto

The information in this link, suggests that this comet was predicted in 1860’s to have a period of 120 years and thought to visit the area near the sun again in 1980’s. Shortly after its discovery, Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli noticed that the orbit of Comet Swift-Tuttle was remarkably similar to the orbit of the dust particles responsible for the Perseid meteor shower each August and established that comets are the originators of meteor showers. In the 1970’s when the  number of meteors seen each year in the Perseid meteor shower increased, it seemed that Comet Swift-Tuttle was about to reappear but it it didn’t. In 1973, astronomer Brian Marsden, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, suggested that the comet seen in 1862 might have been the same comet reported in 1737 by a Jesuit missionary, Ignatius Kegler, in Beijing, China. The connection was possible if “jets” on the comet, caused by ice turning into gas because of the Sun’s heat, exploding away from the comet’s surface and acting like rocket exhaust, slightly altered its orbit. Marsden predicted that Comet Swift-Tuttle, with a newly calculated period of 130 years, would return at the end of 1992. Increased numbers of Perseid meteors the past few years indicated the comet might be near. And his prediction came true on September 26, 1992, when a Japanese amateur astronomer, Tsuruhiko Kiuchi, using six-inch binoculars, noticed a comet moving through the Big Dipper in an area where scientists had calculated Comet Swift-Tuttle should be seen, if it would indeed reappear.

So the appearance of Comet Swift-Tuttle was already predicted by astronomer Brian Marsden in 1973 and rediscovered in September 1992, 5 years before Plejaren ETs predicted it in 1978 and 20 years before Meier first published it in 1993.

Meier also states that the Comet Swift-Tuttle has an approximate diameter of 3.2 kilometers and could come into a collision with Earth during the years 2125-2128, for which the probability is 62%. 

The size, in 1992, was given as 6 miles or 9.65 kms. This 1995 science papers presents various size estimates of the comet as – 23.6 kms, 27.46 kms and 30 kms in diameters. It is now considered to be 26 kms in diameter, which is more then 8 times the size of 3.2 kms as predicted by Plejaren/Meier.

The Plejaren also seems to have predicted (allegedly in 1978) that Swift-Tuttle would threaten the Earth with a collision in 2125-2128 with a probability of 62%. Initially in 1992 there were reports that there is a possibility – on the order of 1 in 10,000 – that the comet would strike the Earth on August 14, 2126. But subsequent observations have shown that there is absolutely no threat over the next two thousand years and that it will pass a comfortable 15 million miles from Earth on its next trip to the inner solar system.

Toutatis – origin, size, speed and collision

The Plejaren state the following on Toutatis:

Toutatis or 4179 Toutatis was first observed on February 10, 1934, as object 1934 CT, and then promptly lost.[10] It remained a lost asteroid for several decades until it was rediscovered on January 4, 1989, by Christian Pollas, and was named after the Celtic god Toutatis (Teutates). It is an ApolloAlinda, and Mars-crosser asteroid with a chaotic orbit produced by a 3:1 resonance with the planet Jupiter, a 1:4 resonance with the planet Earth, and frequent close approaches to the terrestrial planets, including Earth.[5] It is listed as a potentially hazardous object,[6] although the odds of a collision with Earth are minute.[7]  Its eccentric, four-year orbit extends from just inside Earth’s orbit to the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, as shown below.  

Asteroid Toutatis Orbital path between Mars & Jupiter

Asteroid Toutatis Orbital path between Mars & Jupiter

Comets have a wide range of orbital periods, ranging from several years to several millions of years. Short-period comets originate in the Kuiper belt or its associated scattered disc, which lie beyond the orbit of Neptune. Longer-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort cloud, a spherical cloud of icy bodies extending from outside the Kuiper Belt to halfway to the next nearest star. And there were no indications to suggest that Toutatis has even cometary features thus creating a window of possibility to speculate that this object was once a dead comet trapped in the asteroid belt.

What the Plejaren said regarding the origin, orbital period and identity (asteroid vs comet) of Toutatis is at odds with science.toutatis_s.gif

The shape of Toutatis was obtained by radar images during the object’s close approach to Earth on December 8, 1992.  The images revealed two irregularly shaped, cratered objects about 4 and 2.5 kilometers (2.5 and 1.6 miles) in average diameter which are probably in contact with each other. The four frames shown here (from left to right) were obtained on Dec. 8, 9, 10 and 13 when Toutatis was an average of about 4 million kilometers (2.5 million miles) away from Earth. The time required to obtain each of these images was 55, 14, 37 and 85 minutes, respectively. Also this Jan 10, 1993 newspaper article presents the above radar study.

So the shape of Toutatis as being a double-object or bilobate was first known in December 1992 or at the earliest we could find in the mass media by Jan 10, 1993, several months before ELIU was published between June-December 1993.

Meier published an article in Stimme der Wassermannzeit, Nr.87, June 1993 called ‘Angaben von 1978 aus dem Buch Existentes Leben im Universum erfüllen sich‘ (‘Information from 1978 from the book Existent life in the Universe are being fulfilled‘). He presented 3 different examples and one was about the distance at which Toutatis would pass Earth between Oct-Dec 1992 at about 3.5 million kms, which in ELIU he writes would be equal to “12 times the Earth-Moon distance”, which is incorrect because the Earth-Moon distance is around 384,400 kms and so the 3.5 million kms equal to about 9 lunar distances and not 12 lunar distance as Meier writes.

How could the advanced ETs be so wrong about our Earth-Moon distance? Could it be a printing error? More on this towards the end.

The Plejaren also allegedly predicted in 1978 that Toutatis would threaten the Earth with a collision in September 2004 with a probability of 62%. This February 1992 paper – Future Earth Approaches of 4179 Toutatis – predicts a close approach of Toutatis in 2004 within a distance of 0.01 AU which is about 4 lunar distances, much closer than the 9 lunar distances in 1992. This information was also already released by NASA press in 1992, before the publication of ELIU in 1993. In 2004 a chain e-mail erroneously claimed that Toutatis had a 63 percent chance of impacting the Earth that year, which of course was refuted by scientists who since a short time after its discovery knew that it would pass the Earth safely in 2004.

It is however interesting to note that this 63% collision from the chain letter is close to the Plejaren’s value of 62% predicted in 1978. Perhaps the chain was started by someone who took Meier’s claims seriously. A paper titled – Asteroid 4179 Toutatis: 1996 Radar Observations – published in 1999 concludes that the probability of the Toutatis orbit intersecting Earth is zero for at least the next six centuries and that goes for the year 2004 too.

Unnamed Comet

The Plejaren predicted that a comet far beyond the orbit of Pluto with a size of 3.5 kms would be discovered or re-discovered at the end of 1980’s or 90’s and also seem to have suggested that this comet also has a 62% probability of impacting Earth. But the year of impact was not mentioned. The given data is not enough to track the comet which the Plejaren were warning about.

Dinosaur-killer Comet

This Wikipedia article on the discovery of the impact crater and its potential link to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction, 66 million years ago reveals that this information was already known prior to 1993. Rest of the data too is already published in various science papers since the late 1970’s and 1980’s.

While the scientific consensus is that it was a large and relatively slow moving asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, Meier claims that it was a comet and not asteroid. A 2013 report prompted Michael Horn to claim that Meier’s information on comet being the culprit, has been corroborated “once again” proving his contacts with ETs. But what Michael Horn seems not to be aware of is that for this hypothesis to become a theory, the majority of the scientists have to be convinced by it which is not the case so far, as some doubts have already been raised in that same article Michael cited.


Were the obvious contradictions in the information on the space objects regarding – origin, discovery, orbital period of Toutatis and size of Swift-Tuttle – simply the outcome of printing errors?

FIGU published a corrigenda – a list of errors in a book along with their corrections – for ELIU and this information on pages 180-183 was not mentioned in it, implying that these were not due to printing errors or other mistakes. And below, Meier clearly states that this exact information came directly from the Plejaren ETs.

Meier below responds to a question by a member of FIGU forum named Pavani in Sep 30, 2013 who also expressed similar doubts:

In Existentes Leben In Universum, pp. 180-183, it says
“According to predictions by the Plejarans, three large space projectiles have been situated for some time in the path of the SOL system and specifically in the path of Earth. It concerns three large objects which, to this point, are unknown to Earth scientists or are beyond their observations, but which should be discovered or rediscovered around the turn of the 80s-90s.
What are those 3 objects ? Is Swift Tuttle a part of the three large objects or is it not included in the three large objects list ?
This is my guess for the three objects & please correct me if i am wrong:
a – Swift Tuttle(3.2 kms)
b – 3.5 kms diameter unnamed object
c – Double Planetoid-Toutatis(which once was a companion to the dinosaur-killing asteroid)
I have found some scientific findings which have different values to those published by you. I would like to know, whether these values published by you in 1993 edition of the book do not contain any printing mistakes & thus are correct according to Plejaren or not.

1) “All three objects should be located outside Pluto’s orbit, hence far beyond the planet Pluto…”

This means that the three objects Comet Swift-Tuttle, 3.5 kms dia. object & the Toutatis are beyond Pluto. We know that Comet Swift-Tuttle is beyond pluto but Toutatis according to the science is from the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter with a 4 year orbital period.

2) “Another large space projectile – a comet with the name “Swift Tuttle” – having an approximate diameter of 3.2 kilometers, should come into a collision course with Earth during the years 2125-2128..”

Comet Swift-Tuttle’s diameter is given as 26 kms & not 3.2 kms according to science.

3) “It (Toutatis) frequently endangered the Earth and shrouded it in its tail haze several times, causing temperature changes which often sustained a long time. Its speed amounts to about about 150,000 km/h and might enter into the Earth’s region around the month of September, 2004, whereby a definite threat will be present that must be taken seriously, because, as the Plejarans state, the likelihood of a collision course exists.”

Toutatis speed is around 35,000 – 38,000 km/h as investigated by the science and not 150,000 km/h.

The information Billy wrote about in that book was told to him by the Plejaren. Two of the three „Weltraumgeschosse“ were Swift Tuttle and Toutatis.

Regarding point 3, there is no contradiction at all, because the value 35,000-38,000 km/h is the velocity of Toutatis relative to Earth (in 2004) and the value of 150,000 km/h refers to the heliocentric velocity i.e. velocity relative to the Sun. However the heliocentric velocity mentioned in a newspaper article cited by Meier from September 1992 in SWZ, Nr. 87 1992, was 140,000 kmph, which by the way has a difference of 10,000 kmph with the Pleajren’s predicted value of 150,000 kmph.

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Last modified on March 8, 2016 at 2:48 pm